
Damn, I Awakened With A Horror System!

A sudden and unprecedented event occurred and took place on Earth. A fissure instantly appeared in the clear blue sky, revealing a void devoid of any light beyond, instantly covering the whole planet, leaving no Life, no Hell, and no Paradise behind... Hence the start of a new chaos and a great beginning of life devoid of any hope began. In this apocalypse and lawless world without any limits set upon its beings, a silent dark wisp took form. A wisp that was bound to become the Horror of All was born... "Wait… I’ve become a Ghost?!" ___WPC Entry___ Please support...

Master_OfDao · Fantasy
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264 Chs

Using the Archives of Witch Doctor for the first time (1)!


Soon enough, after Jerome retreated for about 3 meters. The sound of heavy crashing resounded to his ears. Followed by the debris of earth hitting his physique, giving him a slight sensation of pain.

Dust lingered within the atmosphere. With the addition of darkness that shrouded the encompasses of the land, the vision of the group further diminished.

Planting uncertainty within their being as they hurriedly approached each other, understanding that they could reduce the chances of the abomination ambushing them if they watched each other's back.

"What kind of abomination is that!? This is my first time seeing so horrifying!"

Ker, staring at the clearing atmosphere in the distance, couldn't help but curse under his breath. Staring at the pale face of the snake, beholding how its expression changed from time to time.

Showing a playful, vicious, and amusement from its dreadful face!