
Damn, I Awakened With A Horror System!

A sudden and unprecedented event occurred and took place on Earth. A fissure instantly appeared in the clear blue sky, revealing a void devoid of any light beyond, instantly covering the whole planet, leaving no Life, no Hell, and no Paradise behind... Hence the start of a new chaos and a great beginning of life devoid of any hope began. In this apocalypse and lawless world without any limits set upon its beings, a silent dark wisp took form. A wisp that was bound to become the Horror of All was born... "Wait… I’ve become a Ghost?!" ___WPC Entry___ Please support...

Master_OfDao · Fantasy
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275 Chs

I Choose This! (1)

(If you hate chapters without fighting and full of dialogue it's recommended to skip this chapter (^-^ ). )


Approaching the town, Leo stared at everything with relish, feeling everything was a new and novel experience for him...

Soon, the group stopped as they arrived at a seemingly heavy 3-meter-tall silver gate, connected to the towering wall.

As Leo was mesmerized by the grandiosity of the gate, one of the guards holding a 2-meter trident slowly walked toward them... Slightly further away, behind the guard, a young lady wearing silver glasses silently tailed.

"Roland you're finally back!? It's been a while since I last saw you... I thought you already died out there." The guard casually jokes.

"Indeed, you should treat me later," Roland replied with bitter smile, remembering that he really almost died in the past few weeks.