
DAMN am in hell

Jack Dawson's mundane, cynical life takes an unexpected turn when a darkly humorous accident transports him to Hell. Awakening in a realm of eternal damnation, Jack must navigate a bewildering bureaucracy and face both the horrors and absurdities of his new surroundings. Determined to rise above his circumstances, Jack embarks on an epic journey through Hell's complex hierarchy. Along the way, he encounters strange allies, powerful demons, and relentless challenges, all while grappling with his own moral dilemmas.

al6733 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 6: Aftermath and New Alliances

Jack woke up with a sense of exhaustion and triumph weighing on him in equal measure. Hell's air was still stiflingly hot, but today, it did feel just a touch lighter. He sat up, wincing a little—aches from the battle the previous day had really set in this morning. A glance around, and he found all his friends spread out around their makeshift camp, recovering from their harrowing experience just like him.

Lila was already awake, working on a small fire and heating some kind of soup. Sam was already snoring pretty loudly, lying on the ground in a position that could hardly be called 'comfortable'.

Jack had to wade through to get to Lila, who handed him a bowl of the soup. "Morning," she said, with a smile that was tired.

"Morning," Jack replied, sipping the soup and wincing at the taste. "This is… unique."

Lila snickered. "Yeah, well, gourmet's hard to come by in hell. You get what you get."

Jack nodded to her, graciously accepting the effort. "Now what? We did stop Garruk, but that doesn't mean we're out of this alive."

Lila's face grew somber. "You're right. He's weak, but he's not done. We'll get our bearings, gather more like us, and be ready for when he strikes back."

Sam just then woke up and yawned noisily, rubbing at his eyes. "Ugh. Could anybody catch the license plate of that truck that hit me?"

Jack smirked. "I think it was 'GARRUK1'. You look like hell, Sam."

"Gee, thanks, Jack," Sam grumbled, sitting up and snagging a bowl of soup. "So, what's the plan for today? More demon ass-kicking?"

"Ah, something like that," Jack replied. "We need to gather our allies and reinforce the line. Garruk's not going to stay down forever."

Sam nodded. His face was actually serious for once. "Say no more, I say. I'll be sure to comb the streets for other poor souls who might be willing to join us."

With their feeble breakfast ended, the group got about the task of becoming further acquainted with their surroundings. They would need resources, allies, and information to survive whatever came from Garruk in response.

The first place they visited was a nearby settlement of souls, an area where the souls not yet succumbed by the despair of Hell gathered in a semblance of community. As they drew closer, Jack could feel the wary looks from the inhabitants. Word about the confrontation with Garruk must have traveled fast.

Jack stepped forward, his hands up in a pacifying gesture. "We mean you no harm. We're looking for allies. Garruk's growing power threatens us all."

A long, wiry man stepped forward, his eyes raking up and down Jack and his companions. "And why should we trust you? For all we know, you could be working for Garruk."

Jack shook his head. "We stopped his ritual. We're fighting against him. If we are to stand a chance, we really don't have the option to fight among ourselves."

The man thought for a moment before nodding slowly. "Alright. My name is Thane. I'm in charge here. Let's talk."

He led them toward a small, ramshackle building that seemed like it could be their meeting hall. There, they found the group of souls as tired, weary, and wary as their own. They sat down, and Jack explained the whole scenario and the need for allies.

"We don't have much," Thane admitted. "But what we do have, we'll share. Garruk's been a thorn in our side for too long. If you can help us, we'll stand with you."

Jack felt a surge of hope. "Thank you, Thane. We can use all the help we can get."

The rest of the day was spent planning and thinking, putting their overall experience and resources together. The information Thane's people had was valuable with regard to Garruk's forces and the movements, so together they brainstormed and formulated a plan to counter his next move.

Night fell, and Jack and his friends found a quiet corner to rest. Uncertainty in his situation it might be, but the feeling about camaraderie and purpose was something he had missed for quite a while.

Sam let his head drop back and put his hands behind it, looking up into a starless sky that seemed almost—hurtfully, Sam thought—not starless. "You know, I never thought I'd say this, but Hell's not so bad with you guys around."

Jack laughed low, a quiet sound. "High praise, coming from you. Let's just hope we can keep it that way."

Lila nodded. "We'll face whatever comes together. We've already proved we can survive against the odds."

Over the next few days, Jack and his allies worked relentlessly to meet what they knew would be Garruk's eventual counterattack. They would hold valiantly against any attack, train themselves in combat, and not stop gaining more information in bits. Jack found himself growing ever more sure of his abilities both as a leader and a fighter.

Jack was training, fighting with Lila. Thane approached them. His face was somber, truly serious. "We have a problem."

With that, Jack lowered his practice weapon and turned toward the older man. "What is it?"

Thane gritted his teeth before he spoke. "We've had a report in that Garruk is gathering his people together. He's preparing to launch a massive assault on our settlement. We need to be prepared."

Jack felt a lurch in his chest. They had prepared themselves for this, but it was another thing to know it actually was going to happen soon. "How much time do we have?"

"Not much," Thane answered. "A day, maybe two. We've got to make our final preparations."

Jack nodded again, feeling determination harden in his chest. "Alright. Let's get everyone together and go over the plan one more time. We can't afford any mistakes."

The camp turned to one another as if for the last time; now fear was mixed with resolution, etching everyone's countenance. Jack felt all their hopes and trust combined in one, and everyone was before him now.

"Listen up, everyone," Jack began, his voice steady. "Garruk is coming, and the time is coming to prepare hard. We have trained for this moment, we prepared a plan. We know what's at stake. This is our home now. And we're not gonna let Garruk take it from us."

Grunts and nods of agreement resounded from the crowd as Jack continued to outline their plan to defend Veronica, defining just who would do what in its execution. There wasn't a soul out there who didn't have an assignment, and Jack made sure they knew it.

As the crowd broke up so that everyone could run to make last-minute little preparations, Jack felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to meet Lila's eyes, pride and worry filling them.

"You've become quite the leader, Jack," she said softly.

Jack smiled, but the smile never reached his eyes. "Just do what needs doing. We all got to step up."

Lila nodded. "I know. We're all behind ya. We'll get through it, together."

This was a trying day, as every man expected the attack that must come the next day. Scouts still continued to watch, and the defenses were manned throughout the day and night. Jack and his friends went from settler to settler, encouraging them and making sure everything was ready.

It was only when the sun, or whatever served for the sun in Hell, began its descent that the scouts returned on the run, clearly agitated by what they had seen. Urgent news—a black mass of demons and twisted souls advancing like a storm: too fast, too reckless.

Taking a deep breath with the coming battle, Jack said, "This is it, guys; hold your position and remember the plan. We fight for our home, for our future."

The defenders had taken up positions and readied their weapons as the enemy drew nearer. Jack could see Garruk in front, his eyes on fire with rage and determination.

As the two forces collided into each other, there ensued the battle sounds: shouts, weapons clashing, and roars of demonic energy. Jack fought with his friends at the line, putting every little bit of his strength and skill into it.

Even with the preparation, the battle was fearsome. Garruk's minions were countless and formidable, the most daunting examination of the defenders. Jack saw Garruk across from him; his eyes blazed with anger.

"You think to stand in my way, mortal?" Garruk snarled. His voice was oily, full of malice. "I'll squash you and your pathetic rebellion."

Jack tightened his grip with two weapons and locked defiantly at Garruk. "Maybe. But we're not going without a fight."

Here, with a display of blows, the two clashed, which sent normal shockwaves through the air. Jack could feel all that power radiating from Garruk, yet refused to back down. He fought everything, strengthened by the support of his friends.

As the battle raged on, it became clear they couldn't hold out for much lengthier. The defenders were pushed back; their lines shattered under the relentless assault. Jack knew they needed to do something desperate if they were to turn this tide.

"Lila! Sam!" Jack yelled, clear above the battle's din. "We have to disrupt Garruk's forces! Now!"

Lila and Sam nodded, comprehension in their eyes what Jack had meant. They began the attacks of their own, striking at the demons and breaking disorder in their ranks. The disruption was enough to give the defenders a breather to regroup and push back.

In all that mayhem was Jack's chance. Jack bit down on concentration, brewing strength like he had never gathered from their past battles. Aflame with newfound vigor, he threw himself onto Garruk, who was quite unsuspecting.

The two locked into a fight again, but this time Jack had the better of him. More determined and energized by now than he had ever been, he replied to all the might of Garruk, pushing the former and finally landing a blow.

Garruk bellowed in agony and rage as his figure began to flicker and weaken. "It's not over, mortal! I will come for you, and when I do, all of you shall suffer!"

With that, Garruk vanished, his forces defeated and fleeing in disarray. A mighty cheer went up from the defenders, their victory hard-won but all the more meaningful for it.

As dust began to settle, Jack gazed around his friends and allies with pride and relief washing over him. They had improbably made it through this. But Jack knew, for him, it was just the start.

Lila walked up to him, her face displaying a tired but victorious smile. "We did it, Jack. We actually did it."

Jack nodded, his heart full of thanks and determination. "Yeah, we did. And we'll keep doing it, as long as we need to. This is our home now, and we're going to protect it."

Sam clapped Jack on the back, grinning widely. "Hell of a fight, Jack. Let's hope we don't have to do that again anytime soon."

Jack laughed, lightness to his belly he hadn't known in far too long. "Agreed. But whatever comes next, we'll face it together."

As they began to rebuild and recreate, Jack knew he was far from over with this journey. But with friends like Lila and Sam by his side, he was more than ready for whatever laid in store. Together, they had made it clear that even in the deepest, darkest moments, hope and determination could prevail and that, too, would be worth fighting for.