
Damn! My Wives Are So Scary!

Is Mc handsome? Of course! Is Mc cool? Of course! Is Mc OP? Of course! Is Mc silly? Of course! Is Mc shameless? Of course! Is the author handsome? Of course! Undoubtfully! —————————————————— Roel Leonis, a contemporary man from Earth, discovers himself transported to a fantasy world filled with mystical elements entirely absent on Earth. In this world, magic serves as the bedrock, and individuals known as "mages," who wield magic, are as numerous as cats and dogs. As a transmigrant without the customary aid of a "system," Roel must strive diligently to survive in a fantasy world where power holds unparalleled significance. Even without the so-called "system," his wealth of experience reading fantasy novels and the extraordinary talents inherent in his new body allowed him to ascend to the pinnacle. At the age of 25, he had reached the status of a tenth-level mage, securing the title of the strongest young mage in the history of mankind! Regrettably, owing to his excessively menacing presence and the dread inspired by his talents, he found himself ensnared and poisoned by the emperor of the human empire he had faithfully served! "Damn it! If you intend to end me, do it honorably in battle and adhere to martial ethics!" His lifeless body was discarded in the forbidden forest, but by some miraculous turn of events, the dying Roel was rescued by the Black Dragon Lord known as "Calamity" and conveyed to the dragon's palace, where he was chosen to be the legendary dragon's husband!? "My dear~ shall we begin our husband-and-wife ceremony?~" "Hey! Hold on! Shouldn't we at least get to know each other first!?" "Hehe~ That's entirely unnecessary; just leave everything to me, my dear~" —————————————————— #Tags: #Anti-hero #Dragons #Magic #OverpoweredCharacter #Handsome-male-lead #Beautiful-female-lead #Transmigrant #Harem #Cruel Protagonist #Romance #Comedy #Yandere #Possessive Characters #Demon #Elves #Psychopath Character #Heroes #R-18 #Strong-Love-Relationships #Hate-Love-Relationship #Action #Adventure

Satou_Kazuma_Desu · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Roel's Compensation to Freya

"I mean... I've been longing to taste you, my dear Roel~"

"Coughing," Roel choked on his own saliva after hearing such blunt words.

Quickly, he composed himself and gazed up at Freya, who wore a subtly flirtatious expression.

"Freya, what are you saying? How can you speak so openly about such things?" Roel's face flushed with embarrassment as he pretended to be a man who valued propriety and respect.

Upon hearing Roel's words, Freya flashed a charming smile and leaned forward, delicately running her fingers over Roel's handsome face.

"So what if I express myself this way? Isn't it natural for us, dear Roel, to be husband and wife bound by an absolute contract?" Her words dripped with such beauty and charm that they ignited a sudden blaze within Roel's body.

Without a doubt, this woman was a world-class beauty.

With a face so perfect it resembled that of a goddess and a plump, seductive body that tempted anyone like a devil, the two aspects merged seamlessly into the figure of Freya before him.

Her long white hair, reminiscent of a pristine stretch of snow, perfectly complemented her icy-cold temperament.

Additionally, her red eyes, perpetually indifferent and seemingly disdainful of the world, had a way of making any man feel as if he were being stared at with disgust by those two crimson eyes.

Now, with this beyond-perfect woman pressing against his body and whispering such incredible words, it would be a falsehood to deny his arousal.

Only eunuchs and gay men might escape being slightly affected by this disaster-level temptation!

"Gulp~" Roel swallowed hard, feeling the surge of desire coursing through his body at this moment!

Observing his growing susceptibility, Freya's smile widened further as she pressed her huge breasts against Roel's broad chest, leaning in to whisper in his ear.

"Why?~ Do you still wish to restrain your desire, my Roel?~" Her hot breath brushed against Roel's earlobe, causing his breathing to become labored and heavy.

'Damn! This woman is truly playing with fire!' Roel cursed inwardly, feeling the urge to cry but unable to.

It's not that he lacks the desire, but rather, he's apprehensive about his weakened state caused by the poison coursing through his body; hence, he dares not take any risks whatsoever.

With a heart heavier than if burdened with thousands of kilograms, he embraced Freya and tenderly stroked her white hair to comfort her.

"Freya, I'm sorry. It's not that I don't desire it, but I'm concerned about the state of my body at the moment. Moreover, there's still poison lingering within me, and I fear the consequences if we were to proceed," Roel explained, his tone laced with sadness and regret.

The desire within him gradually waned, replaced by a sense of calm washing over him.

He didn't want his first night with Freya to end in discomfort, a scenario he was eager to avoid.

After all, his first time with Freya not only symbolized this life but also marked the end of his previous existence as a single man on the cusp of shedding his virgin status.

Upon hearing Roel's concerns, Freya also gradually regained her composure.

She had completely overlooked this detail earlier, carried away by the euphoria of forming an absolute contract with Roel.

Indeed, as Roel mentioned, there was a chance that the poison in his body could re-activate and potentially become even more aggressive.

Although her dragon essence was currently suppressing the poison within Roel's body, it only acted externally like a bandage rather than directly suppressing it internally.

Contemplating this, Freya was overwhelmed with guilt and enveloped Roel in a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry, Roel. I completely overlooked this." Freya whispered softly, her tone heavy with guilt.

Upon hearing this, Roel breathed a sigh of relief, his gamble proving true that the poison within him still held the potential for activation if he proceeded with Freya.

After all, he was intimately familiar with the King of Hell's poison, renowned for its side effects thousands of years ago; it was implausible for there to be none.

"It's alright, Freya. Don't fret," Roel reassured her with a gentle smile, slowly sitting up while holding Freya in his arms.

The two embraced for a few moments before eventually releasing each other.

Their eyes met, and the love that flowed between them was unmistakable and impossible to conceal.

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Who would have thought that the Black Dragon Lord known as Calamity would possess such a fiery temperament?" Roel smiled playfully as he teased Freya, holding her in his arms.

Freya's face instantly flushed as red as an apple upon hearing Roel's words.

"Huh! It's only natural for dragons to be assertive with their partners," Freya retorted, turning her face to the side and feigning a cold expression as she sneered.

However, Roel couldn't help but notice the blush creeping up to Freya's ears, a telltale sign that couldn't be concealed.

Inevitably, a faint smile graced his lips as he gently brought his mouth close to her delicate ear.

"Is that so?" Roel whispered softly as he nibbled on her earlobe, causing Freya to widen her eyes in surprise.

"Ah~" Freya let out a small moan, quickly covering her mouth with her palm.

A blush spread across her face, starkly contrasting with her previous brave demeanor.

This only fueled Roel's eagerness to retaliate for Freya's earlier teasing antics that dared to push him down!

"Your face is so red, Freya~ Are you overheating?" Roel teased as he pressed his face against the nape of her alluring and beautiful neck.

Caught off guard by Roel's sudden advance, Freya's breath hitched, and a faint hint of steam seemed to rise above her head.

"Roel... You... Please don't push yourself too far..." Freya tried to suppress the desire coursing through her body, which had resurged after she managed to quell it moments ago.

After all, Roel's body was still fragile, so she felt guilty for her earlier impulsive actions.

However, Roel's current actions reignited her lust, causing her rationality to nearly vanish.

Moreover, as a dragon, their lust was dozens of times stronger than that of humans like Roel, capable of erupting at any moment.

Roel, meanwhile, also noticed Freya's sudden shift and immediately felt remorseful.

'Oops! I've gone too far by provoking Freya again!' Roel quickly realized his mistake as he glanced at Freya, who was already panting.

He felt the urge to swiftly end the situation, fearing they were crossing a boundary that could endanger his own body.

Yet he couldn't shake the guilt for arousing Freya with his actions.

Wouldn't it be unfair of him to leave her in this state without taking responsibility?

Quickly, he regained his composure and cast a gentle gaze upon Freya.

"Alright, Freya. I'm truly sorry. Just because we can't do that doesn't mean I can't make it up to you in some other way," Roel said softly, then lifted Freya in a princess carry.

"R-Roel? What are you doing?" Freya was surprised as Roel lifted her in a princess-style carry.

In response to her question, Roel gazed at her affectionately and gently kissed her alluring lips.

"Relax; I'll make it up to you."


A/N: Please give me a support and thank you!