
Damn! I Fall in Love With Him

[Completed] After waking up from a coma, Mel discovers she can control machines and computers. With this power, she seeks revenge for her mother's death and aims to build her empire. Yet, her path takes an unforeseen turn as she encounters the CEO of the top company in the country. Their worlds collide, and love suddenly grows in her heart. *** "Do you like me?" Mel asks. She tries to give him a hint to express his feelings right away. This dangerous man is so cautious. Instantly, Andrew looked at her. His mind is a bit chaotic because this little girl tested his patience. From the first time he saw her, he wanted to tell her his feelings. But he held it. He didn't want this little girl to be scared if he immediately asked her out. After all, they had only met a few times. But now... Does she give me a hint? *** Andrew pulled Mel's waist closer to his body, his eyes looking deep into her grey eyes. They stared at each other. Through their eyes, they expressed their deep love. "Mel, let's get married!" Andrew said in a low voice, but it sounded so lovely. At that moment, Mel felt everything stop. She looked deeper into Andrew's hazel eyes, trying to figure out if he was really serious or just playing a prank on her. But after a while, Andrew's eyes remained the same. She could see from his eyes that what he said came from the bottom of his heart. She felt happy Andrew asked her to get married. She couldn't answer him, not because she didn't want to, but because her lips felt stiff from shock. She could only nod and say it through her eyes; 'Yes, Andrew... Let's get married.' * * * ____ Author Novel: 1. DAMN! I FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM (Completed) 2. The Bride Of Immortal Crown Prince (Completed) 3. Rebirth: Dancing In My Destiny (Completed) 4. The Billionaire's Genius Wife (Completed) 5. Rebirth As The Vampire Lord's Wife (Completed) 6. My Billionaire Ex-Husband Chase Me Back _____ How to contact me: >> Instagram account: authorpurplelight >> Join my Discord Server: https://bit.ly/purplelightserver * * * Note: The book cover belongs to the Author; don't re-use it! * * *

PurpleLight · Urban
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387 Chs

At Hospital

At the same time, in his car, Andrew saw a woman he has been looking for, but something is not right, her face pale and her grey eyes look so empty. She's stood not too far from where his car is heading.

Immediately his eyes widened, and he shouted, "STOP THE CAR!"

Raymond, who was driving, hit the brakes automatically.

"Young master... She looks like the woman you've been looking for all this time. Ooh, she's passed out!"

Andrew has gotten out of the car even before Raymond has finished his saying. He ran and checked Mel, who now has already lying still on the road.

"Miss, miss... can you hear me?" There was no response. He immediately lounges on her side, picked her up with one arm on the back of her shoulder and his other arm on the back of her thighs, stood up, and then carefully carried her into his car.

"To the Hospital! Immediately!" He's shouting with his voice sound trembled.

"In a flash, young master!" Raymond immediately stepped on the gas pedal.

Andrew stared at the woman in his lap. She looked so pale, her forehead drenched with sweat, her hair was messy.

Slowly, he shifted the hair that covered her face. When he saw her face more clearly, his heart skipped a beat.

From the first time he saw her, he wants to find out her identity, but he found nothing. This Girl seems to manage to hide her identity from the grid. She also seems to appear and disappear swiftly as well.

This time, he would not let her go without knowing who she is; this opportunity might never come twice. From now on, he will take some measures to know her more.

Andrew saw the Girl's forehead wrinkled and making her like experiencing something horrendous; Is she having a nightmare? Without realizing it, his fingers gently stroked her forehead.

His expression froze but only lasted a fraction of a moment, he looked out of the car, and his lips curve. After almost a month of having this Girl preoccupying his mind and mood, his mind felt calmer now.

In a short time, they have arrived at the Highland Hospital ICU.

After many hours later,

Mel slowly opened her eyes; what she saw first was the white ceiling above her. She felt her body aching as if she had exercised without warming up. She tries to get up, but there was an IV needle on the back of her hand.

She saw a room that was somewhat familiar. The room is painted white. In the corner of the room, she saw a single sofa, and beside her bed, there's a medical device.

She was stunned, 'I'm in the hospital. How long have I been here?'

She closed her eyes, trying to remember what had happened.

'I fainted on the street.' She felt goosebumps.

'Who took me here?' She remembers something, that time she headed to her car, and instantly her body felt so weak and felt like floating. After that, she didn't remember anything.

There is no sound in the room. It's silent.

She heard a voice coming from the door. "Are you awake, Miss?"

A man wearing square frame glasses strolled towards her.

She nodded spontaneously; she was a little surprised to see an unfamiliar face. "Excuse me, sir, do I know you?" She's slowly got up and sat on her bed.

"I don't know you, but my young master has been looking for you for some time" He wanted to say that, but he could not. He just smiled before saying, "No, Miss. I don't know you, and you don't know me."

"Are you the one who's taken me to the hospital?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I did," he's said calmly with a friendly smile. Then, handing Mel a pitch-black name card. The kind of name card you'll usually expect from people of high positions in a company or organization.

Mel accepted the card he gave her. It is a business card, not just a name card. She then read the name written in gold ink on the card.



Raymond Sanders

CP: 0000001


Mel surprise.


She has become interested in W Group lately, not only because her company has just signed a coöperation agreement with W Group. But also because their mysterious CEO, Andrew William, has caught her attention.

"Miss Mel Tan, I believe this is your bag? Please check if anything is missing." He handed her a bag. Mel recognizes it as her bag.

She immediately opens and checking inside her bag. She couldn't hide how glad she was when everything in her bag pack is there, and nothing was missing. "Thank you, Sir."

Then Raymond handed over a sheet of paper. "And... this is the hospital bill. I already closed the bill. You don't have to repay me. Consider this as a gift for your recovery". He sincerely smiles. "Please have some more rest. When you feel better, and the doctor is allowed you to check out, you may come home. If you have anything to ask, you can call me at that number." he said, pointing at the business card in Mel's hand.

"Mr. Raymond, thank you very much for your help," Mel said with sincere gratefully. "I'm not trying to offend you or something like that, but I'm more than capable of covering the bill and award you with a substantial amount of money to show my gratitude. And I'm asking this out of sincere and kindness, please give me your bank account number, and I will immediately transfer the bill amount plus your reward."

He paused for a moment as if remembering something. "Please, Ms. Mel, you don't need to return the money. You see, your accident was also my fault. I wasn't driving carefully, and I almost hit you." Raymond said this with a straight face and a pinch of a kind smile.

He then left in a flash.

"But Mr. Raymond..." She hasn't finished speaking when Raymond has disappeared from her sight.

She was speechless.

Her eyes fell on the hospital bill in her hand. Instantly her eyes widened. She couldn't believe what she was reading!

"Complete CT Scan Fee? Why do I have a CT scan? VIP Room Fee? OMG, it was so expensive! It costs a few units of my computer at home, 100 million! W-what happen with me? I know I did pass out in the middle of the road. But what else?" She was wondering in confusion.

Shortly after, a big, old, friendly, and motherly-like nurse entered the room; she skillfully removed the IV needle in Mel's hand... "Miss Mel, I have taken out this IV needle because the Chart shows that you are alright. And also, the doctor has permitted you to go home."

"Nurse, how long have I been here? And what happened to me?"

"The chart here shows that you were admitted to this hospital yesterday noon." The nurse said after checking her Chart and her watch. "You've been sleeping for about 17 hours, girl."

"WHAT! That long...?!" She didn't believe she could have passed out that long.

The big old friendly nurse then adds some more, "Girl, when you came here, you were unconscious. But, after some examination, we found nothing serious with your head or your body. You probably just experienced acute excessive stress. It would be best if you also had a lot of rest and drink enough water, as you're actually exhausted and almost dehydrated when you were passing out. Miss, you have to take care of that healthy and beautiful body of yours".

Mel could only nod softly, hearing the nurse's long explanation about what had happened.

Before the nurse left, Mel suddenly remembers something important that she wanted to know.

"Nurse, may I ask something?"

The nurse stops then turned to face her. She nodded slowly. "Yes, what do you want to ask?"

"The man who escorted me, did he stay with me here all night?"

The nurse then suddenly smiles when she said, "Ah... about that. From what I heard, two men are escorting and admitting you to this Hospital Yesterday. As I was attending you last night, I saw the men. The first man is a handsome man and the other, the one with glasses. And yes, they stay here with you all night and taking care of everything. But the good-looking man left early before dawn, and the other man just left when I went here. Now miss Mel, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"

"No, not at all," Mel said while nodded.

The Nurse smile, but her tone sounds serious with a pinch of friendly joking. "Miss, which of the two boys is your boyfriend? The good-looking one or the man with the glasses? I hope you pick the good-looking one though" She ends the conversation with a friendly laugh.

Mel was dumbfounded and lost in thought.

What boyfriend?

Two men?

What exactly had happened?

Two men, but I only saw one?!

She blamed herself for being so careless and let herself passed out on the street.

She was fortunate, though. She could be hit by a speeding car and dies or helped by wrong evil men and put into human trade or, worst, organ trading. She was shivering and terrified by that thought and feels tremendous gratitude for what had happened. Good people from W Group found her. What a fortunate serendipity.

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