
Chapter 1

No, no, no, no. Please help me. I'm scared. They're coming. Help. Me.

Joesi sat up quickly screaming," Noooo!" With tears streaming down her face. Her brother rushed to her bedside immediately holding her close and whispering, " It's just a dream, it's just a dream." It was the fifth time this happened. Night after night, she dreamed a nightmare. The same one over and over again. They didn't know why this was happening or how. They tried everything they could to stop these nightmares but they wouldn't stop. They didn't go to a therapist because they were low on money so they painfully went through this every night waiting and hoping the nightmares would stop. Joesi didn't tell her brother this but even though he kept saying it was a dream, that it was fake, she felt this fearful and painful sensation deep down that it wasn't fake. That it was, is, or will be actually happening