
A Bright Night

"It is a bright night!!" She said as she gave him a wide smile.... He held her hand as they walked along the beach.. She continued..."Bright nights are my favourite. They make me think of talking to the moon!! Its such a special feeling because you know there is someone to listen to you and to keep your deepest of secrets safe... But ever since you came into my life!! All i talk to the moon is just about you... Anybody could sense how happy she was as she made that statement.! The glow in her face...the love in her eyes.. and the words that she used!!! All of them just added to the beauty of the sparkling night sky...While i was lost in the thoughts of admiring her just 4 feet behind them..I heard him say!!

"I always love this star gazing time with you! You teach me how to admire everything that we take for granted..." And gave her a slight hug.

Both of them smiled at each other and continued their journey! As i stood there 4 feet apart...wondering if i will ever be able to break that distance...!

May be i shouldnt think so much!!! What is the big deal...she could reject the proposal! But i will atleast have tried then!!

Life is not as long as it seems to be..Seize the oppurtunity!! Talk to the people who interest you! Make a move..be brave! And dont let those regrets kill you! Take charge of your life and the world will be yours!!! I told to myself as i sat there on my chair looking at that very own night sky she loved the most!

The sun light slowly started to hit my face..as i opened my eyes to look at the beautiful sunrise that had replaced those twinkling stars. I wish i had never read that dairy...or never found it in the first place!!! God knows why it had to be me! who picked it up when everybody else just ignored its presence in that library!! No one meets by accident, there is always a reason behind it! But here i was following a person without her knowledge and not knowing if she was going to be a lesson or a blessing in my life!

I was never an outgoing person, neither was i a traveller but there was some magic in her words!! that got me so curious to meet her in person..But i had no clue of how she would react when she learnt i had read her personal diary!!!!!!

No one would like it! But had she written it??

with half of the book destroyed! I needed the answers...

And i needed the answers because it was not any ordinary diary!! that had her daily routine! It was totally her on those pages...Her dreams. Her chapters of life!! Her motivations , her small little memories and everything she had learnt about life and friendships! After the diary the one thing i was very sure about her was that she was amazing with words!! She had once mentioned she would love to have a love story in her life! I wonder if she ever had one? May be thats the reason the other half of the book was burnt!! Did she have a heart break???? I wouldn't know!

Clock strikes 10 and i finally get myself out of bed and off her thoughts to get ready and start meeting as part of the stranger program!!! Yes, i was going to meet her.

Giving up my dreams was the best decision I ever made..said rachel with her voice as low as she could! Yes!!! She was happy giving up her dreams. Reading this he looked surprised! He wanted to read more. Destiny was weaving a story!The three lives were about to be connected..

Little did they know a torn diary was going to bring about a major difference in their lives!!

But whose diary was it?

Why is the diary torn?

Who is reading the diary?

To know all the answers read on

Dairy Drives Destiny

Madhurima_Gopinathcreators' thoughts