
Dairies of a lost soul; Beyond Boundaries.

This was originally a delicious box of old scrap personal diaries that follow a stranger. Although as the further into the books I became, I had the urge in seeking the rest of it. Given this was a time of machines. I had my luck in finding the right souls. A sort of system has scanned, registered and submitted all data into some hidden storage database. Apparently 'any alterations were consult with administrator. All data from corresponding subjects was included among the scanned records, sometimes blended into the narrative. Makes for easier storage and reading flow.' I wasn't the only one who fell into the reading then. ___________________________________ Real Author (Kittah): This story is not a typical female lead novel, not a lot of romance but coping in a post apocalypse. Which I don't get why female lead novels have to have a element of romance. It starts out as a diary should but further on, things change. The world around was the one we know of now but this story is later set in the unknown future. At times it can feel like I am trying to write a horror novel, but that's not what it is. This really is just a bumpy journey of a female character. I must rewrite my disclaimer which is the author note of chapter one. This seems like it relevant to today with the global pandemic. However the inspiration is my personal experience during the swine flu outbreak in the UK around 2012 or 2013. The majority of this story is prewritten but I have been changing it since putting it online. And, yes story does spill over into the author notes. You will understand in the later chapters. It's a writer's choose. May the odds be in your favor.

Squeaky_Kittah · Horror
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131 Chs

LR of Puppy 3

Water everywhere... floated things. I hunted a lot. Put away... closed doors. Sealed everywhere by enacting code things.

Bubble on a river surface... Knew it from movement and banging. Safe inside.

I brought bird friend inside... they are safe too. They dislike dark but prefer this safety then the storm.

Power level of engine is super charged... it increase signal stress call.


Food thankful lasted for length of unsettled movement. Can't see outside.

Make metal limbs move... back doors free. Open. Devastating. A lot of destruction. Plenty of food... up side.

Signal back to normal low level. Area... even closer to melting area. High spikes of radiations. Not any problem for me... bird isn't well.

Bird died week ago. Very sad. Respect final request. Be eat by me. I took all feathers off. Cried a lot.

Bye bird.

Sad maybe. But since has been interesting movements by melting place. Tracked strange prints.

Machines? Yes. Machines. Machines can help. But I am in their place... they might be angry.

Talk first. Talk... yes. Learn and thinks of talking.

Which to pick to talk to. They know I am here. But no shoot.

Shared curiosity it seems.

Nervous about this.

- automatic recording active -

"There... does this help?" Machine colour is green. Greeny as reference.

"Yes. But I don't know if it this enough."

"You are a strange being in a bear skin with mechanical parts... with no marker mark. How is me fixing your circuits not enough?"

"You will not understand if I can't take you to van."

"Van? You have a van?" detection of stood on two legs change, "You are not a bear."

"No. I am a mix of things. The history is complicated. I am really old. I was iced. I was human. Time changes. Machines changed. Each wake new times. Recently given nanotechnology. Life's purpose sort of changed a lot as was body changes." There is pointed in direction, "Van is that way. My machine needs help. My side is sleeping to help machine. This is to keep alive... safe. Seek help. Unsure was right chooses to ask other machines... You seems the most likely to listen. watching was not hunting. It were worry. Sorry for scaring."

"Scaring? You are in our active area." Detection of sounds of distant movement.

"Please consider help... No harms of friends. No harm of life, metal or flesh. I must leave. Someone among you isn't as they seem. A spy... and holder. I scanned it. It was missing 3 shots. Missing three machine friends. One asked to many questions... Found metal arm in trees. Stay safe... please." Quick to get away and hide of tree.

"Teal31.8 why stand still?" Not internal communications... why? Strange.

"Movement and odd chatter of strange bear sighting. It stayed away, watching again. Delayed actions on watching the creatures movements. I have gained interesting information from observing this distance." Red body looks out, indeed scanning. Detected infer light wavelengths bouncing off. Evaded in time but will be noticed later.

"Information will be shared in gathering tonight. We should get back to work."

"And not investigate why it can talk? like a human."

"Even if..." They turn away to what they are doing.

- automatic recording paused -

Must wait and watch them. Wait longer.