
Dairies of a lost soul; Beyond Boundaries.

This was originally a delicious box of old scrap personal diaries that follow a stranger. Although as the further into the books I became, I had the urge in seeking the rest of it. Given this was a time of machines. I had my luck in finding the right souls. A sort of system has scanned, registered and submitted all data into some hidden storage database. Apparently 'any alterations were consult with administrator. All data from corresponding subjects was included among the scanned records, sometimes blended into the narrative. Makes for easier storage and reading flow.' I wasn't the only one who fell into the reading then. ___________________________________ Real Author (Kittah): This story is not a typical female lead novel, not a lot of romance but coping in a post apocalypse. Which I don't get why female lead novels have to have a element of romance. It starts out as a diary should but further on, things change. The world around was the one we know of now but this story is later set in the unknown future. At times it can feel like I am trying to write a horror novel, but that's not what it is. This really is just a bumpy journey of a female character. I must rewrite my disclaimer which is the author note of chapter one. This seems like it relevant to today with the global pandemic. However the inspiration is my personal experience during the swine flu outbreak in the UK around 2012 or 2013. The majority of this story is prewritten but I have been changing it since putting it online. And, yes story does spill over into the author notes. You will understand in the later chapters. It's a writer's choose. May the odds be in your favor.

Squeaky_Kittah · Horror
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131 Chs

21st of March

Suited to nearly a human form. My escorts nearly asked me if I was the same person, yet it was I whom locked the door. As it was before, I am the one to stay still with listening to the engage of the air seals.

The route this time was to the station upper floor was by elevator with a difference. They disengage the gravity then make use of it to pull along the tunnel while holding a handle on a set tread track. This is so you are to be pulled to which ever floor needed at. Once we we are on the new floor, the nerd of the team choose to attempt conversation.

He was asking if a patient on the ward I had been working, if they were going to be better. He gave me enough of the idea of whom he meant. I was honest to him, it were a patient on the part of the ward I wasn't allowed in. But given the symptoms and nature of their illness, it could go either way. I took the more honest approach of explaining. He seems so much more relieved yet sad to know this. He wanted to know if there was a better treatment then. I gave 'better doesn't always work'.

We came to a door of an office, which were knocked on. The voices inside annoyed in tone welcomed us. In a quick way, I sent forwards a short message - a sort of basics. 'Any or all words used in this conversation will be recorded. Choose words wisely from this message onwards. I wouldn't want you told off, your a hard working man - Mr Felter.'

A warning like that wasn't taken lightly, give he was stood up and straighten his collar upon my entry.

"Now normally when someone ready knows my name, I tend to know theirs. But please forgive me in asking since I had no clue." He hasn't even looked me in the eye nor as he noticed that I am not human anymore.

'Don't threat yourself. I am not that formal type, personally. My actions can seem unlike those whom I should be mirroring. I prefer the name, Kate Nick. I am a qualified doctor, researcher and the possession of my brother. Wherever he may have gone these days, his clearly out of signal reach. Or maybe I have been a sleep under ice to long once more.' I shrug at this notion and he stared scared of my words. I tilted, 'I am sure whatever it is you so scared of about me will mean very little later.'

"Lady K, I am not even sure why you still working in the lower level of this station. Your years of experience really would be better appreciated on the higher floors." He shivered in looking me up, "And my deepest apologies for not realizing this sooner." As he bows the others did too. I waved at them to stop, "Would you like me to send word to the Ambassador for you?"

'Yes. Because I am sure his going to be confused. He may think I have died or something. My personal attempts to message him when his being stubborn is clearly not worked.' I sigh, 'I will be heading to the higher floors once I have finished down here. Thank you for being of service at the least.' I gave my head bow and turn to the no longer disgruntled doctor whom works on the ward I helped yesterday, 'As for you, you need more practice in your sewing and tacking of wound care. At this rate, you will only bring cross contamination into those you look after.' I turned to door, "Please excuse me." My softest and hear able tone possible.

I poked the door and it opens automatically. A last nod to the whole room and the sighs of relief as it closed. I tilted on the worried nerd whom day dreamed, waiting to leave. Not all of the team is here but I purr lightly to grasp attention.

"Your wife will be fine. Her immune system may be fragile but there is long term treatments that could help her through difficulties." He stared sharply up at me too and with seeing tilt, "Women are much stronger on the inside. They tend to recover better from the methods I know." I tilted back, "You just need a matching donor or if there is a synthetic version."

"Donor of what?"

"Bone marrow." I seem purr louder then needed. I pat his shoulder and walked with him to the elevators, "Our antibodies come from white blood cells. Those are made in the bone marrow. So you see, its a extreme way of fixing the issue. The operation is always the 'better' route. And maybe these could be better chooses if I knew her better. It could be the need the change of diet that could be fixed instead."

He looked so hopeful and unsure. Maybe he didn't know the science of how bodies worked. At the least I did want to have a closer look to this lady and see if there was something I could be. I had a few patients whom needed a check up before I left them to their lives. I was most certainly going to pack a small bag of things before leaving the air lock vault.

"Lady K!" I stopped at nearly taking a handle back up, "Thank goodness." The panting, "You are requested upstairs to the lounge."

"Now, I am going back down here for other things. Your wife is on my to check list." I tell the nerd, "You can be at ease with being able to have another professional second opinion." I pat his shoulder once more. I gave a look to the runner whom told me the message, a soft study then nod of understanding.

I peer about the tracking and see the other side for lifting handles, those should take me to the next levels higher. Higher then I have been so far. I wanted to ensure that my brother drone is still here. Holding it had hand and carefully in the manner.

I allowed the handle to take me as far as they could reach, having counted on my way up from the office. I knew the ninth to last at the bottom was the vault corridors. So navigation back to here will be a breeze.

I made it to a sort of public level where this was where all those shops I heard about were. I spend plenty of time around here looking at wears, noting the exchange rate for what prices. What base metals. I took interest in having new neat clothing that fits me, but I could not stop myself putting my own touches to it the truly fit. It was now possible to crowd blend if I weren't holding my brother's drone.

Side track aside, I found the free area access map. I peer to the nearest locations of the VIP loungers are marked. It most certainly like a that hotel in the cult classic movie. The fifth element, I think was the title. The guy played by Bruce Willis is trying to save the universe with a chick brought back from a DNA sample. At the least here there is less coral pink in colour than the movie, more pale white with silver accents. There a pleasent plaza area to cross through with benches and a water feature. It's all very easy on the eyes. I peer to the map again and find a classic gate elevator, the doors thin silver steel fencing. There is a button attendant at the ready. Very fancy in the penguin suit, slick shoes like his comb back hair. Peers at me with the palatable doubt of accepting me.

I felt really startled when the hoverdrone1 started buzzing, it took flight looking around. I got hold of it before it flew away, balance in my hand with looking to him. He stopped buzzing and just let's me carry him as I pleased. The presents of hoverdrone1 was device plenty for the attendee to allow me in. The elevator moved automatically with a signal for what floor before the caller could ask me nor did he close the gate in time. He sweats scared once I left on the floor needed. The slick was moping up from a handkerchief at a breast pocket.

The rooms towards the correct lounge were all very loud. I peer to the Hoverdrone1 in sort of asking, he took flight and scans me. He then quickly seems to realise whatever it was and flew the direct for me. I followed him. Lightly purring. The loudest and locked on was where I was to go. The lock disengage which caused a commotion of other loungers of other room to peer from thier doors, gossiping.

Like any other room, so many people gathered around several sofas and all discuss of recent affairs. There is at least two people standing at the window looking out of the station. There is a little lady whom kept coding questions and seems rather spooked by his actions. She suited him in clothing match and with clear show of being a couple. Hoverdrone1 buzzed rudely past the middle of everyone, of which they all turned silence and confused. It lands at his shoulder, linking data it seems. He taps his foot and that typical crossed arm hung at his middle. I stared in study of the whole room before entering. I do a little peer back of those looking in and glared. They all shuffled out of sight. I step through and close the doors. The lock engaged once more.

"Sister." He began then fell short of saying anything else. Yet I purr as if snickering at him. I walked around avoiding all these folks and playful punched his arm. I peer not just him but her. Tapping both they cheeks at the same time, while still purring. I do at lean my head him in greeting, as I knew this was what he should have expected. I gave my sigh of relief while he posed a hand on my shoulder. Tilted in confusion of why they felt wrong. He tapped at my joints very confused and so I lowered down to all fours, seated as the window looking out.

"Who is that? or at least what is that?" I sighed in stopping my purr. Standing back up properly. I did have to click joints back again.

"You don't have to." Jackle pats my shoulder. The sheer shock in sincerely speaking like that caught his date in confusion.

"My sweet little brother, it all alright. I am doing well and the clicking isn't a bad thing. We should find sometime to caught up on the gossip together. It is however rude to ignore your guests." I spoke lightly and with soft ease. As always my voice tone isn't exactly as cute and welcoming as it used to be.

Or that the everyone here was shocked to the point of loosing words. I peer about each with how they dressed, what they were and the method of choose in how the communicate. I peer about the choose of partner he has now too. Most certainly in how she has stopped entirely to scan me properly for herself.

I got going by the ways I knew and the culture I caught up on homework about. I gave the whole room the greetings that they should know, or at least they reconginized. The waves of return were lovely and everyone soothed back to small talks among them. I pulled over my own seat and settled, listening to each and giving my occasional gesture. They came about a long way to trying to get anything of a answer about opinions that could be taken from the AI perspective, expecting me to be in the loop. I notice that my brother posed the occasional hint on the interface yet overall understood that I waited for his confirmation. Most times the answer was assumed not heard and they moved to other questions. These other ambassadors were working hard to get anything over me in term of scandals, but I simple held no response for them to read.

"Lady K, how old exactly are you?" I held a single ear in pose to listen to her ask. The ear flicked in the annoyance of not being able to answer her.

"She was around when this body was constructed." Handing me over his hoverdrone version, "It is hard to state just how long that was without a relative notion of time. We no longer use the human calenders." I nod in agreeing with this.

"I haven't really worked out how long it was since I was last awake." I fluttered a hand in notion, "So age has no related way of measurement."

"The block out from the second ice age had made the surface inhospitable. It was space or underground. I could not bare parting ways yet." He mostly was telling me and I nod in knowing about the ash fall. How it isn't as helpless as he assumes, life finds ways.

"If you mean the day that the earth was unreliable for us machines to stay, then it is no mistaking it." I purr lightly in how some folks never change, although he must have been memory wipped to forgotten me.

"At least you not street tailing folks like you did back in starfish. I don't know if you remember but how was the lad from back then?"

"You mean me?" Converted into a full ai, no flesh about the lad. Yet I can tell by body language.

"Yes. You worked at the bar or night club at the time. We were talking about you and your insisted way of hurting yourself. Although, I guess it's much different now that you full machine."

"I can't believe it. Someone of flesh from that long ago. You have to be playing me a joke. You can't have known..." I smile at her as she seems left out.

"Oh sweet pea, no need to be jealous." I pat her shoulder given that she stood near me, "You're lucky enough to not suffer." I sighed at them, "You could say I am a little jealous of your bodies."

"I am sort of left out here to. I had no clue that Jamie here had flesh before." A actual human here, I tilted in study of pondered thoughts yet I leave it to them to natter naturally. I flicked a hear in hearing the door unlock and with how everyone tilted in seeking whom was going to enter next. I flat out ignored whomever it must have been assumed as, instead just posing more comfortably. Adjusted myself to be better reclined along the seat.

They all greet themselves accordingly and I was skipped. Left to last even. I knew that smell, someone I wished died. Maybe I can give the benefit of not totally assuming this to be the same being.

"And no lastly back to you." They smirk so proudly of how everyone else caters to them.

"Don't bother, Tabex. I am not worth the effort. I have other lesser matters that isn't to the grand scales you all talk about. It's not my intention to be rude, simply a bais I have that doesn't go away. I am not one for picking fights either." The sharp stare of everyone at me, "Besides you should leave the man servant with the gun behind the lock door. The sentch of death is unmistakable and added more to my disappointment."

"I am not going to speak on her behalf. Only that you should know." Jackle posed in shurg, "I can't argue against my sister. Even if this is one the misleading traits she has. You can be comfortable to know that she is a ex-human. Her morals have some sensible reasoning." The room gasped like that was shocking.

"I didn't know humans could be altered." Tabex had backed off in my uncontrolled snarl and low toned hissing.

"A bold lie." He continues and pats me head, "Any human with extensive knowledge of history know it were your lot whom was the frist recorded as first contact." The tabex lightly snarls in being caught in a lie, "Someone among your race had been a direct link of cause for somethings that happened." He posed in silencing the room and then he continued, "Before fall out."

"Well... Before machines were bold as they are today." I felt to correct him.

"They wouldn't understand." He insisted.

"Yet nanotechnology was built in partnership between the tabex and the humans. Humans had the raw resources and plenty of unsuspecting test subjects. Your race were provender of such knowledge and craft." I take his hand off, "Put it simply, you knew of the issues at the time and were hoping humans would do you the favour of giving their planet to you." I tilted, "I had plenty of time to think this through. Plenty of resources and the hours into the extent." I do not even look at them, "A shame that I am not brush up on laws yet. Maybe I have lied about picking fights."

"Its a good thing that humans are indebted to..." I flicked my tail with actually cutting into the sofa. The strength and efficiency of the flex was more then plenty to leave a sizable cut.

"A shame that you never learned. Humans are backstabbing in nature. You don't think that my sister is honestly the only human whom feels as she does." He checked of his partner beside me and I hold my tail. He stood directly in facing the servant. He made quick work of the fool and left them on the floor knocked cold. The Tabex were next to do something yet his partner is quick acting to follow through on the performance.

"I wonder what I should have for dinner tonight. I don't have to worry so much if it's going to be bland or not." I pondered out loud, sort of not taking the over reaction that the others have, "Maybe get back to old habits with cooking up a stew."

I scratched one my ears. I titled in eyes up some thing abnormal, quick to snatch it up into my hand with care. I tickle it about knowing exactly what it was and simple giving it a health check. In being sure, I let it to my shoulder and tossed it a nibble of food. The disappearing act of the food being tossed and vanish spooks the flesh folks to stand and be checking around confused.

"I didn't even detect that." Lucas looking confused, "How did you know?"

"I can see them. My eye sight is more developed and overly enhanced. I might as well be a mantis shrimp." I gave more and it snuggled happy to me, I can recall the smells and flavours of things from my van. My own cooking. I chuckled human like to such vague nostalgia, "I remember too, tulip. But I guess you have a new name by now." I can smell flowers but it more likely to something like lavender, "I take it you mean something purple then the lavender smells." It danced happy I got it, "What a beautiful name." I purr.

"She has always been able to talk to them." Jackle sitting everyone down, "Lavander is the Mother's personal pet. It being here means there been some significant occasion." I shared the idea of a warm welcoming hug and the cosiness of enjoying other folks company.

For sure it was returned with family being the image to mind. It then shows me that it was the mother whom knew about my awakening and paid for the expenses of having food delivered to me. The jam jars were her gift. It gives me the idea of there being more gifts to be had. There is also this sense of asking what or how weddings in human trading worked. I tilt in asking it this was due to Jackle and his partner. I am nodded to. I nod in understanding. I asked for sometime to give a proper answer, weddings were once sacred gatherings. It nods yet it was excited of such events. I posed the idea of testing this partner, as sort of a wanting certainty that my brother will be happy. Lavender titled confused, I shared why I worry. It nods getting it, but that was how he felt when I was under ice. I posed the thoughts of how a sister isn't a lover. It sighed.

"If we may interrupt you both, but what exactly was it that Lavander is here for."

"Two reasons. Not a big deal. Just that our mother seems happy that I am awake and wanted wedding advice." I flutter a hand, "I mean whom better to ask then someone whom had a wedding of thier own." I sigh, "Its weird still to this day I have to remind myself that I am a widow."

"Wedding advice?" They were all clueless when accept the two whom face palmed.

"You were the last person I wanted to inform." Jackle getting a awful punch from me.

"I should be one of frist. Family indeed comes frist. Especially when you plan on having a new member be welcomed." I looked to her, "I will reserve as much of my sisterly judgement until after I get to know you better. But do not bet on it." I then realised the human saying would have meaning.

"I am at least glad you willing to try to understand before making assumptions. It's better then other humans." So she did understand the concept and I can at least work with that. Someone with understanding mannerisms, "You sound like him when his thinking to hard." I purr at that.

"How do I put this into human context..." Jackle trying to hard once more.

"Ai are born from alternative coding or disruptions in a networking. Occasionally ai are born in harmony of its creator and yet over developments into itself." She explains for me.

"So your like a daughter?" I asked and she nods. Jackle face palms as it wasn't really how he meant to be. I give it some thoughts and some shared examples from Lavander where in machines, this sort of things are normal.

"Now it be different if you were both human. However with time, I think I can see past it. I not so old fashioned enough to misunderstand, brother." The room sort of reeling in trying to favour what private conversation is this meant to be. It is Lucas and Jamie to both get it quickly and be coding questions.

I felt a headache and the feeling nausea. It wasn't Lavander causing it. I have felt this before in London after that conference. The room seemed a shade of red for a short moment. Being watched, the paranoid sense of being watched. The cast of shadow as if being looked down upon. I instantly stood up with trying to square this pressure, the red altered into turquoise. I bought forwards my own images of things, the world that I know was left behind. This figure shrieked in fear and left my mind. I blinked a few times and looked at how I freaked everyone out. I moved to the window, seeking a sense of where that came from. Lavander knew... pointing. Sharing to me a image of a whole society of them. Parasites beings whom had no clue I wasn't a collared one.

"Forgive me that moment. Someone was rudely giving me a headache. I returned the favour." I softly muttered, "The reflex was out of annoyance."

"Who was it?" Jackle asking.

"They didn't understand." I replied, "At the least, do please excuse me. I have some things to do. I am sure I put to much fear among you to have me around. Its palatable." I peer to Lavander, "It be wise to tell. We must catch up the hours, give some relief that no everything was erased." I posed my hand in thinking deeply with hoping to reaching connect. I felt breath... life, "What is already died, may never die." I purr, "the winter has came and the walkers march south."

Lavander posed confused and I shared images of an old TV show. New when I watched it originally. The books that companies the series. Lavander was impressed.

"Quoting old stuff again?" He sighed confused, "What is wrong with you?" I purr in knocking his arm on my way past and I pondering how to unlock the door. Lavander tail whips and this was its gesture.

"We will be back soon. Just got to finish my unfinished business. I haven't sat around doing nothing you know." I purr and have the doors close behind. I shared what been up to since I woke with Lavander. How she understood I wanted to finish helping those downstairs first. She also had a few asks for me to go do stuff together. Sort of tastes mother needed my touch with. Gifts I am to need while here.