
Daily Life with discount system

This is a fan-fiction with a bit poor Grammar. Read at your own risk. ~~~~~~~~ What if an ordinary person die and got reincarnate into a mix anime world. This is the story about MC who randomly make 3 wish after he passed away. Wish No 1 Reborn in an Anime World Wish No 2 Want a Discount system. MC don't need to worry about wealth. Money can solve most of the problem. Wish No.3 MC wish to understand people easily. Unfortunately ROB don't really understand the wish just thought MC just want to get close with people easily but don't know how so ROB add a task system to help MC. MC is not consider a good person but he not a villain either. He will just care about himself and someone close with him first before think of other. First Story- Sao It's a mixed anime world. -Saekano (Real World) -Love is War (Real World) - SAO(VR World) ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE Thank you

KWSeng · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Megumi Kato

[Neighborhood Park]

There is a girl who is alone and not playing with kid. A very normal girl. To be honest my first impression of her is a very normal girl just like a background character.

If you look carefully she is a pretty cute little girl but for some reason nobody saw of her like that.

At first i didnt notice her at all as she was mixed with the other kids but not long suddenly i saw that the girl was all alone. That how I notice her.

When you look at her, the first thing you think is a normal girl not a cute girl even if she is cute. I thought maybe she got exclude by her friend so I try to talk to her.

"Hellooo~I am M Oosuki, why are you here alone and not playing with other kid?"

When she heard me, her face was shock and she pointed her finger at me trembling say" Are you talking to me? you can see me"

"What you mean? You obviously standing here all alone. How can nobody see you?" I tilt my head with a thinking pose

"You don't understand. Since I was born, I always have a weak presence so the kid always ignore me. No they didn't even know I was there so I was shock when you can see me" with a bit smile on her face

"Then you don't have any friend?"

"I have a few friends but they always forget about me or leave me behind. I already used to it so no need to feel sad for me"

"What you mean by that. If you already used to it then tell me why there is tears on your eye" I don't know why I feel so agitated so suddenly.

It's like I can feel her sadness. What wrong with this girl? "It's so obvious that you wanted to cry but still say something like I already used to it"

The girl started to blush because of embrassment.

"Starting from today you gonna be my friend, do you hear that. You um, I sorry what you name you didn't tell me yet" I scratch my head while feeling a bit embrass

"Megumi Kato. My name is Megumi Kato" She say that as she started to smile again

"Good. Megumi-chan, you will be my friend starting today. Remember, never every say that 'you got used to it' this word. Its too sad" I say that with full of gutsy.

"Yes M-sama, I will listen to you" and she smile, like a flower blooming.

"What sama, just call me M will do"

"Yes M-sama"

and that how I managed to get a childhood friend. A normal childhood friend for a normal me.


-3 years later-

In the living room at the dining table. Mama is sitting right in front of me. She can feel it there is a tense atmosphere around me. Look like today is the day I will get it straight.

"Mama, you should understand right"

"Wh...what do you mean M-chan?" Trying to avoid eye contract with you.

"MAMA!!!! You promise me, stop pretending" with a bit loud but stern voice.

"eeeks, M-chan don't be angry with mama"

"MAMA!!!! I already 6 years old this year. I need to go to school"

"B...but M-chan, * sniff"

"I have already skip kindergarten for you" well actually because it's optional and I don't feel like entertaining those kids.

"But...*sniff....*sniff, then I will feel like M-chan will leave me all alone"

Wow this son-con level is quite high.

*sigh" Mama, you cannot runaway from this. Sooner or later I will need to go to school"

"Waaaah, M-chan don't want mama anymore" she started to cry

This son-con mama. Why has my mama become like this or maybe all mother is like this. Its just that my mama is just a bit more serious.

*sigh* What a troublesome mama. I stand up and sit on my mama lap with me facing her. Her lap is so soft, I can feel it from my butt and this pair of happiness in front of me. My mama is really well endowed.

"Mama" I called in a gentle tone while try to wipe her tear." I have already starting to grown up. You cannot always try to hold me right"

"I....know.....*sniff....*sniff. but it's all happen too fast. It's was like one moment you were in my arm needed me for everything, and the next, you already try to leave me. The change was much too sudden"

Now I understand. Mama is feeling a bit unsecured.Something must have trigger her. It's must be the k-drama that mama must be watching recently or it can be my stupid passed away dad fault. Nope I think is the k-drama fault.

"Mama what are you saying. I will always need you. I love you so much, how can I leave you" I hug her tightly " plus it's just a 30 minutes walk to the school, you watch too much k-drama, mama"

"Promise mama that you always love me, M-chan. And don't forget about me when you at the school"

Yup, it totally the k-drama fault. And here i was worrying about her. I stop hugging and look at here with a blank face

"Mama. You watch too much k-drama. Dont you know mama. The show its all fake and not real. You think too much. In the first place I love you so much so how can I leave you. "

"Ohhhh. Teehee" Mama knocked her head and stick her tongue out.


After all that drama, I went back to my room to rest. Yes you heard that right, my room. I finally can have my own room. Woo-hoo for me.

I take out my my phone and call Megumi. After a few beeps

"M-sama? How it is?"

"Yup it has been settle. I will be going to school with you together."

"Yokatta. I almost throught M-sama was not going to school. Luckily I check with you"

"Anyway thanks for informing me about this and stop calling me sama. Good night"

"Hai, M-sama. Oyasuminasai"

What wrong with this girl, keep calling me sama sama. Nevermind. Next is 'system'



Name:M Oosuki Age:6



[TASK] 110 yen sport drinks




In the past three years, I only manage to trigger two task. Apparently the task is not so easy to trigger.

One of the task reward is another 5% discount and another one is unlock sport drink in the SHOP.

After I complete the sport drink task, I went to check it. It cost ¥110 per bottle. At first I thought of buy from system and sell to the market to earn the margin but the discount didn't work on SHOP.

I guess I can't cheat my own system. The sport drink got 5 flavour which is 「Grape」「Fruit-punch」 「Orange」「 Berries」 and 「Lemonade」. I can buy it in rotate after I finish my exercise.

I started to train myself after I complete the sport drink task. The task is actually a simpler Saitama exercise routine which 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 10 squats, and a 1km run.

The first three I manage to do it easily but the last 1km run is a bit hard. Luckily mama got join me with the run. I just follow mama ass the entire run. After I finish, I clap 2 time and bow to mama ass. That time mama cannot stop laughing about it.

Since that day, I start to do the same exercise routine. Of course I got slowly increse the rep and hopefully to reach 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10km run one day.

For now, I exercise five day per week in the morning. May change after I start school. I pray that I won't go bald in the future.