


As morning rise so did the noisy alarm clock, Stella woke up and yawned while rubbing her eyes.


I look at the alarm clock, 7:00AM,I reach to it then shut it. Unlike Shin-sama who always float, like any normal being I stand up and made my bed fix itself with magic. I walk to the bathroom and showered myself.

===10 minutes later===

Stella:"There~" looking at myself in the mirror finished fixing my maid oufit

Ufufu~ you're wondering why do I need to do this when I can serve Shin-sama with just my school uniform. hehe~ It's to tease Shin-sama and I also read something online that when a man woke up by a beautiful woman in the morning the man will be energized. And also I'm doing this to help Shin-sama find his cure.

Oh my look at the time it's already 7:15AM It's time to wake up Shin-sama. I walked out of my room which says Stella at the sign in front of my door, I proceed to Shin-sama's room. Our house is just any normal 2 story japanese house, Shin-sama said that he's too lazy to pick what house and so I picked a house which is near to my school and the grocery store.

I proceeded to his room and opened his door, which is now fixed by Shin-sama. Ufufu~ I purposely didn't tell Shin-sama last time that the meeting was yesterday, I know how irritated he is when it comes to Mr.Ira. I then wake up Shin-sama and opened his curtains and window, letting the fresh air flow through my hair I bowed to Shin-sama and greeted him with my typical morning greetings. Hmm? strange why doesn't he replied my message yet.

Stella:"Shin-sama!, It's time to wake up" I speak more louder than before.

Shin:"uh-good morning, Stella" and finally my lazy master replied to me

After that I told Shin-sama that his food will be getting cold if he don't start moving. Sigh~ I still remember the time when we first met, as always he look rather more lazy now than before but if not for that time I would be dead right now, maybe something inside of him changed and saved me. No matter what it is Shin-sama is the one who saved me and so I must return this.

@&#$%| Stella's Past | @#&#@

In a small dark alley that reeks of mud and other stinky sludge, you will see a small figure crawling for it's dear life hoping It can find food to keep oneself alive. The child wears one big white tattered shirt.

When the small figure was starting to pass out, she sees a boot in front of her face, she then cried for help for the owner of the boot to save her but unfortunately the man still continuing to float away, he ignored and went pass the child, the child then cried until it stopped.


The man lazily floated away not caring for the mortal world but for some reason it stopped and looked back at the small figure who's life was nearing it's end. He then floated slowly near to it. He healed the child and magically made it's body float while following the lone figure.

Did I improve? hehe~. Why did Shin saved her?.?

Nyaanniicreators' thoughts