
Letting the coin decides

"yo~, Greed let me and Stella enter this cultural festival " since I know where this is going I direct to the point said it.

"Oh, heh taking the first step" teasingly said Greed.

"sigh~Shut up, It's just a Father-daughter bonding" I said like it's the fact.

I've been living for ages, I already lost the urges of a human being, well except for my urge to sleep and never wake up.

"Ok okay~, and don't worry about the entrance " said Greed.

"Okay thanks" As I was to end it.

"Oh I forgot" I heard Greed's words and waited for it.

On the other side I heard countless coins being stepped on and falling. Seems he's doing his hobby. As always Greed's hobby is he indulged himself to his money and treasures. One time when I caught him doing his hobby, I saw him licking and tasting his golden throne, his throne was, uh, okay I will admit his throne was magnificent. He looks like the God of money when he sits to it but unfortunately it destroyed that image when I remembered his lovestruck face, he remembers me of Lust's loyal manservant.

When I was thinking badly behind Greed's back he bursted my thoughts.

"Shin, I'm here to remind you that you my man have an incomplete mission from King Lucifer" he said with a commanding tone. Lucifer sometimes give missions to us, missions we can 100% complete, he's confident that we 'mostly to himself' that we can complete it. This missions were for his own good and his great plan of ruling all realms then defeating God. We mostly complied because we hated God too.

"huh?" what?, from what I remember I finished all of it.

"In the time it was ordered that this mission was January 6?, 9?" Greed said with a curious tone while it turned into a confused voice.

"What the?, strange the date's number is turning and changing" while Greed was questioning this silly number into the air I interrupted him and said.

"Let's get to the mission, forget the number" Greed then replied.

"Oh sorry about that, maybe it's given to you because only you can recognize it" Greed said cunningly while he murmured the last part.

"So about the details" I actually don't even care on what's Greed is thinking and saying right now. I only care about on how I can finish this mission fast and go bond(date) with Stella.

"The details are for you to assassinate an old man called Shiro, Age-1,994yrs old currently now he's 2000 yrs old, he lives at the spirit realm, he likes to sit on a chair and see the sun sets until dark, and he owns 30% of the spirit realm. And most important part he's a wolf, a direct descendant of Fenrir and basically he's the current wolf king's father" when Greed finished reading it.

I started to remember why I didn't do that. First- why do I have to assassinate an old man close to death. Second- It was on me, I was lazy *blush*. Third- I forgot something, but it must have to do something about my memories. And last I saved Stella in that place and forgot my current mission at that time while I received a new one.

'Do I have to do it now?'. Since Werewolves unlike vampires are not immortal, they just have a large lifespan than humans, they can live Hundreds for years. While this old man unlike normal werewolf, he's a direct descendent of Fenrir. Since Greed now knows one of the wolf kings weakness and knowing Greed, he must be devising a plan right now on how to acquire that 30% from the old man's son and since Greed's pet Ouroboros and Fenrir had a bad blood to each other, they also may start a brawl inside the wolf kingdom's territory.

Now thinking about it, my motivation to do this has gone down to 0% and because of I predicted a coming war, I should just joined that old man watching the sunset with him. Okay mission abort I'll rather sleep than join this mess. 'hmm?, then what about the innocent children?'.

While Shin was conflicted on should he join this mess and save countless innocent lives or just sleep all day and let them die. A star located on his back started spinning creating a whirlpool, the star started changing colors but mostly it's colors were darker mix to it. When he was really conflicted to this he raised his hand then a coin speed it's way to his hand, he decided that with the coin it will decide the countless lives of the innocent wolves.

Shin breathes large amount of air and he let it out slowly, 'okay, the number save lives while the other, I ignore'. Shin whips his hand and calmly looked down to see the outcome, the coin then drop to the table but bounced into air once because of the impact, when the coin dropped again. Shin was flabbergasted and disappointed of it, the coin revealed as a...

(I edited this thing again)Hi guys I will repeat this story is for me to lay foundations and sorry for the bad grammar or my bad word choices. I honestly don’t know where this is going? so pls let me or us enjoy this story and how I will end this shi-story.

Nyaanniicreators' thoughts