
Day 2

I surrendered to the tiredness I accumulated yesterday and finally got my 10 hours of sleep. My mom and dad had already left for work when I had woken up and I had concoct a half-burnt, nearly black breakfast for my brother who was utilizing his winter break to relax by playing on his phone. After making breakfast for my brother, I brushed my teeth and devoured my bland bitter breakfast. I acknowledged the fact that I had to go pick up my older cousin from the traffic jammed airport because he had finished his internship and was back to achieve his masters in journalism. He resided in the house before he left for his paid abroad internship but he forgot to take the rusty house keys and I refused to wait for him at home as I had to volunteer at the library later in the day. I walked to the bus stop and saw the blue miniature dash bus approaching. This bus transported me to union station where I got into a large white fly away shuttle to get to LAX and made my way to terminal 2. After picking my cousin up, we went home through the fly away shuttle and dash. By the time we arrived at home, it was 2:00 p.m. My cousin made a warm lunch and succumbed to his tiredness due not sleeping on a trembling and cold plane. At 3:15 p.m, I was preparing to go the renovated library to volunteer for an hour and a half. My brother and I paused at run-down stores to purchase junk food as we strolled to the library. We arrived at the library around 3:45 p.m. When I finished, my brother and I sprinted home since it was getting dark. I abhorred going home after volunteering because I had 5 or more hours of harsh music theory homework to finalize. I had a week to do my theory homework but I procrastinated and ended up doing it before it was due, Saturday. I commenced to do my music theory at 7:30 p.m and I finished at 1:00 am and slept with the help a lukewarm glass of coconut milk since I did not have dinner.