
Daily Life of a Transmigrating Villain

In a battlefield drenched in metallic stench, a man lay with several sword wounds on his body, arrows embedded in his chest, blood trickling through his eyebrows onto the already blood-soaked ground, which had reached saturation and could absorb no more. "Tch, you look pathetic, brother," a woman averted her gaze. "It's good that we finally got rid of a monster like you," another one looked down at him. "Hngh~, stop it. That guy isn't dead yet," winced the woman who halted the arm pressing against her breasts while nibbling her ears. All of those women, standing with a man acting intimately with them, looked at the broken man lying on the ground. 'Haah... why me? What did I do to deserve this?' The man's heavy eyelids lifted only to see those women, for whom he had given his entire life, finally betraying him and leaving him on this cold ground to die in a clash with another man. 'Is this really the end? No, I want to kill all these hoes!' DING! ~~~~~~ "Kughh?! - why?" A man, fallen on the ground with his back against a rock, looked at a woman wearing an emperor's dress. She knelt down, holding a sword that had just stabbed her own friend who had helped her climb the throne. "You see... there are too many secrets about me that you know," the woman tilted her head, gripping the man's face as she leaned in, adding, "For your knowledge, I have been feeding you slow poison since the day we met." "W-what? How could you?" The man couldn't understand how a mere five-year-old girl could plan all this. "Tch, you see, it's not my first life but my seventh, and each time you appear just as shocked. Pffft." As he looked at his childhood friend, the man's eyes started to lose consciousness, tears trickling from his heavy eyes, his shattered heart crying, 'I can't die without taking down these bastards. No!' DING! ~~~~~ ""Come, Hero, and receive your reward for returning to your world!"" An announcement was made by a divine beauty with white wings. A man stepped forward and knelt to receive his reward for his achievements on the battlefield against the demon army for more than 40 years of his life. Schlkt! "Urgh!?" His eyes widened, blood gushing out of his mouth. He tried to look upward but realizewd he had been betrayed. DING! DING! DING! [ Congratulations on being chosen by our company of multiverse body rentals! You are eligible to be chosen by our editors, who, after very detailed analysis, have decided to provide you with a chance to improve your life and take revenge on those who have wronged you! ] [ Would you like to grant access to your body to our professionals who will carry out the task? ] "Yes," said a man betrayed by all these women. "Yes," said a man who was stabbed in the back by a friend he helped to ascend to the throne. "I accept," declared the fallen hero. . . . . \\ Volume 1 \\ "Take my body!" exclaimed the second-generation heir who lost his everything just because he loved a wrong woman. He was declared unfit for the heir position, lost his reputation to a man known as the king of soldiers who arrived in the city, and acted as the bodyguard of the woman he loved, now having nothing but his broken life at hand. [ Please read the 12,736 pages of this contract and sign it! ] 'Who even reads such a long contract?' thought the man as he signed. DING! «Thanks for selling your soul!» ~~~~~ ADVERTISEMENT!!!! Dear Humans who are reading this story in text format exactly as executed by our professionals. You can also get a chance to be isekai'd in these stories if you are chosen by our Editors. Though the seats are very limited, there are several criteria for one to at least become eligible: 1. 1.5K lifetime power stone votes in this gateway test for your new life. 2. At least 1 comment on a chapter. 3. Follow the rules of special privilege (voting, choosing the next plot, and even the story) as mentioned in Chapter 9. {* Consult our star agent TRUCK-KUN for Verification}

A4KL · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 6- Huh


In an instant, a chill ran down her entire body at Damien's words. His fingers interlaced with hers played a crucial role in amplifying the intensity of that fleeting moment, making her whole body tremble.

She couldn't understand why her body reacted this way until Damien leaned down, his lips just an inch away from her ear. He whispered with a sly grin, a devil's whisper, "How about after our wedding night, I give you his head?"

"Y-you are a monst-er," Emilia murmured, her voice barely a whisper. Her body trembled uncontrollably, her pupils dilating rapidly as beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

'Will you look at that,' Damien thought, a smile creeping across his face as he noticed the sudden change in Emilia's behavior. Her fingers, which had been resisting his touch moments ago, now tightened around his, clearly indicating that the first wall of her resistance had crumbled.

After all, every human, no matter how saintly, has a hidden monstrous side.

The difference is in how they reveal it: some do so with a loud boom, while others, like Emilia, keep it hidden until the last moment.

Right now, Emilia wanted nothing more than to see the man who killed her father suffer and he knew that with a slight push, he could even make her kill that man with her own hands.

"Easy, woman," he muttered under his breath before turning towards those high ranking individuals below the balcony with his face holding a smirk knowing how easy was to read through a woman or manipulate them.

Emilia didn't even show anger when he added the condition for her uncle's head being their wedding night. Instead, she just focused on the gift awaiting her afterward.

"Fucking bastard!" Edward's senses, heightened by the flow of internal energy, picked up Damien's muttered words about the wedding night, murder, and calling that trembling woman weak and easy.

Each word from Damien felt like a thread snapping in Edward's mind, pushing him closer to the edge of wanting to kill Damien.

"Don't make your face even uglier," Damien taunted, a smug smile on his lips with intent to make Edward hear it but not loud enough for others below the platform to hear.

"Y-you!" Edward growled. Damien could see the fury etched into Edward's face and felt a wave of satisfaction, knowing his words had struck a nerve.

He had intentionally murmured those words aloud about the wedding night and Emilia being an easy woman instead of keeping them to himself, fully aware of Edward's cultivation prowess and acute hearing.

After all, this whole party was for Sir Edward.

'Why a Blake?' Amelia's eyes remained fixed on the woman beside Damien, her mind racing to fathom why he would go to such lengths to marry someone from that family.

The Raphaels held power and prestige, but a small dark spot could tarnish even the most pristine reputation.

Though the highest society members often committed crimes, they maintained a facade.

Announcing an alliance with a gangster's family was beyond the pale.

Indeed, everyone was wary of Gabriel Blake. As the head of several kidnappings, murders, and with his subtle control over the underworld, his reputation cast a long shadow.

'What were you thinking, Damien?' Amelia couldn't understand why he would go to such lengths just to capture her attention and marry that girl.

He could have just hired some actors like before to try to get her attention instead of doing something this stupid.

"Can I meet him?" Emilia softly whispered, her eyes remaining downward. She tried to imagine how much she wanted to see the man who had destroyed her life suffer.

Her father was a kind man who had done everything with honesty. He trusted his brother and had even tried several times to make him leave his path of evil, which was tainting the name of Blake.

But in the end, he was murdered in an accident.

Emilia could vividly recall that day's events. Her father was on the phone with her when she first heard the sound of a car crash, followed by her uncle's voice through the microphone:

:: Brother, you are very weak and undeserving of this society where they could kill you at any moment, just like our father. So I will become much more evil than them so none of those bastards can touch a single hair of the Blakes. ::

And after those words, the only thing she heard in her phone was the sound of gunshots.

'I will...' Emilia's heart harbored hatred against the man who killed her father, but she couldn't decide afterward what she would do.

The thought of that man being locked up in a basement filled her with a burning desire to end this wedding quickly and rush to confront him.

"What? Who?" Damien asked, his curiosity piqued as he glanced at Emilia with a raised eyebrow.

"The one whom you placed in the basement of this place," Emilia said, avoiding calling the man her uncle as she reminded Damien of the proposal he had just given her.

"Are you kidding me? We're in a hotel. You expect me to kidnap a mafia boss and keep him here?" Damien felt like laughing, amused at how easily she believed his words.

"Did you place him in any other basement?" Emilia asked, hoping Damien had kept her uncle somewhere else to avoid police entanglements and to kill him quietly. 'Yes, it must be the case,' she thought.

"Hey, are you stupid? Do you think I would go against the underworld for you?" Damien saw an opportunity to shatter her hopes and harvest some hatred points.

"Huh?" Emilia looked at him, blinking in confusion before her mind slowly started to understand.


[𝟸 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚍!]

[𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚎 𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚖𝚘𝚒𝚕]

"B-bast...." Emilia began to utter, her anger boiling over as she turned to the man who had been toying with her emotions. Her lips parted, ready to curse him, but before she could finish her words, Damien leaned in close, his voice low and intimate near her ear.

"Though I can make it true if your intense desires and determination overcome me without loosing consiousness on our wedding night. Deal?"