
Daily Life of a Transmigrating Villain

In a battlefield drenched in metallic stench, a man lay with several sword wounds on his body, arrows embedded in his chest, blood trickling through his eyebrows onto the already blood-soaked ground, which had reached saturation and could absorb no more. "Tch, you look pathetic, brother," a woman averted her gaze. "It's good that we finally got rid of a monster like you," another one looked down at him. "Hngh~, stop it. That guy isn't dead yet," winced the woman who halted the arm pressing against her breasts while nibbling her ears. All of those women, standing with a man acting intimately with them, looked at the broken man lying on the ground. 'Haah... why me? What did I do to deserve this?' The man's heavy eyelids lifted only to see those women, for whom he had given his entire life, finally betraying him and leaving him on this cold ground to die in a clash with another man. 'Is this really the end? No, I want to kill all these hoes!' DING! ~~~~~~ "Kughh?! - why?" A man, fallen on the ground with his back against a rock, looked at a woman wearing an emperor's dress. She knelt down, holding a sword that had just stabbed her own friend who had helped her climb the throne. "You see... there are too many secrets about me that you know," the woman tilted her head, gripping the man's face as she leaned in, adding, "For your knowledge, I have been feeding you slow poison since the day we met." "W-what? How could you?" The man couldn't understand how a mere five-year-old girl could plan all this. "Tch, you see, it's not my first life but my seventh, and each time you appear just as shocked. Pffft." As he looked at his childhood friend, the man's eyes started to lose consciousness, tears trickling from his heavy eyes, his shattered heart crying, 'I can't die without taking down these bastards. No!' DING! ~~~~~ ""Come, Hero, and receive your reward for returning to your world!"" An announcement was made by a divine beauty with white wings. A man stepped forward and knelt to receive his reward for his achievements on the battlefield against the demon army for more than 40 years of his life. Schlkt! "Urgh!?" His eyes widened, blood gushing out of his mouth. He tried to look upward but realizewd he had been betrayed. DING! DING! DING! [ Congratulations on being chosen by our company of multiverse body rentals! You are eligible to be chosen by our editors, who, after very detailed analysis, have decided to provide you with a chance to improve your life and take revenge on those who have wronged you! ] [ Would you like to grant access to your body to our professionals who will carry out the task? ] "Yes," said a man betrayed by all these women. "Yes," said a man who was stabbed in the back by a friend he helped to ascend to the throne. "I accept," declared the fallen hero. . . . . \\ Volume 1 \\ "Take my body!" exclaimed the second-generation heir who lost his everything just because he loved a wrong woman. He was declared unfit for the heir position, lost his reputation to a man known as the king of soldiers who arrived in the city, and acted as the bodyguard of the woman he loved, now having nothing but his broken life at hand. [ Please read the 12,736 pages of this contract and sign it! ] 'Who even reads such a long contract?' thought the man as he signed. DING! «Thanks for selling your soul!» ~~~~~ ADVERTISEMENT!!!! Dear Humans who are reading this story in text format exactly as executed by our professionals. You can also get a chance to be isekai'd in these stories if you are chosen by our Editors. Though the seats are very limited, there are several criteria for one to at least become eligible: 1. 1.5K lifetime power stone votes in this gateway test for your new life. 2. At least 1 comment on a chapter. 3. Follow the rules of special privilege (voting, choosing the next plot, and even the story) as mentioned in Chapter 9. {* Consult our star agent TRUCK-KUN for Verification}

A4KL · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 13- Third leg(1)

"Kyaah~! Leave me!" Emilia cried out, feeling her body freely hanging on Damien's shoulder with her legs flailing to escape. Her eyes darted to the back of the man, where she kept punching in a struggle.

"Can you do the left too?" Damien chuckled, enjoying the light back massage while he lifted two women on his shoulders, moving through the hallway.

Didn't it hurt, using his weak body to carry at least approximately 100 kg of weight?

Of course, it did, but wasn't he getting a back massage too?

"We've arrived," Damien finally reached the end of the hallway before taking a turn and facing a wall, which revealed a small room for staff members of the hotel. He kicked the door open.

"Wh-what? We did? Fine, now leave me," Emilia, realizing her attacks were futile against this man, felt this was a chance to finally escape his shoulders and come down from such a height. Now, even her abdomen was hurting.

"Let's throw this weight first," Damien said before looking at the floor where some blankets were placed as cushions.

In an instant, he removed his hand from his right shoulder, where it was wrapped around a delicate woman, and she slid from his grip as he hastily threw her away, causing Amelia's body to freely stumble before her head lightly hit the nearby wall.


"Wait! No, not like that!" Emilia cried out, drenched in sweat as she heard Amelia's head hit the wall. Even with the blanket softening the landing, she knew if he threw her the same way, she would definitely get hurt.

"Huh? Why would I even throw you like trash?" Damien, whose eyes glanced at Amelia fallen on the blankets with her disheveled hair, turned towards the butt beside him—he held Emilia on his left shoulder, seeing only her lower body with its struggling legs. He snorted at her words.

Naturally, why would he throw her?

He wasn't some cruel person at all.

"Oh, thank you, but did you call her trash—IEEEK?!!" Emilia felt grateful she wouldn't suffer the same fate as Amelia, but to her surprise, a sharp slap landed on her butt. Her eyes widened, accompanied by a surprised cry escaping her mouth.

"Wait, wait, wait! No, what are you doing?!" She felt his hand, which had just slapped her butt, clench it now. Her pupils trembled in shock, and her hands gripped the back of his clothes, not wanting to think about what her mind was playing right now.

She was alone with this man inside this room (excluding unconscious Amelia), with the way his hand groped her rear tightly clearly meaning he was in heat.

She couldn't imagine what fate awaited her. Her eyes started to turn teary, and her lips quivered as she loosened her body, knowing she couldn't expect any mercy from this cruel man even if she struggled to escape. 'I hate you, Damien Raphael,' her mind repeated, remembering how much she hated this man.

He was evil, who first took advantage of her family's helplessness and now was going to take hers, prompting her to mutter in a defeated tone, "Do whatever you want, but remember this, I will definitely kill you."

'What is she mumbling?' Damien raised his eyebrows, not understanding what Emilia was on about. He just wanted to land her safely, so he firmly gripped her base.

Of course, due to instinct, he had landed a hit without considering it might be painful for her.

But her mumbling those words was definitely making him think that her brain was dirty.

[𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝟹 𝙷𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚜.]

'Huh?' The moment Damien heard the system's notification, he became even more sure that Emilia was concocting something evil in her mind. Given that just by helping her out, he was declared hateful.

Not that he hated her untold suggestion, prompting his hand to grip even tighter before slowly sliding her body forward to land.

His shoulder felt her flat, curvy waist from that bridal dress before a plumpness reminded him that he was soon going to meet that angry face too.

"Hah? Are you crying?" Damien, who had slowly landed her feet on the floor with his hand gripping her butt, met her eyes, which were teary, as she tried to clear away the remnants of her pain with her palm and wrist.

Looking at her, Damien snickered, prompting her eyes to tremble before widening as she felt his forehead press against hers.

"I will not touch you before our wedding, Emilia," he added calmly, a genuine smile on his handsome face. His sharp jawlines and spotless skin seemed to give no hint of a lie.

'Bullshit!' Emilia thought, unable to believe this man's shamelessness in giving her fake promises.

He had just bitten her lips the moment she wore rings, leaving her lower lip swollen and sore. Not to mention his hands, which had molested her.

Not in a million years was she going to trust this man being so genuine!

"Sigh, you don't believe me?" Damien showed a defeated smile, looking at her.

His head retreated before his demeanor shifted. His fingers traced down from behind her ears, tucking a strand of hair back. His knuckles slid along her jawline before his thumb and forefinger lifted her chin. He sneered at her sudden surprise and declared, "How about I leave no trace of doubt in your mind and fill it with only one thought?"

"Wh-what thought?" Emilia's swollen lips trembled under his intense gaze, trying to understand if what she was thinking matched his intentions.

Damien tilted his head, his narrowed eyes focusing on her red, swollen lips, still touched with dew. He recalled their peach taste and began to close the distance between them, her panicked eyes remaining fixed on his, her small hand resting on his chest.

A perfect alignment for a deep, immersive kiss to make her brain freeze.

But bad luck.

"Unh... Damien? What are you doing?"

Amelia, looking at the man holding another woman's face, felt confused. She rubbed her head, which hurt, her eyes barely open to only see blur image.

I was thinking about that mass release thing a reader suggested in the previous chapter. First, let me apologize for not uploading anything on Avendial's story; I will definitely start doing it from tomorrow. So, I posted this new chapter to ask you guys something.

Normally, after I post a chapter, I read through your responses and then decide the course of the next chapter. So, instead of throwing 4 chapters at once, how about I give 1, 1, 1, 1 over 24 hours or something, after reading your comments? This will keep me on track, ensuring I'm not heading in the wrong direction (I definitely have storyline but small plots like slapping heroines, throwing her and all which should be considered fan service)

Exactly. After writing 2K words for a single story, my mind starts getting into a bored state, which is why I've taken up three stories at a time. But if you guys support me by just leaving a few comments, I could push through a 4K words in this one which will be like 3 or 4 chaps based on plot length.

Of course, Avendial's story needs proper world-building, so only one chapter for now on that one. But this story has potential to be written more since it focuses on the MC and not several characters and world settings as deep as that one.

What do you say?

TFTC~ will also count as helping, haha.

(Credit to Akarui for suggesting to throw Amelia— you can also suggest now what to do with her?)

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