
Daily Life of a Transmigrating Villain

In a battlefield drenched in metallic stench, a man lay with several sword wounds on his body, arrows embedded in his chest, blood trickling through his eyebrows onto the already blood-soaked ground, which had reached saturation and could absorb no more. "Tch, you look pathetic, brother," a woman averted her gaze. "It's good that we finally got rid of a monster like you," another one looked down at him. "Hngh~, stop it. That guy isn't dead yet," winced the woman who halted the arm pressing against her breasts while nibbling her ears. All of those women, standing with a man acting intimately with them, looked at the broken man lying on the ground. 'Haah... why me? What did I do to deserve this?' The man's heavy eyelids lifted only to see those women, for whom he had given his entire life, finally betraying him and leaving him on this cold ground to die in a clash with another man. 'Is this really the end? No, I want to kill all these hoes!' DING! ~~~~~~ "Kughh?! - why?" A man, fallen on the ground with his back against a rock, looked at a woman wearing an emperor's dress. She knelt down, holding a sword that had just stabbed her own friend who had helped her climb the throne. "You see... there are too many secrets about me that you know," the woman tilted her head, gripping the man's face as she leaned in, adding, "For your knowledge, I have been feeding you slow poison since the day we met." "W-what? How could you?" The man couldn't understand how a mere five-year-old girl could plan all this. "Tch, you see, it's not my first life but my seventh, and each time you appear just as shocked. Pffft." As he looked at his childhood friend, the man's eyes started to lose consciousness, tears trickling from his heavy eyes, his shattered heart crying, 'I can't die without taking down these bastards. No!' DING! ~~~~~ ""Come, Hero, and receive your reward for returning to your world!"" An announcement was made by a divine beauty with white wings. A man stepped forward and knelt to receive his reward for his achievements on the battlefield against the demon army for more than 40 years of his life. Schlkt! "Urgh!?" His eyes widened, blood gushing out of his mouth. He tried to look upward but realizewd he had been betrayed. DING! DING! DING! [ Congratulations on being chosen by our company of multiverse body rentals! You are eligible to be chosen by our editors, who, after very detailed analysis, have decided to provide you with a chance to improve your life and take revenge on those who have wronged you! ] [ Would you like to grant access to your body to our professionals who will carry out the task? ] "Yes," said a man betrayed by all these women. "Yes," said a man who was stabbed in the back by a friend he helped to ascend to the throne. "I accept," declared the fallen hero. . . . . \\ Volume 1 \\ "Take my body!" exclaimed the second-generation heir who lost his everything just because he loved a wrong woman. He was declared unfit for the heir position, lost his reputation to a man known as the king of soldiers who arrived in the city, and acted as the bodyguard of the woman he loved, now having nothing but his broken life at hand. [ Please read the 12,736 pages of this contract and sign it! ] 'Who even reads such a long contract?' thought the man as he signed. DING! «Thanks for selling your soul!» ~~~~~ ADVERTISEMENT!!!! Dear Humans who are reading this story in text format exactly as executed by our professionals. You can also get a chance to be isekai'd in these stories if you are chosen by our Editors. Though the seats are very limited, there are several criteria for one to at least become eligible: 1. 1.5K lifetime power stone votes in this gateway test for your new life. 2. At least 1 comment on a chapter. 3. Follow the rules of special privilege (voting, choosing the next plot, and even the story) as mentioned in Chapter 9. {* Consult our star agent TRUCK-KUN for Verification}

A4KL · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 10- Tonight's Hero

"DAMIEN! YOU BASTARD!!!" Edward roared in rage as he swung his fist towards the man who had dared to lift his hand on a woman, closing the distance to just a meter from Damien.

'Here it comes,' a visible smirk formed on Damien's face as he watched everything in slow motion. His pupils ignored the slowed punch and fixed on a small metal projectile entering his sight, passing between him and Edward.


A sharp gunshot sound reverberated as the bullet that had just passed between them collided with something nearby, causing a ruckus without harming anyone.


"No!...It's an attack!"

Panic surged inside the place, with individuals not understanding how someone had infiltrated and started shooting despite the presence of bodyguards outside the hotel.


Unbeknownst to these high-profile individuals, Damien had intentionally provided a secret path to Gabriel and his goons to enter with guns, ensuring that none of the sounds from this place escaped.

This was evident in his choice of this particular 7-star hotel.

Indeed, there were several other hotels under the name of Ramphian Groups, but this was the only one that provided complete soundproofing in its hall to enhance the experience for their customers.

With the sounds of bullets, men carrying weapons entered the hallway, causing a ripple of chaos throughout the place.

"Where are you, Damien Raphael!" yelled a masked man, crying out the name of the one who had forgotten his limits and crossed the line by sending that letter.

Holding AR-15 semi-automatic rifles, Gabriel and his men instantly searched for the man who had called them but they don't forget to wear masks, knowing that the one they were dealing with today was none other than Damien Raphael, heir of Raphael Industries.

Even with 25% control over the underground, Gabriel wouldn't had acted today if he hadn't heard that Damien Raphael was not declared the official heir; instead, it was his stepsister.

Not known to many, but only a few in the country's high circles were aware that the company and everything else would soon be led by an orphan adopted by Damien Raphael's grandfather.

After all, it was a known fact that Damien, instead of focusing on his business, was always after a woman from the Crimwell family, pursuing her for more than five years.

Thus, he was declared unfit to handle the Raphael empire, worth 9.8 billion NR.

An enormous amount for anyone.

"Hey fucker, are you hiding behind a woman—?!" Gabriel lifted his gun, pointing it towards the man he aimed to kill today. Suddenly, the man held a woman in front of him, causing Gabriel's finger to hesitate when he recognized the woman as his niece.

Not that he cared, but the issue was that the woman had recognized his voice.

'Damn it!' Gabriel thought. He had planned to kill everyone present after getting support from a few of Damien's enemies who had helped him enter the hotel room secretly.

By killing everyone, he would have erased all the evidence.

But now, his own niece had recognized his face, complicating his plan to kill everyone present.

"You? No... Why?" Emilia, who had recognized the voice of Gabriel Blake, felt her eyes widen with anger slowly filling them.

Her hands, which were already holding two hands on her waist, tightened as her nails dug into Damien's hands flesh.

Damien, who was clenching her from behind, looked towards Gabriel with squinted eyes, analyzing the situation.

A smile formed on Damien's face as in a split second, his body seemed to vanish and reappear with a knife in his pocket.

"You bastards! How dare you?" Edward yelled, seeing dozens of men entering the place. The guy in front, who appeared to be the leader, was immersed in thought, his hands not on the trigger. Edward, charging his internal energy, closed the 10-meter distance in the blink of an eye.

"Ugh?!" Gabriel's men tried to react, but their response was too slow. Edward's hands clenched Gabriel's face before throwing his whole body to the floor.


Edward's strength, enhanced by his internal energy, shattered the floor beneath Gabriel into pieces.

"KHUGHH?!" Gabriel coughed out saliva mixed with blood, his widened pupils reflecting the immense pain he was experiencing. His bones were broken, a rib bone had punctured his lungs, his intestines were completely messed up, and his skull was cracked.

'Now it's your turn, bastards!' Edward thought, instantly backflipping to dodge the bullets fired by the dozen other men.


Edward's body moved swiftly, avoiding each bullet. Blood was seeping from his wounds due to some of the bullet's grazing his physically enhanced body, but he continued to evade the attacks.

"It's end for you all!" He reached for his pocket to take out his knife and realized it was missing.

'Where's my knife gone?!' He thought. If it were just a few people, hand-to-hand combat wouldn't be hard for him, but he couldn't recklessly fight while dodging bullets, making everything much harder.

'Where the hell is my knife?!!!'








"Can you hold this knife for a second?" Damien asked, arriving at the end of the hallway after secretly moving from the hall to a safe place, bringing two women with him.

One was Emilia, who was being pulled by his hand. The other was Amelia, whom he carried in a princess hold.

Amelia appeared lost in another world, her closed eyes and the red mark on her cheek from a slap indicating she was in a trance.

Of course, he could have simply left her there, but he couldn't let her die given her recent heroine status. It was likely she would have survived, but he chose to utilize this moment to the best of his ability.

"You, why did you run away? You could have killed that man!" Emilia's whole body burned with rage, remembering those eyes and the voice she wanted to erase from existence. She didn't care about the situation; at least the man was out in the open instead of hiding inside underground auction houses.

"Hey," Damian halted in his path and turned towards Emilia, who flinched before glaring back at him, wanting to know about the promise he made to kill her uncle today. Damian, looking at her with a smirk, added, "Do you really want him to just get this peaceful death?"

"Wh-what?" Emilia, slightly bewildered, looked at Damien, whose face carried a devilish smile and whose voice sounded like a whisper. Her eyes blinked as she tried to understand the meaning behind his words. Slowly, they widened as she realized—no, she didn't want to give that man a simple death.

'How naive,' Damian thought, looking at Emilia. Her face no longer showed pure anger but rather a hint of desire, falling for his trap, which would eventually lead her to fall in love with him.

He would give her what she wanted—Gabriel's death—and she would give him what he wanted—her everything.

"Mmm....wha....doing...Dami," came a mumbling sound from his embrace. Damian turned towards the woman sleeping in his arms. Her hand rested on her cheek, her eyes closed, as if she were dreaming.

Seeing her like this, Damian understood it was a Vasovagal Response—a combination of emotional and physical shock triggering a sudden drop in heart rate and blood pressure, leading to fainting or a strong urge to sleep.

Seeing her like this just made it easier for him to take her from there and proceed to his next step.

A simple move of slapping her had caused things to become much easier prompting him to turn his eyes towards a pillar standing adding," Is this really right way to keep an eye on people secretly, Miss...."