
Fabled Black Cats

I, Kyle, have recently adopted a black cat. And well...she's quite the handful.

Opening the door to my apartment, I found that she's taken the food I left on my table.

Looking around my apartment, I'm reminded how little I actually own. There's my computer to the side of my bed, a table with two chairs, there's the kitchen just left of the door, and a microwave on the kitchen counter. There were also other things like the bathroom, a few shelves, and cabinets. They weren't anything fancy though.

Maybe I got the cat to liven the place up? I'm not really sure, to be honest.

Anyway, enough talking about my barren apartment. Let's go find that cat...

Squatting down, I look below my table, and lo and behold, she was right there nibbling on the fish I was planning to heat up. Glancing back up at the table, the only thing left for me was rice.

"Alright, Lily. Come here, girl," I softly said.

While trying to reach for her, she noticed me and swiped at my hand with her claw.

Wincing a bit, I retracted my hand and saw claw marks on it. There wasn't bleeding or anything. Yet, anyway.

Looking back at the black cat, she hissed at me.

For such a cute thing, you sure are unfriendly. Not that I can blame you.

Standing back up, I went over to my sink and cleaned my hand to make sure I didn't contract a disease. I haven't had her vaccinated yet, after all.

"Eh, the mark wasn't that deep. Shouldn't be a problem... I don't know if there's gonna be a cure for your sliced ear though," I said, all the while squatting down and looking over her nibbling at my food.

The cat had blue eyes and she had a small slice on her right ear.

Hopefully we can be friends, Lily.