
Daily Library

A library is something everybody likes, right? But not everyone craves to go to one every single day. However, one guy in an unknown dimension is built different. Jay, goes to the library every single day, to the point that it became a protected library. He goes through countless attacks and threats which have been trying to shut him down. But does he accept his date or does he fight back?

Rick_Bhattacharyya · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Daily life? Nah, just today


How a library is defined by each human in essence is the same - An Abode of Knowledge. Everybody yearns for knowledge be it for novels, politics, automobiles, manga and the further endless categories. While there now are multiple digital sources using which one could gain info, nothing beats books. The feel of a book, the smell of its pages, the look of the text and graphics on it; it can't be replicated over a phone, or television, or any other such smart device.

In ancient times, those who had knowledge were treated with utmost respect and were considered to be an important figure in society. Everyone would be trying to gather information on whatever the other one knew. Following such events were the upbringings of undercover and even underground agents who would gather such stuff and feed their payers. 

Whether or not it happens in this world is unknown but there should be no reason for it to not happen. After all - 

~The most beautiful and protected library is here~

Wherever I go, I am stopped.

However I try, they stand in my way.

I defeat them, but something new comes up.


My house is somewhere unknown. I live alone and go to a library. Every single day. Why you ask? 


I just love books, though I prefer to read those which are of fiction. Real life does not provide the same experience or the tragedies that one can see and feel through a book. The sensations, curiosity, heart-wrenching moment. It's always so high I can't ever seem to stop reading books. But I do keep myself up on local news at times by going on a walk to somewhere other than the library. 

How my life goes - 

I wake up.

I get off from my bed from  always the left cuz I'm always right (a pun I guess?).

I brush my teeth, take a bath.

Put on my spectacles, my blue and black dress (the same one everyday), style my hair, have food and then go.

The moment I open my door, it's either multiple hyperspaces, or a normal road. Any hyperspace is a relatively safer option for me as I don't have to run into anyone annoying or someone who I can't just obliterate completely. Plus, the more hyperspace organisms I defeat, the more hyperspaces get created. Some stronger, some weaker. 

But hey, at least I get a little satisfied, knowing that I did something other than reading.

Besides, as long as I'm here, nobody can destroy the library, or stop me from going to the library. 

Today is a good day. I wake up, feeling completely rested and ready to dive into a pool of monsters and so I get ready quickly, have two slices of toast, a banana and a coke. Afterwards, I telekinetically move the plate and can over to the sink and dustbin and then go wash my hands.

(The thought of doing both at the same place didn't cross my mind)

In my shoe sat my cat, mingling in with the color. I shoo her out from the shoe and give her a can of cat-food (I opened it) and water. Happily eating, I try to slip away. Putting my hand on the door knob, I pray for a dimensional occurring.

And voila.



It did not happen.


Or it actually did, but instead of the multiple spaces I receive, there was just one. I probably awaited something terrible, but heck, I will go. 

And so I jump.

Moments later....

A road.

This has never happened before. From jumping into a more-than-3d space to reaching a regular road; something ultra depressing was awaiting me. Sighing, I step into the unknown. 

The first step. A child's first step is always miraculous and sends the parents into a maniacal (happiness) laugh. Except my first step (on this road) threw me back into a tree. Don't worry, I'm not dead. Nothing happened to me, but the tree behind and the tree behind that and the one behind that....well quite a few trees and the ground was destroyed.

And my dress got torn. 

It wasn't expensive, but it was my favorite one.

"Ah shit, here we go again," I thought.

Torn clothes, broken land; here I stand, named Kay.

A little rest from the regular novels :)

Rick_Bhattacharyyacreators' thoughts