
Enemy Or Ally

(Joey regretted it and broke his pencil but his pride wouldn't let him apologize and he buried his head on his desk)

(aj was walking to the cafeteria to meet his brother's for lunch when he walked by a bigger kid walking and two other kids were slapping him around and making fun of his body)

Kid 1 - hey fatty, ya hungry?

Kid 2 - yeah lemme see your body jiggle (he slaps his stomach and the other kid grabs his cheeks and pulls it hard)

(they finally look up and see aj walking towards them)

Kid 1 - the hell you think you're stepping to? You better move along (the other kid grabbed him and whispered)

Kid 2 - that's aj, the one that runs the Dailey gang!

(the kid shuddered as aj kept walking and aj walked right by them and they finally let out a breath and in there lost of thought the big kid got away and aj smiled)

(aj finally got to the cafeteria and saw dontae and he waved him over to a table in the corner with joey and tim were already sitting there)

Dontae - how was everyone's day so far?

(the boys were silent until tim spoke)

Tim - boring

Joey - stressful

Aj - the same as always

Dontae - you guys sure know to kill the mood

Aj - i think i ran into some of Bryan's goons today

(everyone looked up and froze)

Tim - what happened?

Aj - i saw some idiots in the hallway picking on some kid and he looked like he wanted to kill them but he kept taking it and I saw they had a Ki gang patch on their jackets

(they pondered all the information they were just told)

Joey - they already converted them into Ki gang? I thought they only take in the gang of the number one every school

Tim - maybe they made an exception since he was the clear favorite before aj came

Dontae - it doesn't matter as long as nothing comes to us then we have nothing to worry about

(they agreed and went back to talking when Bryan's right hand man Ricky Wong walked over to their table)

(he cleared his throat and they looked up at him then dontae waited for him to speak but aj kept eating his food)

Ricky - bryan wants to have a meeting with you alone aj

(nobody moved and aj finally looked up at him and asked him)

Aj - about?

Ricky - he just needs an audience with you, i don't ask to many questions

Tim - yeah because your his lap dog

(joey laughed)

Ricky - watch your mouth

(joey stood up)

Joey - or what?

Tim - hey relax bro, no need to sweat it

Dontae - where does he want to meet?

Joey - you can't be serious

Dontae - i am, i'm pretty sure it's a matter that we can't afford since ricky here came alone so i'm guessing there's someone new that's coming here and your the only who stayed loyal to bryan

(ricky smiled)

Ricky - you were always a smart cookie and your correct, the kids repping the Ki gang aren't with us anymore

Aj - so he wants an alliance or something?

(ricky shook his head)

Ricky - you know the kind of person he is so for him to ask for help it's a thing he doesn't take lightly

Joey - well offer declined

Dontae - i'd have to agree, i wouldn't have mind hearing him out but him asking to join together could never work

(tim stared at aj who he could tell was seriously considering it)

Tim - you want to talk to him, don't you aj?

Aj - yes, i need to hear it from his mouth why he needs our help before i get my brother's involved in any situation because i won't put them in danger if the cause doesn't add up to the benefit

Ricky - that's all he needs, you have to come alone

Dontae - your out of your mind, i won't let him go alone

Tim - make that a WE

(ricky sighed heavily and grabbed his head but finally gave in)

Ricky - fine whatever, just follow me

(they all followed him out the lunch room and everyone noticed and had strange looks on their faces but the kids from before definitely were suspicious)

Kid 1 - let the boss know that we might have a problem

(the brother's followed ricky to the roof and he pushed open the door and saw a kid looking out at the view and ricky called his name)