
Daiki Sarutobi: A leaf village story

A part-time anime watcher is reincarnated into the world of Naruto as the last son of the third Hokage. Daiki Sarutobi inherited his father's talent and even his nickname, he became the pride and joy of the entire Sarutobi clan and the leaf village, watch as he lives his second life to the fullest while protecting those that he loves.

New_Author · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chunin Exams (7)

" Kakashi, I simply came for a visit, after all, there are many interesting genin this year it would be a shame to miss them, especially those with such eyes."



A snake struck at Kakashi causing him to dodge as it wrapped around Orochimaru, Kakashi who was now a few feet away from Orochimaru looked at him as he disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

Seeing Orochimaru gone Kakashi relaxed, and looked in the direction Sakura had gone, and disappeared.

( Team ten)

Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji had already made their way to the tower but had not gone in, after collecting their third heaven scroll the group met another team and wiped them out.

Luckily the team had the earth scroll they needed, so they had already completed the objectives to pass the second stage.

" Shikamaru let's go we've been here for long enough, none of the other leaf genin are coming now." Ino shouts.

" Fine, let's go we got two extra scrolls I just figured it wouldn't be too bad to help one of the other leaf genin teams if they need a heaven scroll."

" Well, it's not our problem, they should have been trained enough to pass, and I'm running low on snacks so let's move on." Choji adds.

Hearing this Shikamaru took out the two extra heaven scrolls they had and gave them to Choji.

" Huh? Why are you giving them to me?" Choji asks.

" Throw them back into the forest, burn them it doesn't matter." Shikamaru answers.

"Burn them, throwing them into the forest just creates more opportunities for more genin teams to pass." Ino says

" That is the best choice, and all the team tests should be done, next it's time for individual testing, I'm guessing individual combat power." Shikamaru says.

" Mhm, in that case..."

" Fire release; fireballs jutsu."

Choji throws the two heaven scrolls into the air and breathes out a fireball that engulfs them burning them to ashes.

After that was done the three turned and picked one of the many doors and entered, the three arrived in an empty room that had an open scroll on the wall with a passage on it.

The three read it in silence before Choji spoke up.

" It seems like Something is missing, you think it's in the two scrolls we have?" He asked.

" I would guess so."

" Then let's open them." Shikamaru says as he takes out the two scrolls and hands one to Ino.

In sync, the two opened the scrolls, but smoke started emitting from them to their surprise they quickly threw them to the ground and jumped back.


The smoke expanded and as the three were about to attack a familiar voice sounded.

" You three took way longer than I thought you would."

Hearing the voice the three lowered their guard and saw a person standing in the dissipating smoke.

" Daiki sensei!" The three shouted.

" Yeah it's me, you guys did well even though you took so long, so did you guys run into strange?" Daiki asked.

" Not really, I still don't understand why you were so serious about us completing the test as soon as possible." Says Choji.

" I'll tell later, for now, I'm supposed to explain this to you." Daiki says as to point to the passage on the wall.

" This is the chunin motto written by the third Hokage, to put it simply it means to complete the most dangerous mission a shinobi must have heaven and earth referring to wisdom and strength, if you lack heaven seek it out and prepare the mission, and if you lack earth continue training as only with both can the most dangerous of missions be completed." Says Daiki.

" So what now Daiki sensei?" Shikamaru asked.

" Well, now you guys will have to wait until the time limit of the second stage is up before the third stage can begin."

" Daiki sensei wants the test for the third stage?" Ino asked.

" Well, it won't hurt much to tell you guys, the third will be a series of one-on-one fights between the genin that have passed the second stage." Says Daiki.

" You guys have a couple of days to wait, but for now, I'll buy you guys dinner anyone up for Ramen?"

( Hokage Office)

" So Orochimaru is in the village." The third said as the expression on his face turned dark.

" What about the one tails, and did you find out his plans?" The third asked looking at Kakashi.

" Lord third, currently the boy hosting the one tails is extremely unstable, it would seem the one tail is affecting him greatly, as for Orochimaru's objective I would guess it's Sasuke as he planted a curse seal on him and hasn't appeared again since." Kakashi says.

"Mhm, it seems things are going towards the worst outcome, the chunin exams will continue as planned, Kakashi take over from the anbu and continue monitoring team seven."

" Yes Sir." Kakashi says then disappears.

" It seems letting you go back then has come back to haunt me now Orochimaru." The third whispers.

" Go get Daiki, I need to speak to him." The third says.

" Right away Hokage sama." A voice sounded in the room even though no one could be seen.

(Root Base)

" Why are you here Orochimaru?" Danzo asked.

" It seems things haven't been going well for you Danzo, all these years and you still aren't Hokage." Orochimaru responded with a smile.

Danzo's face was immediately filled with rage as he stood up and the hand holding his cane shook in anger.

" Orochimaru why are you here?!! If you are only to make fun of this old man I have no problem making you regret it." Danzo says as a group of root shinobi appear surrounding Orochimaru.

" I'm just here to give you some information." Says Orochimaru.

" What information?"

" In the final stage of the chunin exams the sand and I will attack our target being the third and of course Daiki, if you still want to become Hokage I suggest you and your root shinobi huddle into one corner and don't interfere."

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