
Dagon’s Return

Dagon gets a second chance at life in a new world full of magic and adventure, after the death of his family. It’s everything he’s ever wanted, but it comes at a price. Dagon must find his way in this world with danger at every turn. Why was he brought here, and what must he do? He’ll have to survive and get stronger to find the answers to his questions.

DreamEscape · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Training begins

The group made it to camp around 3 hours later. Dagon prepared food for everyone. The two fell asleep shortly after eating, succumbing to their exhaustion from the crazy night.

Dagon day and thought about the events that transpired. The magic arrow was the biggest thing on his mind. He remembered the feeling he'd had when he pulled back the drawstring, and when he released, but he wasn't sure if he could repeat it.

He assumed the feeling came from the seething rage within him at that moment, as he wasn't purposely trying to use magic.

"Maybe this is a question better left for the teacher when I can," Dagon decided.

The only thing he knew for sure, is that the magic arrow had saved his life. The other two robbers surely wouldn't have ran so quickly if not for the power of that arrow. He didn't know if he could fight them off otherwise. "That's enough thinking for tonight," he said aloud.

Dagon lay down among the group, happy to have made it out alive.

The group left early in the morning, it was a long days walk back to the city.

They didn't talk too much, just simple small talk.

"What's your name sir?" The blonde man asked.

"Dagon, and you guys?"

"Raj," replied the blonde man.

"Lily," said the young woman.

"Nice to meet you Raj and Lily"

"Nice to meet you as well Dagon," they both replied.

Raj was a warrior, he carried only a sword and shield with him.

"I guess you'd consider him a tank," Dagon thought to himself.

Lily was a healer, she only knew one spell at the moment, a low grade healing spell that couldn't do much but heal cuts and bruises. She only carried a dagger on her, as she wasn't cut out for a fight.

"What's the magic affinity for the healer class?" Dagon asked out of curiosity.

"Light," Lily replied.

"I have an affinity for light magic myself," Dagon said.

"Oh. You don't seem like a healer.....no offense," Lily said nervously.

"Haha none taken Lily, I don't even really know how to use magic yet. I have no spells, yet an affinity for fire, air, lightning, and light. I was just curious if I'd be able to use healing spells in the future."

Both Raj and Lily stopped and stared with wife eyes.

"What's the matter?" Dagon asked confused.

"Four magic affinities! That's crazy!" Lily exclaimed.

"I thought three was rare, damn," Raj said as he scratched his head.

"Well it doesn't help if I don't know magic," Dagon replied laughing as he kept walking.

"Why don't you get a teacher," Raj asked.

"Well I didn't have any money before this job, it was my first. I plan on it in the future."

"I see"

After a short moment of silence Raj asked, "Dagon, would you like to join our party? We're down one member now, plus Lily and I have you to thank for our lives. We'd happily make you the new leader."

Dagon thought for a moment before replying, "sure, why not. I don't know much about this place anyway, I'm sure you guys would be a good help for that."

Raj and Lily lightly cheered as they clapped their hands. To Dagon, he'd gotten two good helpers to show him the ins and outs of this world. To Raj and Lily, they'd just secured a possible future high ranker into their group. Four Magic affinities was rare in Harkon City.

After a long day of travel the newly formed party made it to Harkon City. They camped at night again, and made it back by afternoon.

Mary was at the front desk when they arrived at the guild.

"Hello, Dagon, I see you've made some friends," she said with a smile as always.

"Hi, Mary, this is our new party leader," Raj and Lily replied.

"Leader? Already? You guys joined 3 months before him and he's your leader not even a week after joining? Where's kyra by the way?" Mary teased them.

The look on their faces dropped as Raj replied, "we were captured by bandits in the middle of our job. We'd be dead if it wasn't for Dagon. He killed the robbers before they could make a move on us."

"Oh I'm sorry about that, I'm glad Dagon was there to help," Mary replied with a saddened face.

"More and more reports of thieves have been coming in from the Forest of Umbria, Im glad you took care of them."

Dagon stayed silent throughout the exchange. He cleared his throat before changing the subject, "ahhem. So anyway, the job is finished should we take our spoils to Jack?"

"Yes he's in the shop right now go give him a visit," Mary replied.

Raj and Lily headed in with Dagon, they had to sell the gear left behind by Kyra. For low rank adventurers, as sad as it was for a companion to die, they were too broke to leave such things behind.

"Hello guys, how can I help you?" The booming voice of Jack came from behind the counter.

Raj and Lily put their items for sale on the counter, as Dagon fiddled with his ring.

"Come to think of it, what did you have to sell, Dagon?" Raj asked confused. Dagon wasn't carrying any spoils on him throughout the trip, but they didn't notice until now.

"I guess since we're a party now I can trust you, but don't go telling anyone ya hear?" Dagon said as he pulled the spoils out of his ring.

All three of the spectators eyes went wide as they stared at the pile of corpses. Twelve wolves, two boars, and three decent quality weapons. The loot itself was surprising enough, but it was the ring that caught all of their attention.

"I thought you said you were broke, how the hell did you afford that?" Raj said at a whisper.

"This is what I went broke on, spent all my money on the ring and gear," Dagon lied as he shrugged his shoulders.

"How much for all of this, Jack?" Dagon said trying to change the subject once again.

It took Jack a moment to sort through all the items before taking a minute to add it all up.

"For the corpses, 13 silvers even. Their all perfect but two, and even those are are in pretty good condition. As for the weapons, they're decent quality. A bit of sharpening and they'd each be worth almost a silver a piece. We'll say 15 silvers and 10 coppers for everything."

Dagon was ecstatic. With the money he found on the robbers, he had a grand total 25 silvers and 70 coppers. More than enough for his plans at the moment.

Dagon thanked Jack and left the shop after getting his money. Raj and Lily only got 5 silvers for their loot, but were just as happy.

The trio shared a meal before going their separate ways for the day, promising to meet up here tomorrow. Raj and Lily were locals, they had a house in the city, so they didn't need to stay in the guild like Dagon.

Dagon went straight for the practice yard after dinner, he'd skipped out on his training for a couple days now, and he didn't want to do it again.

As he trained, he noticed his sword training had gotten easier again. He was able to finish the 1000 chops and 1000 slashes in a single go before crashing to the floor. He wasn't as exhausted as usual, but still didn't want to move a muscle.

"I guess it's time to get a teacher," he thought to himself.

Dagon paid his 15 coppers for a room before washing up and going to bed. It was the first night in his week stay he'd been able to bathe, the feeling was too precious to put in words.

Dagon fell asleep that night with a plan. A plan to level up as quickly as possible before taking on harder jobs. He wanted to gain as much money as possible, as quickly as possible; and to do that, he had to be strong.

When morning came, Dagon went straight to Mary.

"I'd like to hire a teacher for my swordsmanship," he announced.

"The trainers are on the second floor, each door has a corresponding symbol to help you find your way."

"Thank you"

Dagon found the door relatively easy, the symbol of a sword was painted on the door.

Knock Knock—!

The door opened up to a seasoned man. He was old, but still looked to be in perfect shape. His salt and pepper hair, and impressive physique, gave Dagon a good first impression.

"Are you looking for training with the sword, young man?"

"Yes, sir, how much do you charge for a lesson?"

"1 silver per lesson," the man replied.

Dagon dug out silver from his pouch before placing it in the old man's hand.

"The name is George, what's yours kid?"


"Don't parents ever get tired of that name?" George said.

Dagon gave George a confused look.

"Never mind, I'll see you in the practice yard in 30. Be ready," George replied before shutting the door.

Dagon shrugged it off as he headed to the practice yard. He was excited to finally learn how to use the sword properly. It was a necessary step in his journey if we wanted to become strong.