
Life of a fatherless daughter

It all Starts with a cute little girl who is just 1 year old and his father left her away ..she even don't play with her father in life once ...when she grew up to 18 then she realised the absence of her father

but What she can do with this ?

nothing .....

she knows this that she cant change the situation but she lives in depression with a fake smile on her face

her school life always goes very wrong she never enjoyed her school life bcz of absence of the love of her father ....

mothers are everything but father's are father's for their daughters

and whenever she see a daughter with her father she jealoused Everytime but never tell anyone

her deeply feelings are.....

oh god! what the hell is going on ...why u did this to me

I want a father too

she is deeply hurted inside but no one knows about her sadness

she is dead from inside but still she is finding ways to live

she wants to do big things in her life but due to absence of motivation and support she can't ...

but in last she gets nothing she cope up with the situation and she moves on in life

I think she is the strongest girl in this world 💘 and hats off to her

for me daughters who has father's are the most luckiest in the world ...💕💕💕