
chapter 1

in country x, a tall building was standing surrounded by small office buildings down at the ground floor of this said building a handsome man is coming out of the building he's 6,2 black hair, cold azure eye's that look like they could freeze you with just a glance a lean but muscular physic that makes him look quite intimidating. yet the man stood their as if lifeless for about 2 minutes before walking back to his car, a black BMW. he got in and drove off down the street, he didn't know yet but today was the day his life changed for good.

after what felt like a 30 minute drive the man finnaly arrived at an area that could only be described as lavish he drove for another 5 minutes before slowing down and pulling into a drive way of a house that looked relatively the same as the others in this neighbourhood after sitting in his car for what felt like an eternity the man finnaly got out and walked up to the door just as he was about to awnser the door flew open and a stunning women stood there. she was 5,9 with large cushion lookin tits a slim waist and black hair. she look at the man condescendingly the said "Felix its about time I need some money so give it to me."

the man, felix looked at her for a second gritted his teeth and just gave her the money "fine" he said the walked past her just not bother to say anything other than that. the women looked quite happy with her self. The woman's name was Mary she was felix's wife and as he would word it a entitled bitch It was an arranged marriage that neither wanted but Mary didn't help to make it atleast cardinal. that was just her 'atleast she was a beauty' felix thought that it helped much she was still a snarky bitch that he hated.

after dealing with his annoyingly bitch wife felix walked into the kitchen only to be cursed at by his daughter as soon as he entered. His daughter a abit shorter than his wife, C cup breasts, azure blue eyes, a thin waist, tanned skin, and an ample bottom that would jiggle with each step. although felix hated his wife and daughter for treating him for shit he had to admit they were hot. "fuck" is the first thing felix heard when he entered the kitchen and bumped into his daughter, as much as he didn't like her and hated to admit he like the feeling of her chest as it bound off him.

"fuck felix watch where your going next time" ellie said words she said made him seeth with rage, after all hes done for his family his own daughter doesn't even respect him enough to call him dad, as he was trying to calm down he just wanted to get this over with so he said sorry and moved past her.

As he walked past ellie, he stopped for a brief second when he heard Mary come in but he didn't stop for long cause he know if he stays hell never hear the end of marys complaining so he just walked out and went to his room. It was a long day and felix didn't feel like dealing with anything so he just layer down and closed his eyes.

unknown to him at this exact moment an entity was watching his miserable life with a hint of pity.


In the vast universe an unexpected thing was happening a god or more precise the greatest god,

God of creation felt emotion for the first time it may sound simple but this was the farthest from it an entity of this magnitude should not have emotion it could be catastrophic for the briefest of moments while the god felt this emotion he saw a mortal and he felt pity. yes pity. so this god decided to give the man something that could help him though not even the god himself expected what would happen after that and so a small wisp was sent through the universe and came to one of the very few planets that was habitable in the entire cosmos it flew down into the head of the man who only wanted his life to be over fast.



I opened my eyes only to be frightened to see a small wisp of blue floating right in front of me it scared me so much I almost screamed, then I blinked and it was gone, I was confused for a second before realising it must have been my imagination.

as I started to drift off to sleep thinking i was going to just wake up to another miserable day I couldn't help wishing it would all just be over and so as I feel asleep I didnt realise that what came after.


what felix didn't realise was that when he blinked the wisp flew into his head and started integrating into him. after felix fell asleep it he started to glow faint at first but it slowly got brighter and then it sounded in to the room [SYSTEM INITIALISATION] download...

merging with host... 1%....5%....13%. it kept going like this until finally ....100% merging with host finished, host 97% compatible. host unable to access higher information, host detected to be unavailable at the moment system will go off-line. And so this is how the story of a miserable man became a god or whatever.

A/N dont take the god part seriously i don't know if i will even get to that this is an r18+ story well satrt getting into next chapter.

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