
A Cute Kid from Heaven (2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Rise and shine! The early bird catches the worm. Rise and shine! The early bird catches the worm."

The alarm on An Ziqi's phone went off like clockwork.

As was her habit, An Ziqi raised her hand and reached for her phone.

However, her body appeared to be firmly encased by something, and, try as she might, she could not move an inch.

Drowsily, she opened her eyes. A handsome face appeared in her line of vision.

The skin was supple and firm; it was flawless that not even a pore could be seen. It was like a work of art.

Was she dreaming?

It was indeed great to be able to dream of such perfect eye candy.

With a silly laugh, An Ziqi could not resist reaching out to caress the man's beautiful face.

"Hmm…" An Ziqi felt really good.

Just when she was enjoying it, her wrist was suddenly caught in a violent grip as the handsome man opened his eyes.

"What are you doing?" the handsome man asked curtly.

"Oh my… This feels so tender."

An Ziqi brushed his hand away and proceeded to pinch his cheek.

"Oh, my cute one, you're playing rough, even in your mama's dream."

She tugged at the handsome man's cheek, stretching it out like a dough and then releasing it, letting it bounce back to its original shape.

"Good elasticity. I give you 99 points. I will reserve the last remaining point to prevent you from becoming conceited," An Ziqi commented with pride in her voice.

The handsome man's face turned deadly ugly as he kicked An Ziqi out of the bed with his leg.

"Ouch! That hurt a lot. An Ziqi, you are useless. Fancy being rough-handled even in your dreams," An Ziqi muttered, finally realizing that something was off.

Dreaming? Then why did that hurt so much? Also, how could a dream appear so realistic?

She then noticed the bruise marks all over her body.

All that was clear evidence that told her what had happened between them the night before.

"Oh, you rascal! Go to h#%**!"

Embarrassed, An Ziqi grabbed the quilt to wrap around herself and, screaming, kicked him with all her might.

Xiao Moli quickly raised his hand to grab her ankle that came flying towards him.

At the same time, he used both his hands to push her mercilessly aside.

Getting off the bed, he deftly pulled the bedsheet and wrapped it around his waist.

"Who instigated you to trick me?"

He sounded cold and looked even colder.

From head to toe, he exuded an overwhelming sense of danger.

An Ziqi was so terrified that she tensed up and withdrew from him.

Mustering up her courage, she spoke up.

"Me? Tricked you? What I want to know is how you turned up in my bed?"

That said, she once again gathered courage and sounded firm.

What the…? Intimidating me with your deadly expression?

Obviously, she was the one who had been disadvantaged, so why did he look like he had been ravaged? She was the one who should look threatening.

"Your bed? Open your eyes and take a good look. This is my home, and that is my bed."

Xiao Moli's earlier deadly expression turned a lot icier.

That deadly look in his eyes clearly reflected his intention to shred her into a thousand pieces.

An Ziqi took a closer look, and, lo and behold, that was not her bed.

Oh? Hang on a minute. So what in the world was going on here?

How did she end up in this place?

"Stupid woman, don't assume that I would marry you just because you have managed to climb into my bed. This is a cheap trick that even the starlets who appear in trashy romance dramas would not use. Spit it out. How much do you want?" Xiao Moli asked coldly.

Stinking rascal, he sure had a toxic mouth.

Now, An Ziqi was not someone who would suffer in silence. Instantly, she retorted sarcastically, "Hey Mister, you are not a dollar note so don't assume that everyone would fall in love with you on sight."

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