
Who is responsible for the pregnancy?

A slap resonated in the hall. The man who just slapped the young lady was Mr. Festus Abdul, a leader of the Men's Group Faith Church. His face was reddened with anger and his body shook after giving the girl the slap.

This slap wasn't even compared to the shame the man felt. The pain and disappointment in his eyes were evident.

The hall was silent. The girl had refused to speak. Even though she was kneeling down and her knees hurt, she still didn't say a word to her father.

As for her mother, she was standing next to the girl helplessly. Her heart went out to her daughter but in a typical African home, especially with their beliefs, she dared not to speak when her husband was speaking. She could only turn mute and watch in silence.

''Jolene, I am going to ask you for the last time. Who got your pregnant with this bastard child?'' The man asked again.

''I don't know!'' The girl answered and was met with another slap. This time, she felt down and sat on the floor.

Her younger sister whom loved her very much ran over and put her arms around her body and started talking. ''You are hurting sister. Please don't slap sister again.'' The ten-year old girl said while protecting her sister with all her might.

''Amala, get away from this ingrate and stand aside. Jolene, do you know how much of a disgrace you are right now? You have brought nothing but shame to this family.'' Festus Abdul said bitterly.

''JoJo, please tell us. Who is the boy responsible for this pregnancy? Do you want your life to be ruined? Is it worth it trying to protect this boy?'' Mrs. Abdul touched her daughter and asked.

''It is not that I am trying to protect him. I don't know who he is.''

''You…'' Mr. Abdul burned with anger. He raised his hand again to slap Jolene and Amala held his leg.

''Don't slap elder sister. Why are you beating her?'' Amala yelled.

''Get away from me…'' Mr. Abdul said and kicked Amala with his leg. The girl fell down and hit her head against the table.

''Amala…'' Jolene reacted when she saw blood coming out from Amala's head.

''Amala…'' Mrs. Abdul held Amala's body and said to her husband. 'Get the car!'' She yelled.

For a moment, Mr. Abdul was confused. He shook his head and picked the car keys and rushed out.

''Amala…'' Jolene held Amala's hand as they rushed her out to the car.

HP Hospital.

''She is stable now. We've dressed her head. She will be able to go home after tomorrow morning.'' The doctor said and Mr. and Mrs. Abdul and Jolene sighed.

''Thank you, doctor.'' Mrs. Abdul said.

''You are welcome.''

''Jolene, come with me. Martha, stay with Amala.'' Mr. Abdul said and turned, walking away.

''We are in the hospital, let's get rid of the baby so that you can go back to school when the term begins.'' Mr. Abdul said once they got to the hallway.

''Dad…'' Jolene clasped her hands tightly.

''You are just in your second year of high school. Do you know how much shame you are going to bring to me and your mother? I am a church leader. What will people say once they find out that my daughter whom I've always boasted about is pregnant?''

Jolene shook her head. ''Dad, I can't get an abortion.'' Jolene said after a lot of hesitation.

''What? JoJo do you know what you are saying?''

''I don't want to abort the baby. I can go back to school after giving birth…'' Before the words could come out fully, Jolene received another slap.

At this point, her face was red with the slaps she had received. Jolene stumbled and held the wall to support herself.

''Your sister is here because of you. How dare you make that decision for yourself, Jolene? Give birth? Over my dead body! I will never allow this thing inside you to live. You have to make a decision now. Either you get rid of this thing now that we are here or you leave my house. Yes, I am going to disown you.''

Jolene's face turned pale. ''Dad, I… abortion is dangerous.''

Mr. Abdul laughed. 'But giving birth isn't, right? Jolene, think about what I told you just now. You have two hours to make a decision.'' Mr. Abdul said and walked away.

Jolene sat down on the visitors bench and sighed. How did she even get this point? Jolene sighed.


Five weeks ago…

Lakewood High School.

It was the end of year school party. This was organized yearly to send off the final year students that had written their final exams.

The hall was packed with a lot of students. Most of which were intoxicated.

Jolene arrived at quite late after waiting for her best friend to finish dressing up. They entered the hall and soon found their sophomore classmates. They were seated at a table playing games over drinks.

''Jolene is here… come and sit down.'' A senior year girl whom was very fond of Jolene saw her and pulled her over to their table. Jolene was holding her best friend, Rosa's hand so they ended up sitting at the senior's table.

''Here, have a drink.'' The senior said and picked one of the bottle drinks on the table for Jolene.

''Senior, I don't take alcohol…'' Jolene rejected politely.

''Yarah, this girl is too innocent …'' One of the boys said and they laughed.

''She doesn't take alcohol, leave her alone.'' One of the boys spoke. He picked a bottle of water and passed it on to Jolene saying, ''drink this instead. Don't let them force you to drink alcohol if you are not ready to do it.''

Jolene took the water and nodded shyly. She couldn't look at the boy directly because she found him very pleasing to the eye.

The Latina boy with green eyes was very handsome. His hair which was combed back looked neat. Jolene had known him for a long time but this was the first time she was sitting this close to him.

''He is so handsome, JoJo. I think he likes you.'' Rosa whispered into Jolene's ears.

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