
Daddy (English)

Rafael really likes small children, but he hates marriage and women the most, almost all women are only after the money. One time Rafael contemplated having a child, offspring, to continue his company, but without getting married? how's the story?

KILLY · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 8. Infection

Rafa immediately postponed his return to work. He immediately asked his secretary to take care of his return. As soon as possible, rafael hopes to get to his house quickly.


Just didn't go to the supermarket, his mood was ruined because of rafael. He just stayed at home, as usual, watching television and eating together with Mina, Ningning and their parents. Until sleepy and sleep back in his room.

It took more than 14 hours from America to Indonesia. While on the plane, Rafael was very worried about only being confined.

What if just reckless?

Harassing himself?

Also the baby?

Raphael doesn't want to. The plane landed at the airport. Before getting to his house he even had to take a car. It took about an hour to his house. When we got home, it was already evening, maybe around 3 in the morning.

Raphael rushed into his house. There was a bodyguard standing guard outside and opened the door. Rafael went straight to Hany's room. When rafael arrived at hany's room, he wanted to scold hany, why only because it was not allowed to go to the supermarket to lock himself up.

But when he entered and saw Hany who was fast asleep, Rafael smiled. His heart was comfortable to touch. Raphael took off his coat. He took a shower and took casual clothes.

Rafael's room is actually upstairs and again rafael has only agreed that they will not touch each other. But this time, rafael wanted to keep an eye on him directly. Until he has to go back to work, maybe tomorrow he will return to America for his work.

After rafael showered he came back down and took the bed beside hany. Rafael was very tired, but couldn't sleep on the plane. After seeing that Hany was okay, Rafael immediately fell asleep beside Hany.


Stomach rumbles. Feels very hungry. Hany woke up and saw beside him a man sleeping without permission, beside him, soundly. After just looking, it turns out that he is rafael

"Aren't you still in America, are you?" said hany monologue alone.

Ahh.. Just don't care. He's starving. He would go out, into the kitchen and look for anything to eat.

"Honey, are you hungry?" he asked before he got up from the bed. Hany rubbed his stomach and asked his son.

"Okay, let's find some food!" said Hany again enthusiastically.

Without realizing it, the man behind him had been watching. He also smiled seeing how he interacted with his baby. He wanted too.

"Where are you going?"

When he was just about to stand up, someone grabbed his hand. Rafael held his hand. Hany glanced at rafael. He's awake.

"To the kitchen. Hungry." said hany brushed off rafael's hand.

"Wake up aunty, ningning or mina to cook you something." said rafael sat down and looked at hany. Han shook his head.

Just don't want to bother. Still worried about hany, rafael finally followed hany to the room. Rafael only saw what Hany was doing.

"Could you please help me find something to eat?" said hany asking for help rafael who just followed him. Been following behind ever since.

Raphael nodded. Rafael looked for the refrigerator and other places. But everything is raw stuff. Raphael was even more annoyed.

"Why can't there be anything to eat. Can't auntie and the others work properly." rafael became angry with himself.

"Don't fire them." hany glared at rafael who was still standing in the refrigerator holding the door.

Just take raw materials. Like eggs also sausages and others. At least it can be cooked and eaten. Also there are vegetables. And there's an apple.


On the plane also rafael couldn't eat, he didn't have an appetite because he was worried about hany. So rafael's stomach also rumbled from hunger. Hany took the apple, he wanted to bite himself. But I didn't hear rafael's stomach rumbling too.

Hany switched to taking a knife to cut the apple. But being held back by rafael, he was afraid to just hurt himself with a knife.

"Let me cut it." said rafael heroic. He took his knife and apple for him to cut. But it just makes me laugh.

"You're sure you can use a knife properly sir. Come on let me, I won't hurt your baby just by cutting the apple."

Hany, who had taken a frying pan to fry all the ingredients, didn't even make it. He approached rafael back and replaced rafael to cut the apple.

"Truly a business man." mumbled Hany as he cut the apple. He even used his knife in reverse. Hanny wanted to laugh but could hardly believe it. Only the knife he can't use. Truly a businessman who is only in the office.

"This, before the food is cooked. It can clog your stomach. Akk."

After he finished dividing the apple in half, he just reflexively wanted to feed rafael. Rafael is amazed, he really likes the sweet attitude of women who spoil their men. But then rafael also remembered how women betrayed him.

"I can feed myself. No need to be fed." said rafael who came back jittery and took half of the apple from hany's hand.


Hany just hissed annoyed.

Just heat up the pan and then start cooking the eggs, sausage and other vegetables. After that just make her pregnant milk and drink for rafael.

Two servings of food on two plates. And it should also be two drinks. The problem is I don't know what rafael likes. Tea or coffee? Or warm milk or juice drinks?

"Master, what would you like to drink?"

Rafael chose to sit on the sofa with the television after standing up and watching every movement only. Just looking at just cooking, occasionally just asking to get salt, etc. Dishes also spoon and taste the dishes.

"No need, I'll drink the cold juice." said rafael who stood up taking the plate of food in his hand and then put it on the table in front of the tv.

Hany just walked over and ended up sitting on the sofa. While rafael took orange juice from the refrigerator, poured it and sat back next to hany. Hany and rafael enjoyed their food while occasionally glancing at each other. But try as much as possible not to stare at each other.

Rafael avoided his gaze. When only glanced at him, rafael pretended to be watching television.

After the unexpected midnight meal, rafael would go back to sleep. But rafael instead walked to hany's room.

"Master, you're in the wrong room right?!" said just reminded. Rafael did not forget, it felt calm and comfortable sleeping there.

But because of prestige, rafael finally went upstairs and slept there. Hany went back into his room and fell asleep. It turned out that rafael couldn't sleep in his room, he went back down and slept in hany's room.

"I'll wake up before I wake up later." he said he planned it that way.


The next day rafael actually woke up earlier than hany. It felt like Rachel's throat was dry. He went to the kitchen to get a drink. But even after drinking rafael's throat still didn't feel good, rafael's lips also turned pale. Rafael wanted to go to rest back to the upstairs room so he wouldn't be caught. But he was weak, rafael checked his own temperature.

Unfortunately, he has a fever. Rafael could only sit on the edge of the sofa while trying to muster the energy to go upstairs. But in vain, he was really tired.

Maybe because while in America, rafael really worked hard, so that he could finish quickly and return to Indonesia to see hany. But it hurts. How are you going to take care of it?

Hany woke up, he wanted to get water in the kitchen but instead saw rafael with a strange attitude. Hany approached him. Hany was surprised to see a pale rafael.

"Master, what are you doing?" just approached rafael to check his condition. But rafael didn't answer. Rafael even accidentally hugged Hany.

More precisely, his body was limp. He needed support and rafael was forced to hug hany. Also the taste that rafael has been hiding for a long time.

This is the chance.


Hany was worried, he hugged rafael and felt his hot body temperature. Hany immediately called his bodyguard to help him bring rafael to rest. The maids there immediately rushed to call the doctor to examine rafael.

"Hany, I like being with you. Can I call this love? I want to be with you, I want to hug you as much as I want. Can I?"

Rafael's body temperature is very hot. Bodyguar to support rafael who is almost unconscious. But after being laid in bed rafael even delirious like that. Hany was happy but no, rafael said it subconsciously.

If rafael wanted to say it directly, he would only say the same feeling as rafael.

But it seems that rafael is still afraid to have a relationship with a woman.