
Chapter 15 - Never brought a woman home

She wondered why he was saying nothing but just staring at her. Does she look ugly or something? After what seemed like forever, he finally spoke out

"We will be receiving an important guest today"


"You will have to look your best and be on your best behavior don't screw things up. Understood?"

"Okay sir "

"Don't call me sir"

"But that's what I've always called you"

"Don't call me that Infront of the guest and other people who will be coming here day in and day out you need to learn to call me by my name"

"Okay sir I mean er but... Nick ...laus"

"You are just stupid "

After saying this, he left Serina alone his last words kept ringing in her head "Did I do or say anything wrong? Why should he call me stupid? I lead myself into this" after a quiet time alone, Laura came in she saw Serina sitting alone and went to her

"Hi Serina! You look blue is there anything bothering you? But where is daddy I can't see him around?"

" Erm...who? I mean what?"

Serina had not noticed Laura, her eyes widened as she spoke

"Oh Laura you are here how are you?"

"Serina? Have you been thinking? Why? What's wrong? Did brother say anything bad to you? Believe me he is a good person"

Laura said sadly

"Nooo don't be sad he did not do or say anything I was just thinking about...er..." She didn't know what to say Laura then chipped in

"Let me guess Ira?"

"Yes Ira" What was wrong with Serina? She had even forgotten her sister was in the hospital?

"Well I have good news for you"

" Good news? What's that?"

"I called the doctor and he told me Ira will regain consciousness any time soon and would be discharged after three days " Laura said excitedly

"Really? Ira is fine now?"

"Yes Serina she is very fine now I am very happy for her"

"I can't wait to see her again "

"Now tell me. Where is brother?"

" Erm...I don't know but check the study "

"Okay then see you later "

Serina smiled at Laura as she left. Later that day Serina called Lucita to her room

"You sent for me Serina"

"Oh yes have a seat." She said tapping a spot on the bed on which she was sitting

"Not on his bed I will rather stand"

"Ok then sit on the sofa"

Lucita sat uncomfortably on the sofa as she asked why Serina had called her there

" I want to know everything you know about Nicklaus Lucita "

" Why are you asking me this? U should know better than me shouldn't you?"

"I actually don't "

" But are you not his wife?"

"He was and still is my boss. Our marriage was sort of a deal "

"Okay I know Mr. Nicklaus to be a very nice and gold hearted person who is very peaceful to be around..."

"Wait a sec! Who are you talking about?" Serina interrupted

"That'll when he is around his sister , Mr. Jonas, and few others but he is the opposite when it is anyone else"

"Has he ever brought home a woman?"

"No I don't think so. It's just you his wife I have to go now."

"Ok thanks for the information"

"There is no need to thank me"

Lucita said and left Serina alone in the room. She gradually feel asleep.