
Daddy's Little Baby Girl

Shredal · Teen
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20 Chs

Chapter 4

"Girls," Nolan called out.When he found them, he coaxed them out from under the bed, and then he pulled Caylee into his arms."Baby girl, nothing is going to hurt you. I promise you're safe."She nodded and rested against him.He held her for another moment before taking her hand. "I want you to meet a good friend of mine."They introduced the girls to Dustin, a friend and colleague of theirs, and told them that he was there to help them.It took a few minutes until Nolan could tell Caylee had settled down a bit until they wanted them to talk about what had happened to them. It was then that he could see her tremble in fear.He tried to stay calm as Holly told them what had happened. When it got to the part of the man hurting them, Caylee flew from his arms and raced out of the room.He stood to follow her, and his first glance of her was of her standing at the window, looking out, with her arms wrapped tightly around her waist. It broke his heart.He walked up behind her and folded his arms around her. "I'm so sorry this happened to you. We'll do everything we can to keep you girls safe."She nodded and rested against his chest. They stayed silent for a minute."How about you lie down for a while? I can tell you're still exhausted.""I'd like that. I can't think straight right now."He pressed a kiss to the back of her head before leading her over to the bed. He tucked her in and pulled the blanket over her before sitting down by her hip."Get some sleep," he said."Where will you be?" she asked."I'll be right here.""You won't leave?""No, baby girl. I won't leave."He waited until her eyes closed before he moved away from the bed. Noah was glad to see Jonah tucking Holly in on the other side, and Nolan knew it would help them both rest easier if they were next to each other.They went back into the office and talked for a while before Dustin left. After finding out what happened to them, Nolan was stunned that Holly and Caylee were involved with the human-smuggling ring in the area. He and several friends worked with Lacey and Cason, the two who opened up The Safe Haven. It dealt with this very thing."Do you want to keep her?"Nolan turned when Jonah asked him if he wanted to keep Caylee.Hell, he wanted to more than anything, but it was too early to make a move. "Yes, she's exactly what I've been looking for. Now we just have to keep them safe."He'd always scoffed at the men he knew who found littles. They'd said the girls seemed to fall into their laps, but he'd always thought they were exaggerating until now. A few of them would get a kick out of the fact it had happened to him.Jonah nodded. "I'm going to call the guys.""I'll check on the girls and be right back," Nolan said.A smile spread across his face when he saw Holly and Caylee tucked tightly against each other in the middle of the huge bed.Caylee was so tiny he was a little afraid he might hurt her, especially if they ever had sex. He was over a foot taller than her and at least one hundred pounds heavier, so he'd have to be extra careful with her until he could determine how gentle he needed to be with her.When Nolan returned to the office, he listened to Jonah's phone call with a couple of their friends, Brayden and Jose. They made the plan to check out the girls' apartment that night, and he was anxious to hear what they found.After the call ended, Jonah spoke. "Let's get the girls up for lunch after we make it."Nolan agreed. The girls needed food as much as they did sleep, and they'd only gotten a few bites of food before Dustin had come.Nolan sat on the edge of the bed and rested his hand on Caylee's stomach. "Baby, wake up."Caylee started moving and then blinked open her eyes. "What?" she asked."We need to get some food in you."She nodded and struggled to sit up.He lifted her to a seated position and then helped her stand before wrapping an arm around her waist. When they made it to the dining room, he sat and pulled her down onto his lap."What are you doing?" she asked."I'm going to feed you," he said."But I can do that."He nodded. "I know, but you're still tired and shaky, so I thought I'd help. Does it bother you?"She shook her head. "No. I just think it's uncomfortable for you."He grinned. "Not at all." He got a spoonful of soup. "Open up," he said as he brought it up to her lips.The feeling of intimacy grew and made him feel even more attracted to her and want her more. He knew he was pushing it and told himself to slow down, but every bit of ground he made with her made him feel more secure. As time passed, he could tell she relaxed more and felt safer with him.That afternoon, they watched a few movies together and were just making dinner when Jonah got a phone call.When Nolan saw the look on his face, he knew something bad had happened, and he prayed it had nothing to do with the girls."Hey, Nolan," Jonah called him into the office.After Jonah told him everything of the girls had been destroyed, it made the situation even more horrific, and he felt so bad for the girls. They debated on when to tell them when Holly interrupted them. Neither man had heard the door open, and the girls step into the office."Tell us what?" Holly asked.He felt physically sick, telling them the world they knew before was gone and everything they owned was destroyed. He didn't know how much more Caylee could take.The devastation on Caylee's face and her surprised cry had him picking her up and walking out of the room."Easy, baby girl. I know it seems horrible right now."She shook her head. "How could it ever be normal again?""We'll make a new normal. One that I know you'll be happy with. Just give it time."Nolan sat with her on his lap in a chair in the bedroom and let her cry. She needed the release, and since she was safe from harm, he could let down his guard a bit and just hold her.He held her until she cried herself to sleep and then laid her on the bed, moved down on the mattress to lay beside her, and covered them up. Since he didn't want her to wake up scared, he planned to stay and not leave her alone any time soon. She'd gotten agitated a few times in her sleep, but all he had to do was tell her he was there.She woke up once to get closer to him. "Can we hold each other?""We are.""No, like really hold on to each other," she said.He guessed at what she was hinting at, but she was nowhere near ready for sex, and there was no way in hell he'd take advantage of her."This is as far as we can go right now, baby. You're too upset to make these kinds of decisions.""It's just that I want to feel something other than despair," Caylee said."I'll make you feel something different later. But right now, I just want to hold you."Fortunately, she nodded and closed her eyes.She was the sweetest thing he'd ever seen, and he wouldn't be letting her go any time soon—unless that was what she wanted.