
Daddy's Little Baby Girl

Shredal · Teen
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20 Chs

Chapter 3

"Sweetheart," he said gently, but he knew he'd startle her no matter what. She sprang from the chair and looked around like a terrified, wounded animal trying to find a place to hide.He put his hands up. "Easy, Caylee. It's me, Nolan. You remember me?"She stopped, looked at him, exhaled, pressed a hand to her stomach, and nodded. "Yes. I'm sorry.""Don't be sorry, sweetheart. You've gone through a horrible time. Of course, you're going to be jumpy. Why are you awake and looking out the window?""I had a nightmare, and I didn't want to disturb Holly or you, so I came out here and moved the chair over so I could try to see the people outside.""Why?""Because it made me feel less lonely."The comment felt like it pierced his heart. He grabbed the blanket that lay over the back of the sofa.Nolan had forgotten to put anything on because he'd been anxious to find her, so he let her gaze slide over him in his shorts. He thought about getting more clothes on, but she didn't seem upset or uncomfortable being with him half-dressed, so he stayed."Do you want to sit with me?" he asked. "We don't have to talk if you don't want."She bit her lip and then nodded as she walked into his arms. "Okay."His brows snapped together when he felt her skin. "Baby, you're frozen."She let him wrap the blanket over them, giving her his body heat."Oh, you feel so good. You're so warm."He tucked the blanket up under her chin. "If you're ever cold like this, come to me. This worries me.""Don't let it bother you, Nolan. I'm used to it.""Why?""I get cold very easily and am only really warm when I'm in a hot shower or if it's a hundred degrees outside.""I'll get you warmed up. Don't be afraid when I lift you onto my lap.""Why?""Just wait." He wrapped the blanket around them both, letting her feel his body heat directly against her skin."Oh, God," she said. "You're so hot.""My temperature runs a few degrees higher than average.""Why," she asked."Because I'm a big man and have a lot of muscle mass."She sighed and rested against his chest. It was the best feeling in the world having her this close and also the most agonizing because his cock was harder than ever, and the ache continued to grow. There was no way he'd let her loose unless she wanted it. The way she kept trying to get closer to him told him that wouldn't happen anytime soon."Baby, I can warm you faster, but we'd have to lie down with you against the back couch cushion, and I'll be wrapped around you with the blanket over us."She nodded. "Yes, please. This feels so good."He adjusted a couple of sofa pillows, lay down with her in his arms, and maneuvered her into place with her chest against his. Her head was under his chin, and her feet were tucked between his legs. Then he laid the blanket over them so she could get his body heat over her whole body.He hissed when her cold toes came into contact with his legs. Fuck, she was as cold as ice. He rubbed her arm under the blanket and felt her relax more as his heat seeped into her."Do you want to talk about the nightmare?" he asked.She shook her head. "No. I don't want it in my head again."He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I understand that. Just rest, and I'll keep you warm.""Thank you." Her eyes closed instantly.Nolan stopped rubbing her arm when he was certain she was asleep. His gaze scanned her face, and he was astonished at how beautiful she was. Her skin was clear of freckles, which it seemed most redheads had, and she had a tiny nose and chin, but her eyes and lips were bigger.His brows pinched together when he caught several little white lines over her face and neck. No one would have seen them unless they were close and the light was directed on her face. For them, it was the streetlight that shone on her skin.He knew what the fuck they were. Scars. He just needed to know how she got them, and he also wanted to check over the rest of her body.He wouldn't jump to conclusions because it could be many things, like car accidents or shattered glass.The thought that she'd been abused crossed his mind, and if he found out that was true, he'd take out who did it and enjoy every bit of it.When she sighed, he exhaled. He was with her now, where no one could hurt her, and she was in his arms. He wasn't going to do anything but hold her in his arms and sleep, and that was enough for him.The sound of voices in the kitchen was what woke him hours later. He looked down at Caylee and smoothed the hair from her face. She needed food, especially liquid because he could tell she was still a little dehydrated."Hey, sleepyhead."Nolan grinned when she grumbled and burrowed deeper against him. "Sweetheart, we need to get some food in you.""Caylee, it's time to wake up." He firmed his tone, and it got through to her.Her eyes popped open, and the first emotion he saw was fear until she focused on him. It was amazing to have her trust him and to know that she had obeyed him already. She was a natural submissive, and that turned him on even more."What?" she asked."It's time for breakfast."She rubbed her nose against his chest, and he found that utterly adorable."Oh, okay," she said.He lifted her up to her feet and then stood before folding the blanket and draping it over the back of the sofa. After he took her hand, they walked to the kitchen."Good morning," he said."Hey, guys. Holly and I are about done with breakfast if you want to get the plates and silverware," Jonah said.Nolan nodded. "We can do that." He poured big glasses of orange juice for the girls.He handed Caylee hers. "Here, baby. Sit down and drink as much as you can."She nodded and drank half down instantly. He loved the way she blushed when she noticed him watching her.They hadn't finished breakfast before they messed up with the girls. Nolan hated that their first morning together, they had accidentally scared the girls because they hadn't told them about a visitor, and when he found them hiding, he saw Caylee huddled against the wall under the bed and terror in her gaze.He hated seeing that and was going to do whatever it took to prevent it from happening again. She was much too young and innocent to know what terror felt like.