
Not all roads

I was upset that Kyle didn't let me have an ice cream but he got me a large chocolate shake after we had dinner. Now I was nestled in the passenger seat with my tablet and a coloring app. The sun had long since gone down and the light had faded. I was a little sleepy too. Everything was right with the world.

That is until Kyle slammed on the brakes suddenly. Mr. Smiles disappeared into the void at my feet. I was mesmerized by the large wolves standing in the middle of the road. He didn't look happy. "It's okay babygirl. It's the border check point." Kyle said as he gently stroked the back of my head to sooth me. His other hand was pressing the the button to roll down the window. I whimpered as the cold air hit my face.

"What business do you have in my pack?" I heard the alpha growl aggressively.

"I'm here-" Kyle started but was cut off by a sudden snarle as my door was ripped open.

"Grace! Are you okay?" The Beta asked as he reached for the seatbelt buckle and tried to pull from the truck. Instinctively I grabbed Kyle's right arm which made him hiss in pain.

"Daddy!" I cried as he extended his arm over me and growled at the Beta.

"Don't touch her!" Everything happened at once after that. The alpha jerked the driver side door open and hauled Kyle out of the truck while snarling about kidnapping and rogues. The Beta successfully pulled me out and knocked Mr. Smiles to the ground where he bounced into the night. Alpha had Kyle on the ground with his right arm twisted painfully behind his back. And another truck pulled up behind us. I was kicking and screaming for Daddy. Kyle was still fighting the Alpha as he tried to get to me. This was turning into a nightmare.

" What the fuck are you doing!" Collin demanded.

"He kidnapped Grace and refused to turn her over to the Beta and myself! Stop fighting!" Alpha explained.

"Of course he's fighting dad! His mate is screaming and he doesn't know you!" Collin yelled. "Did you even care to wait for an explanation!"

"Let go of her!!" I heard Papa roar angrily at the Beta. I hit the ice road hard. My leggings tore and I screamed in pain. I felt his arms wrap around me and suddenly I was in the back seat of the truck.

"Get off him dad!" I heard uncle Collin snarled.

"Take care of her Clarence." Papa said before he was charging around the truck.

"Grace, sweetie look at me." Mama said as she examined me. "Are you hurt?"

"Daddy!" I wailed pathetically. "I want Daddy!"

"Grace, sweetie I don't know who that is."

"Mama I want Daddy!" I tried again to make her understand.

"It's probably uncle Kyle." Symphony said as she got closer to us.

"Here Grace. I found Mr. Smiles for you." Melody said as she passed me the bear.

"I want Daddy!" I wailed again as I clutched Mr. Smiles to my chest. Just then I heard a roar of pain and a loud thunk as the truck shook from an impact. "I want Daddy! Daddy I'm scared!"

It only took a few minutes for Kyle to come running around the truck. "Sh! Sh! Sh! Babygirl it's okay. I'm right here." He soothed as he cupped my face in his hands. "Babygirl did you hit your knee?" I nodded and sniffed. "Show me Babygirl." I lifted my leg and showed him my knee. "That looks like it hurts." He said as he leaned down and licked the wound. It instantly stopped hurting and healed.

"Scared." I whimpered as I tugged on his black hoodie.

"I know babygirl. It was scary. But everything is fine now. I promise." He said as he gently lifted me out of the truck. "Get that door." He said to somebody I couldn't see. Then I was sitting again. "Babygirl. Listen okay? Mama is going to take you home. You need to be a good girl for me okay. That means you take a bath brush your teeth and hair, and go to bed. I will see you in the morning Babygirl."

"Yes daddy." I whimpered softly as I let go of him.

"That's my good girl." He praised with a warm smile before he kissed my forehead and shut the door. He turned to Mama and motioned at someone I couldn't see. The talked for a moment longer before they briefly embraced and Papa kissed her. Then she was putting my care bag in the console as she climbed into the passenger seat. Uncle Collin briefly spoke to daddy then climbed into the driver seat.

"Okay are we all ready to go?" He asked.

"I want Daddy to come." I whined pathetically.

"Daddy has to stay and take care of things here. I'm sorry Honey." Mama said sadly as Uncle Collin started the truck and pulled onto the road. "You'll see him tomorrow morning sweety." I looked back at daddy over my shoulder as he faded into the night.