
D & O System

"What?!" "I am in Harry Potter universe?!" "My name is Kent Granger?!" "Hermione Granger is my sister?!" "I have a System?!" [No INCEST or Sexual Content.] [Update schedule: 3 chapter / week.] [I do not own "Harry Potter".]

Mike_Lu · Book&Literature
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23 Chs

Chapter 5: Harry?!

Swish! Swish!

Like a blur, Kent's hands and feet were moving in a synchronised pattern. The movements looked more like dance than martial arts.

His right hand was holding a short stick like a baton.

If a person looked closer, he would notice that Kent was manipulating the stick with just the index and middle finger. There wasn't even a hesitation. The movements were so fluid that the stick looked like an extra limb of the body, it was Kent's goal after all.

For wizards and witches, wand is a vital part of their lives, a means to protect or destroy. As a person who knew the grim future of Harry Potter world, Kent was going to make sure that he would survive and his new family was safe from harm.

For that he was doing his best. Doing exercise daily, drinking the 'not so tasty' nutrition fruit mix, reading and recording books or any form of useful data when he was free.

Although the growth of his body was slowing down compared to the explosive growth in the first year after getting the system.

He expected it and he was happy with it. It would be illogical to think that human body could grow indefinitely if given sufficient nutrients as well as doing exercises in a regular basis. There are other factors like growth hormones, genetic heredity, gravity etc. which influences the growth of human body.

No matter how slow the growth was, Kent didn't give up. The martial art exercise was not just for the physical growth of the body but also stamina, speed, strength and flexibility. Although his body's growth had slowed down but the increase in the other attributes didn't slow down instead it sped up. He was now more in control of his own body. If he tried he could outperform most teenage athletes in their respective fields.

Although Kent missed his adult body of his previous life but it was not that significant anymore. His new body was lot more flexible and stronger than his previous life's adult body. And he was gradually adapting to his new life as his previous life's memory was fleeting away like a breeze. Only the future plot of "Harry Potter" was intentionally recorded and memorized by him using the library and download function of the system.

After exercising for an hour, he freshened up and drank the fruit mix he had prepared earlier. It had become a habit to keep extra two-three bottles of fruit mix in the freezer.

Finishing the fruit mix, he went to his room without waking others up.

Hermione had a headache yesterday night, so Kent decided to exercise today without her.

Thinking about system, he was excited. He waited for nearly two and a half year for countdown of the 'Advance danger sense' skill to finish.

There was only few minutes left before the optimization of the skill was completed.

Closing the door of his room, he sat on his bed and opened the system panel. Although the panel was invisible to others but Kent always felt insecure opening the panel out in the open if not necessary.


Deduce and Optimize

Slot[1] Advance danger sense [Complete]






Without any hesitation he opened the completed 'Advance danger sense' skill and downloaded the same into his memory. There was no headache or even a slight pain whatsoever in the process of influx of new information into his memory.


He was speechless after getting the information of the danger sense skill. According to the manual, he needed to imagine a set of pattern and symbol that were so intricate and complex that he felt dizzy just looking at them. It was said in the manual that not only you have to memorize the array of pattern but also have to visualise it for a duration of five minutes every three hours and you have to do it until it becomes an instinct. Only after making it an instinct will the skill to be considered completely mastered.

Fortunately the 'Download' function of the system helped him imprint the complex pattern in details into his memory otherwise he didn't know how he could memorise the said pattern much less visualise, it would take much longer than what he would hope for. But now that the first step, that is, the memorisation of the array of symbol was completed, he only needed to visualise it every three hours.

He knew that it would be a lot harder than it sounds, like when he's in school or while he's sleeping.

He closed the system panel and quietly lied on the bed. He didn't use the Simulation function of system because he knew it won't work. Whenever there is a practice involving the mind, the Simulation function would show error saying that system cannot control the user's mind.

The error didn't disappoint him, rather it reduced Kent's little worry about the system. He didn't want to be puppet of the system after all.

Dismissing the distracting thoughts Kent watched the white ceiling of his room and pondered about the schedule for the practice of visualisation. The most troublesome thing is visualisation during sleep and class.

Although the array of pattern was etched into his memory but consciously visualising the said pattern is entirely a different thing.

Nonetheless he had to do it.

He sighed and got up from his bed. Tidying up his room he went downstairs.

His father was reading newspaper while his mother was preparing breakfast. It was not surprising that his parents didn't call him as they knew that he was awake.

"Dad, Where's Hermione?" asked Kent from the stairs.

"She's sleeping," answered Mr. Granger as he put down the newspaper.

"Oh," said Kent as he turned back to go upstairs.

"Kent, don't wake her up, she needs rest," came his mother's voice from the kitchen.

"OK mom, I'll just check if she's alright," replied Kent.

"Make sure you don't disturb her," added Mr. Granger in a serious tone.

"I won't disturb her, I promise," said Kent as he went upstairs to Hermione's room.


Quietly opening the door to Hermione's room Kent went in and saw that Hermione was panting heavily in her sleep and her face was flushed.

'Somethings wrong,' without any hesitation Kent placed his hand on her forehead.

'She's burning!' he exclaimed.

"Mom! Dad! Hermione's having a fever and it's very high," yelled Kent from Hermione's room.

Kent's shout woke Hermione from her sleep.

"No! not Harry, noo, Ahhh," screamed Hermione as she abruptly sat up.

'Harry?' Kent's expression froze for a moment before he was distracted by the sound of a pair of footsteps coming from outside the room.

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