
An unchallenged dungeon grows

Talc finished casting fabricate on a heap of mixed metals and his eyes gleamed at his latest piece. Several imps watched with a mix of awe and disgust. After a satisfied sigh he hung the new war hammer upon the wall with the other weapons, he held it one handed with ease. The hammer was completely silvered but flashed golden in the proper light, those who had seen varied works recognized both the dwarven and elven craftsmanship but sneered at the obvious celestial markings and glow. The base of the handle was a bit thicker, both for balance and to allow a scroll case to exist in its base, the imps were used to talcs antics of always trying to make everything more than it was meant to be. They also gazed adoringly at the golden armors, the armors were also lighter than they seemed but had horns and strips of demons hide which were far more pleasing to the current audience. An imp cleared its throat and talc glanced over.

Talc: "What do you want Brian."

Brian: "Aside from you to stop making those abominations? haha" ..... upon receiving Talc's glare Brian quickly stopped snickering. "I need something to make people stop picking me up like a Aaaaagh" Talc scooped of the poor imp before he could finish than squeezed him in an embrace. "Finally" talc roared in delight his eyes passionately ablaze, the other imps took a step back, while they trusted the dwarf to an extent they also knew to respect his space during a frenzy of which Brian was the latest focus. "How are you with light armor!?!" Talc asked grinning like a kid who just found a shiny charizard. "Um I don't.... wear armor...." Brian stammered. Talc's jubilation turned to hatred and he tossed the imp into his anvil, the poor imp crumpled and despawned the silver plating on his claws clattered to the ground. Talc grumbled as he started tidying up his little shop. The other imps back up and stared at a door labeled 68 until it opened 20 minutes later. Brian was carried by his tail by a succubus who was glaring at Talc as she approached.