1 00. The Begining

At the Begining there is Nothing,

True Nothingness.

Non Existence,

Then Void is born.

Along with void Darkness is born,

Then in a world of Darkness pure energy is born.

Then Silence,

Complete Silence.

Soon the world Desire change,

So Chaos is born.

The energies all around started to move around,

Wild and unconstrained.

Gathering, flowing, spreading,...

Colliding then bursts out.

Sparks of the first Light is born,

Then with the birth of the Countless Stars Light dawned in this world.

planets started to form,

the land flourishes.

along with the birth of the universe,

various entity is born.

these entity will be known as Gods of their respective principle.

And finally these Gods fills the universe with their creations.

three main races eventually born:

Human, The prototype of all creations and the one with the gift of ability to evolve.

Spirit, Beings who is born from concentrated pure energy of the universe mastering various elements tied to their creation.

Demigod, those who hails from the blood and flesh of the Gods.

in this World where Fate and Destiny is the true God, what the future would be,

no one knows.

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