
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

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191 Chs

Chapter 93

Future chapters (15+) at patreon.com/FFAddict. Thank you!

Arasaka Tower.

Thirty-third floor, Counterintelligence Department.

Deputy Director's Office.

Tang Yu was seated at his desk, absorbed in his work and handling some key affairs of the Counterintelligence Department.

Meanwhile, people constantly entered and exited the office, reporting various work progresses to him.

It was a rare occasion for Tang Yu to be working seriously in the office, mainly because Arthur Jenkins was on a business trip, and he needed to take care of the departmental affairs in his stead.

At that moment.

Across the desk sat a blonde bombshell in a business suit and skirt, with a badge that bore a string of characters: "Zetatech."

It was unclear whether she had mistakenly received a size too small when she picked up her uniform or if her curves were too abundant, as the collar seemed to stretch and bulge.

Accompanying her were two colleagues from ZetaTech, both sitting silently by her side.

Tang Yu slightly wrinkled his nose, finding the perfume too overwhelming. Despite her animated talk, he couldn't absorb much of it.

She didn't seem to notice Tang Yu's impatience, which was disproportionate to her curves.

"Mr. Tang, what I have presented is ZetaTech's sincerity. We hope you will consider it seriously. If we can achieve cooperation, equipping your department's special service team with our neural processors could be mutually beneficial. ZetaTech has also prepared an exclusive gift for you."

After listening, Tang Yu raised an eyebrow. These tedious matters were usually handled by Arthur Jenkins. Now, his senior boss was away, and all these problems were dumped on him.

He had no interest in any cooperation; he would rather Arasaka went under sooner rather than later, not to mention the exclusive gift.

Gifts always involved money, luxury cars, mansions, and such, none of which were of much interest to him.

He waved his hand dismissively and said, "ZetaTech, is it? I got it. I will convey your sincerity to Mr. Jenkins."

The blonde seemed undeterred by Tang Yu's indifference, standing up and leaning against the edge of the desk. She pulled out a card from her suit's inner pocket and gently presented it to Tang Yu.

Her eyes shone as she smiled at Tang Yu. "Actually, Mr. Tang, I am more interested in getting to know you. Even if our cooperation is not successful, we could still be friends."

The blonde was a high-ranking member of ZetaTech's external relations department. Tang Yu felt helpless but continued the charade, reaching for the card.

Unexpectedly, she held onto the card, playfully circling his palm with her index finger before finally letting go.

Tang Yu was speechless, reflecting on the playfulness of the blonde, given not only her colleagues but also Counterintelligence Department employees waiting outside to report.

With experience, he didn't show any reaction. After taking the card, he made a gesture to see the visitor out.

Only then did the blonde walk away from the desk, thanked him, and turned towards the office door.

After her ZetaTech colleagues left the office first, the blonde looked back, gestured a phone call, and smiled meaningfully before finally leaving contentedly.

Once the office was temporarily quiet, Tang Yu looked at the card in his hand, twirling it without any distinctive marks or symbols to glean any further information.

"Heh, what's this all about?"

He activated the Dragon Fist glasses to scan the card.

It was a card for the Genzai Building with tenant information.


"The name's not bad."

Tang Yu smirked, casually tossing the chip into the trash to be shredded, and opened the office door to resume work.

"Come in."

As soon as the words left his mouth.

The head of the Counterintelligence Department's Surveillance Division, Harry, walked in, followed by David, a newcomer with a green and slightly nervous complexion.

Tang Yu gestured for them to sit.

Harry nodded and took a seat across the desk, while David simply stood silently behind him.

David was somewhat aware of basic office etiquette: when superiors are speaking, subordinates should stand by and wait.

Seeing that David was behaving, Tang Yu didn't say much and began to ask.

"What is it?"

Harry quickly replied, "Mr. Tang, the Surveillance Division has recently discovered that some individuals in the company are deeply connected with Militech, with substantial suspicions of being spies."

He passed over a tablet containing a directory of personnel names.

Tang Yu casually browsed through the screen, noting the significant number of individuals listed.

Each person's details – times and locations of interactions with Militech, as well as key conversation content – were highly suspect.

With this evidence alone, even if they were not immediately fired, the rigorous Counterintelligence investigations would be too much for them.

Moreover, if taken seriously, whether they could leave Arasaka Tower alive was another matter.

Accepting the list, Tang Yu returned the electronic tablet as a sign of approval and nodded slightly.

"Well done. Keep this list confidential for now; it involves too many departments. I will report to Mr. Jenkins when he returns."

Harry nodded repeatedly, his eagerness evident.

The entire Counterintelligence Department knew that Tang Yu was now the de facto Deputy Director, and in Jenkins' absence, he was the boss.

Even in the entire Arasaka Tower, Tang Yu was seen as a rising star with potential.

If one could curry favor with him, there would undoubtedly be ample opportunities later on.

Harry added more praise. "David Martinez has also been working hard these past few days, contributing a lot to the Surveillance Division, with excellent performance."

As he praised David, he observed the Deputy Director's reaction.

When David first arrived, he learned inadvertently from the reception that the young recruit had used Tang Yu's name.

Sensing there was a story, he took the initiative to contact David and asked Tang Yu to mentor the newcomer.

David wanted to explain, but he felt the timing was right and kept silent instead.

Tang Yu was aware of his subordinates' intentions and didn't reveal their motives. As for David's commendation, it was mostly to ingratiate himself.

He looked up at David, noting his red, bloodshot eyes, and his face was worn. Tapping his finger lightly on the desk, he said, "Alright, get back to work now."

Still uncertain, Harry complied with the order, taking David out with him.

As he walked to his workstation, he mulled over the situation.

After praising David, the Deputy Director didn't show much reaction – what exactly was David's relationship with him?

He dared not ask further. After many years at Counterintelligence, caution was second nature.

To observe relationships and to ask for the truth are different things.

The former is smart; the latter is foolish.

With the example of Carter Smith before them, Counterintelligence Department employees were much more obedient, no longer blatantly cozying up to the Special Operations Division or prying into the private affairs of the feared Deputy Director Tang Yu.

David followed, his mind also heavy with thoughts.

He was aware that his efforts were insignificant. Prepared before meeting Tang Yu, he still felt surprisingly disappointed when Tang Yu showed no recognition.

He had been working hard, nearly day and night, combing through video and audio recordings and a heap of materials.

Hard work it was, but it expanded his knowledge.

David guessed that Tang Yu's prior word might have spared him any difficulties in Counterintelligence, an unthinkable notion in the past.

Now that he'd come this far, David decided to focus on his job, determined to honor the internship opportunity.

Busy in his office, Tang Yu finally managed to get most of the department's affairs in order. Stretching after a long day, he received a call from Gloria.

A new lead?

Tang Yu answered the call.

True to form, Gloria got straight to the point, knowing it was Tang Yu's style.

"Mr. Tang, regarding that matter, there's a new development in the investigation."

Tang Yu replied gravely.

"Let's meet and discuss it, at the usual place."

Tang Yu preferred the usual spot to avoid company eavesdroppers.

He left his desk, getting ready to go out.

As he passed the reception, Tang Yu instructed to be contacted by phone only for emergencies, with routine matters sent to his email.

The receptionist acknowledged.

Tang Yu was about to head to the public elevator when he saw David, hurriedly moving through the office area, arms cradling a heavy computer case, passing by the reception in a clumsy and strenuous manner.When Tang Yu left the front desk, he greeted him, "Good job," then turned and headed towards the public elevator area.

David, struggling to hold the computer case, stared blankly at Tang Yu's departing back, a hint of joy flashing in his eyes.

Tang Yu arrived at the usual place, in front of the Chinese hot food stall, and saw that Gloria was already waiting at the stand. As he walked over, he noticed two cans of green "Bumbling Monkey" on the table, staring at him curiously. Seated next to the stall, Tang Yu chuckled, "Looks like the boss pushed Bumbling Monkey on you again."

Gloria, who was waiting for someone, hastened to explain when she saw Tang Yu, "No, no, I ordered it myself. It seemed like you quite liked it last time."

Tang Yu laughed helplessly, thinking that apart from V, who else would actually enjoy drinking this stuff?

The stall owner, Daryl, seeing two regulars, approached proactively, "What would you like to order?"

Not very hungry, Tang Yu casually ordered a clear broth noodles, just to patronize the stand. Gloria went for a fried sauce noodles with synthetic meat, which tasted decent enough if you didn't think too hard about the ingredients.

After finishing their meal and paying, Tang Yu suggested they talk while walking. They left the stall and walked side by side down Santo Domingo's streets, getting straight to the point.

Gloria, with a serious expression, shared her findings. "After contacting Regina Jones, I learned she despises what Militech has been doing with NCPD. So, when I proposed investigating the abuse of cyberware in experiments, she readily agreed." 

"With her cooperation as a journalist for Network 54, she got her hands on some crucial intel."

"Firstly, she unearthed the specifics of a transaction between Militech and the NCPD. It was decided to purchase a batch of prototype combat cyberimplants from Militech for their Anti-Terrorism Squad." 

"The models of the cyberware are top secret for now, and the deal is significant—worth tens of millions of euros."

Tang Yu nodded. A purchase project of such a scale undoubtedly comes with additional demands.

For a successful delivery of these combat implants, Militech would likely resort to any means necessary, including forcibly recruiting test subjects.

The jobs taken by the Maelstrom gang might just be the tip of the iceberg. It's unclear if the transaction includes that military-grade Sandevistan.

"Gloria continued, "So Regina Jones and I followed the leads further, discovering even retired soldiers were exploited for new cyberware experiments."

"While being presented with the promise of care, retired veterans with disabilities were offered free cutting-edge cyberware. In reality, they were being provided with experimental combat implants to collect operational data."

"Some officers volunteered for the experiments, driven by desperation, lure of benefits, or simple desire to become stronger."

Tang Yu thought of the cyber-psychopath James, who wreaked havoc in the company plaza and slashed dozens of NCPD officers on the street, showcasing extraordinary strength.

With his military background and service in the New America forces, a former Navy SEAL Lieutenant, his relationship with Militech was more than incidental. 

James, the cyber-psychotic, might well be a willing participant, accepting experimental procedures in exchange for advanced combat implants—keeping him at the peak of fighting condition even after retirement.

Now they had the information, but lacked key evidence and witnesses. Without these, convincing the Arasaka board of directors would be impossible. So, Tang Yu inquired further, "Beyond this intel, do we have any concrete leads?"

Fully prepared, Gloria got to the point, "To secure the needed testimonies and physical evidence, we need to find a key person before Militech does—her name is Moira, a lieutenant part of Militech's Special Forces."

"Moira is fitted with experimental combat implants, which include a prototype model of Sandevistan. Whether it's the same type as the one implanted in the cyber-psychopath James is still unknown."

Tang Yu, with a calm gaze, nodded. "Militech has invested heavily in Sandevistan development. It involves the spinal neuro-network. A single mistake could be crippling or fatal, so it's possible they're testing it on numerous subjects."

"However, the likelihood that they are of the same model is low. Militech would have provided more stable versions to its own personnel, to avoid looking too obvious with external subjects."

Gloria, no stranger to the company's cruelty, still felt a tremor realizing the hard-handed approach even towards their own staff.

"It's too ruthless…" she whispered.

Tang Yu, accustomed to the darker facets of life, remained unfazed, "Get used to it. The real play has only just begun."

Gloria fell silent. She knew that by choosing the path of a fixer, she'd have to face grim realities and carry secrets she couldn't share. It was her choice—one she had to live with even if difficult to accept.

As they continued to talk, her gaze once again shifted discreetly to Tang Yu. What kind of experiences could make him so composed?

The stories behind this still a mystery to her. But Gloria was aware that the burden Tang Yu carried was probably immense.

"I'll manage to adapt..." she murmured.

Tang Yu didn't respond. If Gloria couldn't handle even this much pressure, it showed she wasn't cut out for this path. 

After a thoughtful pause, Gloria asked cautiously, "Mr. Tang, should I continue investigating Lieutenant Moira?"

Considering the situation, Tang Yu felt it unwise to send Gloria to investigate Moira alone. A lieutenant in Militech's Special Forces with vast investigative experience and a ruthless approach posed a high risk. Gloria probing alone might draw unwanted attention and danger.

"Do we have Moira's address?"

Gloria quickly nodded, her cyber-eye rotating as it transferred Moira's basic information to Tang Yu and added, "Moira lives in Kabuki Creek Loop in Watson. Her mental state hasn't been stable recently, and she's taken medical leave."

"Now is an opportune time to approach her. Once she returns to duty, it will be more difficult."

Familiar with the address, Tang Yu concluded, "Then, we should have a talk with Moira."

"Just the two of us?"

Gloria, sensing the danger, anxiously added, "Mr. Tang, there are signs that Lieutenant Moira might be unstable."

Before she could finish, she stopped herself, knowing Tang Yu made decisions alone. But Gloria was worried—Tang Yu, who appeared ordinary, was risking too much by meeting with a potentially unhinged soldier equipped with advanced combat implants.

"Perhaps we can ask for Jackie's help, or contract Maine..." 

Tang Yu interrupted her suggestion. "Having too many people might be detrimental. Given Moira's current mental state, to gain her trust, we must not appear too aggressive."

He taught Gloria, "A fixer can't always rely on force. You have to learn to negotiate with sincerity."

"Remember, it's not the exploding nuke that's terrifying—it's the nuke with its button under control that is."

Gloria nodded thoughtfully, understanding she had been overthinking. Tang Yu was meticulous in his actions and wouldn't risk himself unnecessarily.

"Mr. Tang, I understand."

After all, this was Night City, where Arasaka's power spanned the entire cityscape.

Having talked their way quite a distance, and with the public transport station far behind, Tang Yu immediately activated his Dragonfist Glasses to call a Delamain cab.

The two stood at the roadside, waiting. Soon, a black Delamain executive vehicle, driven autonomously, stopped before them. The rear passenger door opened automatically.

"Delamain is pleased to serve you."

Gloria hesitated looking at the door. Tang Yu took the lead, pulling the door open and gesturing for her to get in.

They sat side by side in the back of the Delamain cab, watching the bald Delamain on the electronic screen presenting their service.

"Mr. Tang, welcome to Delamain's premium service. Choose Delamain, leave troubles behind..."

Tang Yu cut in, "Let's go, Delamain."