
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 89

Future chapters (15+) at patreon.com/FFAddict. Thank you!

David sat in the audience, staring blankly at the high seat on the main stage where Tang Yu sat, listening to the introduction by the principal of Arasaka Academy.

"Deputy Director of both departments?"

"Practice Assessment Tutor?"

He was confused.

He clearly remembered that a while ago, his life-saving benefactor Mr. Tang was just the Deputy Chief of the Counter-Intelligence Department.

He didn't expect that so soon Tang Yu would also serve as the Deputy Chief of Arasaka Corporation's Special Operations Department.

Double roles for one person.

David Martinez, who had been around Arasaka Academy, could naturally appreciate the weight of these positions.

David just stared straight ahead, filled with disbelief, and mechanically joined his classmates in applause.

After the thunderous applause, he overheard his classmates whispering.

"A double Deputy Director, how come I've never heard of this before? And why did he slap Tanaka Katsuo just now? That was so fierce, and his father is a high-level executive at Arasaka Corporation!"

"Shh! Keep it down. You know too little about high-level company secrets. My dad at Ye Corporation mentioned Tang Yu."

"What?! Tell me more."

David pretended to be nonchalant, pricking his ears and leaning a little to catch their conversation, as this kind of secret was beyond his grasp.

Even though he maintained some contacts with classmates by selling various game chips and dream chips, he was still not qualified to truly enter their circles.

Especially when classmates formed groups to discuss high-level secrets, David would leave dejectedly, pretending to be uninterested, to avoid making a fool of himself and being despised.

What determined one's circle was never their student identity but the positions and status of their parents.

Classmates often brought bits of intelligence they knew to the academy to exchange, creating a superior atmosphere as if they were already part of the company's upper echelons.

The quality of the circle depended completely on the levels their parents could reach.

Tanaka Katsuo, as a direct descendant of Arasaka Corporation's high-level executives, was naturally a standout in each circle.

It was an evident rule that classmates would cling to Tanaka Katsuo.

David focused all his attention on his ears, listening intently to what the classmate from a high-ranking Ye Corporation family said.

"Mr. Tang is now the hottest employee at Arasaka Corp. He just came back from the border a while ago."

"My dad said the expensive car from Rayfield, the CEO of Ye Corporation, was gifted to a high-level leader in the Counter-Intelligence Department, and I suspect it was very likely given to Mr. Tang."

"They say not only does Mr. Tang hold two deputy positions, but he has also gained favor with the Arasaka Family directors, and even the gossip..."

"That, I can't say. I only heard a bit from Tanaka Katsuo..."

After listening, other classmates had a sudden epiphany, relishing the feeling of having a grasp on the insider information.

"Do you think Tanaka Katsuo can swallow the insult from the slap he got today for shooting his mouth off?"

"Definitely not, our academy knows how fierce Tanaka's father is, he always talks about 'Father Lord,' it almost made me puke."

"He has to swallow it even if he can't. I saw with my own eyes in the lobby, Mr. Tang and the Director went head-to-head. Although they're both high-level in Arasaka, his father is still somewhat inferior to the Director."

"Tanaka Katsuo back talking might have been found out, and because of the previous incident, David Martinez got beaten up too..."

"Yeah, right before the meeting, David was still arguing with Tanaka Katsuo..."

As they discussed, their gaze suddenly turned to David who was nearby.

Caught off guard by the stares, David quickly sat up straight, pretending he hadn't heard anything and looking somewhat embarrassed.

A few classmates didn't avoid David, and one even approached him quietly and prodded him, curiously asking.

"David, tell us, do you know Mr. Tang? Otherwise, why did you have a conflict with Tanaka Katsuo over this matter last time?"

David's face flushed with embarrassment as he hastily denied it, his voice stuttering.

"No, no such thing!"

"How could I possibly know Mr. Tang..."

"I just can't stand Tanaka Katsuo talking behind people's backs..."

The classmates looked at David playfully, as if they knew he wasn't being entirely honest.

David fell silent, focusing on the principal's speech introducing the requirements for the three-month practice assessment.

This year's practice requirements were much the same as previous years, except that Tang Yu had become the practice assessment tutor.

Although he was called the tutor, he wouldn't actually manage the specifics of the students' work; he was only responsible for final assessments and grading.

David eyed Tang Yu, who sat in the principal's seat, and fell into deep thought.

In the eyes of others, Tang Yu at this moment seemed the embodiment of authority, severity, and coldness.

Slapping Tanaka Katsuo in front of everyone might sting the son, but it embarrassed the father.

And that Tang Yu had slapped Tanaka Katsuo twice with David present each time.

Was Mr. Tang really helping him?

From the car accident to disciplining Tanaka Katsuo, more than once or twice?

Perhaps he really should thank Mr. Tang in person.

Even though Gloria had taken him to Yujin to treat him to a meal as thanks, it wasn't the same as expressing his gratitude personally.

But when David thought of Tang Yu's position and power, he succumbed to hesitation again.

Would his thanks matter to someone like Tang Yu? Or maybe it was unnecessary, or perhaps he was overthinking it.

For some reason, David felt inexplicably nervous, full of anxiety, with both palms sweating.

"Damn it, what am I so nervous about?"

His right foot twitched uncontrollably, as if he was making a very difficult decision.

As the principal announced the adjournment of the meeting, David went through the entire meeting in agony.

He came to his senses, quickly stood up, and looked at Tang Yu's figure, hoping to find a chance for a private meeting.

But after the meeting, Tang Yu, surrounded by the principal of Arasaka Academy and a plethora of leaders, left the auditorium without giving him a chance to speak.

Watching the retreating figure disappear, David sighed helplessly.

"Ah, as expected, no chance..."

"It would've been fruitless to try."

As a high-ranking executive at Arasaka Corporation and a rising star in the workplace, there were many who sought to ingratiate themselves with Tang Yu.

David felt that, whether in terms of identity or status, he certainly wouldn't catch Tang Yu's eye.

Actually, he had already saved Tang Yu's contact information in his phonebook.

Gloria had told him the last time they went to Yujin for dinner and had earnestly instructed him,

"If you're in dire straits at the academy and need help, try calling this number."

David just nodded perfunctorily, saved the contact, but dared not think of ingratiating himself with Tang Yu.

But that day when he came out of the public transport station, Tang Yu took the initiative to greet him and say so much.

David shook his head vigorously, attempting to shake off the distracting thoughts.

He had considered asking Tanaka Katsuo for help by swallowing his pride, but now with the recent events, that was also impossible—it would only lead to humiliation.

"How should I explain this to my mother, sigh..."

David frowned, it was already time for dinner, but he had absolutely no appetite, and he walked out of the auditorium toward the academy cafeteria.

Just as he was about to scan his identification information at the cafeteria entrance, he suddenly received a message.

"Meet at the café in Heywood Valley."

The message included a specific address.

Tang Yu?

Was Mr. Tang actually reaching out to him?

David panicked slightly and quickly exited the school cafeteria, finding a secluded corner to confirm the message.

There was no mistake; the message had arrived just three minutes ago, with Mr. Tang inviting him to meet at the café in Heywood Valley.

David paused for a moment before realizing he had to reply to the message first, otherwise it would seem impolite.

"Mr. Tang, received! I'm on my way."

After replying to the message, David hurried to the public elevator, pressed the button, and rushed to Arasaka Tower's lobby at top speed, heading for the destination.

Heywood Valley was close to the company plaza, and David chose to run there since it was much faster on foot.

He ran all the way, passing the holographic goldfish, busting through the busy corporate crowd, sweeping past meditating monks next to the park, brushing past couples strolling hand in hand.

Gasping for breath, he arrived at the destination, panted heavily at the café's entrance for a few deep breaths, and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.

Not caring about his appearance and worried about making Mr. Tang wait, David quickly passed through the automatic glass door and entered the café.

Upon seeing David in a suit, a waiter promptly approached, asking if he had a reservation.

David tentatively gave Tang Yu's name, and after hearing it, the waiter led him with a smile to the inner courtyard.

They passed through the common seating area to the café's open courtyard, which was elegantly decorated and full of green plants.

Tang Yu was sitting in a secluded spot with a pot of tea and several dishes of snacks on the table, seemingly resting for the moment.

Knowing that Tang Yu was waiting for him, David thanked the waiter and approached Tang Yu's table with a light cough.

The closer David got, the more nervous he became, feeling like a student encountering his head teacher in an alley with nowhere to hide, and having no choice but to pluck up his courage to greet him.

He arrived before Tang Yu and said very formally: "Good afternoon, Mr. Tang..."

Tang Yu glanced at David and gave a slight nod, signaling him to sit down first.

After David took his seat on the opposite side, Tang Yu casually pushed the electronic menu on the table towards him.

"Order whatever you want."

David hummed hesitantly, looking down at the electronic menu. His mind was a mess after Tang Yu's words, and all he could do was carry out her instructions mechanically. Glancing at the menu, every dish seemed too expensive to choose carelessly, prompting David to say somewhat guiltily,

"Thank you, Mr. Tang, I'm not hungry..."

David returned the menu to its original place and hung his head, not daring to look directly at Tang Yu across from him.

Tang Yu couldn't help but laugh a little at the awkwardness of the young man, wondering what was going through his mind. It was clear that David was the type of person who couldn't stand to lose face. So, Tang Yu waved the waiter over and ordered a few authentic dishes.

After finishing the order, Tang Yu looked at the silent David and asked calmly,

"Aren't you going to say anything?"

With an awkward look, David quickly looked up to explain.

"No, no, Mr. Tang, I..."

He sighed, feeling resigned.

"Sigh... Actually, I was planning to look for you, Mr. Tang, but..."

David hesitated, as if it were exceedingly difficult to make the request, leaving him to silently lament in his heart.

"Mr. Tang has already helped me so much; I can't have the audacity to keep asking for his assistance..."

Tang Yu had already guessed David's predicament, knowing that he was worried about the internship at the company for the next three months. If David couldn't get into Arasaka Corporation, it would surely disappoint Gloria.

Therefore, before the beginning of the big conference, David had to endure Tanaka Katsuo's provocations, attempting to exchange silence for the possibility of a position at Arasaka. However, Tanaka Katsuo couldn't keep his mouth shut, and even after being caught red-handed and receiving a slap, he had no ground to stand on.

During the conference, Tang Yu had noticed David, his eyes staring earnestly at him, guessing that David hoped for his help but was burdened by too much gratitude to speak up.

In fact, getting an internship at Arasaka Corporation was a trivial matter for Tang Yu; a simple nod from him was sufficient. But for David, it seemed insurmountable.

The profound gap created by high corporate status was beyond David's ability to cross on his own.

Tang Yu thought that being too modest could be both good and bad.

At least it showed that deep down, David was kind and considerate, often preferring to put himself in a tough position rather than burden others.

Mainly, it was because Gloria had specifically called last night, asking for his intervention in David's internship without putting David in a difficult position. She had offered to do anything in return for his help.

With the conversation having progressed that far, Tang Yu decided to invite David to dinner to hear his real thoughts. Regardless of what David might think, Tang Yu was determined to secure his stay at Arasaka Corporation.

From the moment he decided to train Gloria as a middleman, David's fate was sealed, especially since he possessed life simulation options.

Compared to his mother Gloria's decisiveness and resolve, David had much to learn.

Tang Yu knew that David's heavy burden of thought and his impoverished background forced him to tread carefully. At Arasaka Academy, he had to tread on eggshells around his classmates and teachers; at home, he lived under the watchful eye of Gloria—the only solace he found was in his dreams.

David's expressions fluctuated, caught in a difficult struggle between the internship opportunity he had longed for and his concern over indebting himself to someone else. David felt the choice was hard to make; he sighed heavily and then looked up at Tang Yu, saying somewhat helplessly,

"Actually, I really want to ask for your help, Mr. Tang, so I can stay at Arasaka for a three-month internship."

After murmuring these words, David's look of difficulty intensified as he continued to explain.

"My three-month internship at the company is set to start tomorrow, and originally, I was aiming for a small company. But my mother would rather I stay at Arasaka, yet staying at Arasaka for an internship is no easy feat, so..."

Even though David's explanation was indirect, Tang Yu understood the underlying sentiment. David didn't want to put his mother in a position where she had to humble herself and ask for favors on his behalf. He knew all too well that while Gloria and Tang Yu were acquainted, their relationship wasn't close enough to keep imposing on him for favors without risking annoyance.

Even if it meant humbling himself to ask Tanaka Katsuo for lenience, David would rather do that than see his mother plead with anyone.

It wasn't until today's academy conference, with Tang Yu serving as a judge-mentor, that David considered approaching him for help. Seeing that Tang Yu hadn't responded, David thought he might not have made himself clear and continued,

"Mr. Tang, you've already helped us so much. I really wouldn't want to trouble you with this..."

Before David could explain further, Tang Yu interrupted him.

Accustomed to taking control, Tang Yu responded bluntly to the young and inexperienced David.

"David, you will do your internship at Arasaka Corporation for these three months."


This invitation struck David like a bolt from the blue, resonating in his head.

David was completely stunned.

He immediately looked up, eyes wide with surprise, scarcely believing his ears.

Mr. Tang was actually offering him an internship at Arasaka Corporation?

This feeling was more bewildering than winning a massive lottery—utterly inconceivable and overwhelmingly unexpected. David was stunned for a long while, unable to find his words.

"Is this really okay...?"

David looked at Tang Yu, his gaze intense, only to realize that Tang Yu looked perfectly serene and wasn't joking around.

Holy shit!

It was for real!

Mr. Tang truly wanted him to stay on as an intern at Arasaka Corporation!

Up until now, David had been unable to come to terms with it, having always thought that staying at Arasaka Corporation was an insurmountable obstacle.

But with just a few words from Tang Yu, he effortlessly extended the ladder, something David could never have dreamed of.

One should know that securing an internship at Arasaka Corporation was something that countless children of privilege aspired to, often vying fiercely for the opportunity.

If one left a good impression during an internship at Arasaka Corporation, it was like securing a foothold at the company's entrance.

Such an opportunity was unimaginable to David, both in the past and the present.

Yet now, it was happening right before his eyes.

David was flooded with a mix of emotions and for a moment was at a loss for words.

No bowing and scraping, no gnashing of teeth, no coercion—with no more tolerance for such situations, David felt for the first time what it was like to have someone look out for him.

Though filled with a deep sense of guilt, he couldn't deny the thrill of advancing ever so slightly ahead. 

Was this the feeling of being taken under someone's wing? The sense of having a backer?


David's stunned expression gradually gave way to excitement, nearly resulting in tears.

He composed himself, his gaze revealing surprise, disbelief, and gratitude as he stood with a straight posture and earnestly said,

"Mr. Tang, I am truly grateful for your help. I want to do my internship at Arasaka Corporation, and I will work hard not to let you down..."

Seeing how earnest the boy was, Tang Yu couldn't help but find him a bit endearing. He waved away the formalities and said with a smile,

"Skip the pleasantries. If you really want to thank me, show it through your efforts. Interning at Arasaka Corporation won't be easy."

David nodded vigorously and sat back down, gradually regaining his composure from the excitement.

Despite wearing a mature suit, David's face still showed his youthful naivety.

Tang Yu took a sip of tea from the cup on the table and said, "Report at the reception desk on the 33rd floor of Arasaka Tower's Counter-Intelligence Division tomorrow."

David sat up straight, "Understood! Mr. Tang, I will report to the reception desk on time tomorrow."

However, David's euphoria didn't last long. His animated expression turned to concern again. The thought of interning at Arasaka Corporation's Counter-Intelligence Division made him nervous, worried that any mistake could negatively impact Tang Yu.

Tang Yu noticed his concern and casually reassured him, "Don't be too nervous. Someone will be assigned to guide you after you report."

Changing the subject, he asked,

"Tanaka Katsuo caused that injury on your forehead, didn't he?"

David nodded in agreement and, recalling something, asked in a low voice,

"Mr. Tang, aren't you worried about Tanaka Katsuo's father coming after you for disciplining him in the auditorium today?"

As he spoke, waiters were already serving the food.

Tang Yu picked up his chopsticks and signaled to David to eat and talk.

"It's not a big deal. Youngsters need to learn lessons occasionally."

David felt an added respect for Tang Yu, as nothing seemed to intimidate him.

He couldn't fathom how Tang Yu, not much older than himself, could be so composed and self-assured.

David was very curious about Tang Yu's background but didn't feel it was appropriate or dare to ask openly.

All he could do was eat quietly, occasionally stealing glances at Tang Yu sitting across from him. In his heart, he couldn't help thinking that if everyone had their lucky day, today was certainly his.