
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

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191 Chs

Chapter 79

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Tang Yu arrived at Little Tang's district in Watson by car, slowly pulling up in front of "Misty's Esoterica", a psychic shop.

Passersby, upon seeing that it was a high-end Arasaka company car, all turned their heads to avoid it and quickened their pace to leave, fearing it as if it were a tiger or wolf.

Conversely, the street dancers, quite intrigued, twisted their waists and cast interested glances.

Especially when they saw the person exiting the car was a handsome young man, they became even more flirtatious.

One of the glamorously dressed dancers even whistled at him and said with a seductive smile, "Handsome, looking to satisfy some needs? Top or bottom, your choice—all with the latest true-touch spiral cyberware."

After getting out of the car, Tang Yu buttoned up the first button of his suit jacket.

He actually had a better impression of the street dancers than of his colleagues at Arasaka; at least the dancers were straightforward about money, whereas those corporate dogs were insatiably greedy.

"Never mind that, keep an eye on the lunatic spouting madness over there."

Tang Yu was referring to Prophet Gary, who was not far away in the corner of a dark alley, chanting about the alien apocalypse.

He was a kind man, though his end was not a pleasant one.

Tang Yu had even gone out of his way to investigate Prophet Gary's statements about extraterrestrials and lizard people.

The leads he uncovered were actually linked to the Maelstrom gang and the Night Corporation.

He speculated that Gary spouted nonsense yet knew so many secrets of Night City's upper crust because his neural cyberware, after being modified, had inadvertently tapped into secret high-level communications involving deep conspiracies.

However, the signals were too complex and chaotic for Gary to distinguish truth from fiction, and with his brain damage, he could only express himself in a confused babble.

Eventually, the corporation discovered him and had him taken away to be killed.

Regarding the secrets mentioned by Gary, Tang Yu had actually come to understand most of it.

So he asked the street dancer to watch Gary for a bit longer; if there was any new development, he would be prepared in advance.

Tang Yu tipped the street dancer generously and then walked toward the fortune-telling house.

The hefty tip left the street dancer stunned in place, and then ecstatic for a long while.

She confirmed the amount of the tip again and muttered, "Seems the corporate dogs aren't all that bad, at least they're generous. No, that's not right, it should be just that handsome guy. Rich men really are the most charming."

"Oh right, what did that handsome guy just ask me to do?"

"Alas, my poor memory is getting worse."

When she spotted the still-babbling Prophet Gary, it all came back to her.

"That's it! Watch that lunatic. This job is much more relaxing than pleasing others, what a beautiful day!"

Tang Yu pushed open the glass door and entered the fortune-telling shop.

The folding screens, tables, and chairs were all wooden, giving the place an antique charm.

Several candles placed on the floor and tables provided a soft glow adding a touch of warmth.

Various spiritual objects, such as ancient ceramic vessels and colorful skulls, were scattered around.

Misty stood behind the counter, adding three sticks of sandalwood incense to the burner, with a wisp of smoke quietly rising and dissipating under the electronic blue neon lights.

In the back room, a mysterious altar was set up, worshiping a four-armed deity.

The figures were arranged one on the left and one on the right, one blue and one red, both peculiar.

Tang Yu, familiar with the place, pulled up a wooden stool and sat in front of the counter to greet Misty.

"Misty, what are you busy with?"

It was then that Misty noticed Tang Yu's arrival, gently placed the incense burner down, her tone as soft as ever.

"Tang, what brings you here? Are you looking for V?"

As she spoke, she deliberately glanced outside the door; a flicker of disappointment passed through her eyes, barely noticeable.

Tang Yu knew she was wondering why Jackie hadn't come, so he explained.

"Yes, I'm here to see V; I have other business today and didn't invite Jackie."

"What, so if I don't call him, he won't come by himself, right? I'll have to give him a good lecture later."

Misty's gaze returned, and she said with a smile, "Not at all, Jackie is here often enough, almost to the point of annoyance, getting in the way of my business."Tang Yu approached Misty, pretending he didn't want Jackie around when in fact, he desperately wished they could be together every day.

Today was the day Maine was having the cyberware surgery, and V sent a message saying the military-grade Sandevistan had been taken care of.

After the small square gathering, Maine was expected to arrive.

Before that, Tang Yu wanted Misty to perform a fortune-telling about the future.

Once, Misty's tarot reading and the spiritual revelation it brought were crucial and significant; they greatly illuminated his path forward.

That reading and the direction indicated by the tarot card became Tang Yu's guide during his final inferno through Night City.

Moreover, he had seen different tarot cards hinting at various outcomes in many circumstances.

Tang Yu trusted and was certain that Misty, who had not undergone any cyberware enhancements, possessed a natural human spiritual intuition.

Misty valued human wholeness, both physical and mental.

Her life philosophy and spiritual power greatly exceeded one's imagination.

Tang Yu, currently also in his original, unaltered body, had human consciousness and senses at their peak. Logically, he was rich in spiritual energy and better equipped to foresee the future.

Tang Yu couldn't predict whether or not he would get cyberware implants; after all, when faced with powerful threats, using advanced combat implants is the quickest way to increase strength.

If that time came, he would not hesitate.

To lose his original body would mean losing much, but to lose them would mean losing everything.

He really wanted to see where he would go if he could start his life anew!

Tang Yu spoke earnestly, "Misty, actually, there's something very important I need to ask of you."

Seeing his earnestness, Misty became serious and asked with a hint of curiosity, "What is it? I'll help you if it's within my power."

Tang Yu then placed his hand on the tarot deck on the table, the same deck that had been used to read his fortune in a past life, and said,

"I want to have a life reading done."

Misty was rather surprised.

To her, Tang Yu, in all aspects, seemed to be living a smooth and successful life, not someone in need of spiritual guidance.

But she, always cautious and attentive, did not rashly refuse but nodded her head in agreement.

"It's possible; this might indeed be the best time for your reading."

"I've always believed that the spiritual energy of our original form is perfect and complete. The outcomes of the reading will be more meaningful."

"But please understand, fortune-telling is not about accurately predicting the future but about guiding you to make choices that align with your inner self."

Tang Yu nodded slightly; he knew this already.

Misty then picked up the tarot deck from the table.

This deck, a gift from Jackie that Misty had cared for with great attention, was full of spirituality and energy.

A good fortune-teller would maintain a close mental bond with their tarot deck constantly.

For instance, drawing a card in the morning upon waking up to predict the spiritual changes of the day.

Over time, a fortune-teller could enhance their understanding and intuition of the deck, eventually forming an invisible spiritual connection.

Misty performed some mysterious gestures over the tarot deck, seemingly purifying it of any chaotic spiritual presence.

When she was finished, she gently placed the tarot deck into Tang Yu's hands and said,

"Follow your first instinct, draw the first card that belongs to you. It will symbolize your present."

Tang Yu looked at the deck in his hands and with a flicker of inspiration, drew the first tarot card from the top of the deck.

He believed this was a new beginning and it was fitting to start with the first card.