
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

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191 Chs

Chapter 32

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Inside an upscale apartment elevator.

Tang Yu pulled out the JKE-X2 Kensei pistol from his pocket, which was the weapon he'd gone back to his room to retrieve. A technical handgun issued by Arasaka Corporation, it could be used as a submachine gun with rapid-fire capabilities and came equipped with one wolfram steel electromagnetic bullet, claiming to harness the power of lightning.

"In Night City, walk down the street, and even dogs get shot at twice."

Tang Yu held the pistol with one hand, checking the magazine and the chamber before twirling it in his hand and practicing a few swift, accurate aiming movements to get the feel of the old days. He gave the pistol a little flip, dissatisfaction in his voice, "Apart from monitoring vital signs, it's not much different from junk. Average rate of fire, lame power, small-time energy all over—it talks about lightning power, but is that all?"

Although he didn't think much of the pistol, it was enough for self-defense during Tang Yu's nightly run.

The elevator reached the ground floor.

Tang Yu tucked the gun into the back of his waistband, turned on some music, and began running heedlessly along the streets.

Night City's nights always glimmered under a surreal halo of blue, purple, and pink neon lights, like a radiant magical orb embedded in the West Coast.

What Tang Yu saw amidst this dazzle was a constant assault on your eyes, ears, and even nerves by the light and shadow bombs thrown by capital.

Whether it was the super-sized floaters wandering above the city center, the neon light beams that reached into the sky, the massive holographic projections between skyscrapers, or the endless advertisements in every street, alley, elevator, and stall, it was all about marketing.

Just as Tang Yu looked up, a huge electronic billboard on a skyscraper nearby was endorsing a food commercial. The bizarre part was that the spokesperson's head was a chunk of chicken meat, with two sunny-side-up eggs for eyes and a mouth made from two sausages, with lettuce piled on top and a necklace of sausages around the neck, holding a product resembling a sausage to pitch to the viewers.

"Please try our newest delicacy!"

The tail end of the ad showed that the product was from the Whole Food Company, a Night City-based food production enterprise.

To avoid harassment from the ads, Tang Yu had to look down and concentrate on the path ahead.

Passing by an adult store, the promotional shadows cast on the ground were of seductively curving silhouettes twisting in a 24-hour loop.

"Newly upgraded behavioral chips, take your partner to a world you've never experienced before, what are you hesitating for..."

Despite Tang Yu's efforts to shield his gaze, he couldn't avoid the onslaught of advertisements. It made him feel irritably restless after mere steps.

He stopped and sighed helplessly.

"All I want is peace and quiet, a simple run to relax – why is it so hard?"

"If it comes to it, I might have to buy a treadmill for home."

Still, Tang Yu didn't like the feeling of running on a treadmill. He enjoyed the cool breeze on his face and liked to see different scenes fly by, and he wanted to run free and unrestrained.

After all, he chose to go for a night run not just to improve his physical condition, but more importantly, to relax his mind, not to end up more anxious and disturbed.

"If it comes to it, I'll just have to run near the distant seashore. It's quieter there, the sea is more tranquil than the land, even if it is a bit out of the way."

With his mind made up, Tang Yu didn't linger on the bustling streets of Chinatown. He patted the pistol in his pocket and turned to sprint toward the sea embankment.

An hour later.

Breathing heavily, Tang Yu arrived at the southern embankment road. There were far fewer pedestrians here than in the street district. He could only see groups of street guys scattered about, smoking and chatting in private.Some cast unfriendly glances toward Tang Yu, but upon catching sight of the gun on his lower back, they seemed to reconsider and retracted their malice.

Tang Yu did not wish to be disturbed by anyone at the moment, so he continued running until he came to a stop at a balustrade facing the vast black ocean.

There were no more wanderers around, and before him stretched the endless sea dotted with merchant ships, backed by a city aglow with neon lights.

The only flaw in this picturesque scene for Tang Yu was the haphazard pile of trash like plastic silicone solar panels beside the beach embankment.

Thankfully, the cool, salty sea breeze wrapped around his nose, sparing him from any strange odors.

Removing his earphones, Tang Yu stood by the railing of the embankment, gazing into the distance and listening to the waves lap against the shore, finally easing the pent-up frustration in his chest.

The run was tiring, but he unexpectedly discovered his stamina was quite exceptional. Even without the enhancement of cybernetic limbs, he was able to run such a lengthy distance quickly.

While not as supernatural as what could be achieved with cybernetic enhancements, it was clear that his innate talent had played a role, and he had only spent a small amount of his life points on it.

Tang Yu believed that stamina wasn't the most crucial skill he currently needed, so he had only invested a little into it experimentally.

He was more excited about simulating Maine's life—the burly man would certainly have a more formidable combat talent to emulate.

Thus, Tang Yu saved two points, constantly monitoring Maine's team's plight to intervene at the right moment, just as he had altered David's fate, ready to change Maine's destiny.

However, Tang Yu realized through this run that the talent for stamina was indeed widely applicable; it formed the foundation for nearly all high-intensity combat.

"If you can't last the time it takes to smoke a cigarette, you might as well wash up and get ready for the grave,"

He didn't want to be a five-second hero.

His optimism led him to uncontrollably raise his arms high, spreading his fingers wide as he bellowed to the heavens.

"Night City!"

"Your emperor!"

"Has returned!!!"

In that moment, Tang Yu couldn't care less about his surroundings, not even a nuclear blast could suppress his inner wildness.

He was proud, passionate, fearless.

Blame it on this damned city, it had Johnny's life, V's life, Jackie's life, the lives of all Cyberpunks.

And his own legendary tale.

Tang Yu's exaggerated shout was quickly swept away by the sea breeze, dissipating into the distance.

At this time.

At the southernmost end of the sea embankment on the pier, someone had been drawn by this shout and turned their head in the direction of the voice.

"Is it you?"

Lucy, wearing a white hoodie, leant against the railing, casually holding a half-smoked cigarette between her fingers. Following the sound, she was surprised to find Tang Yu; a hint of wariness flickered through her indifferent eyes.

She hadn't expected to see him here at this time, in such a place, doing something so illogical and nonsensical. From his actions, it seemed he was unaware of others around, and certainly not targeting her specifically.

"The emperor?"

"Has returned."

Hearing Tang Yu's almost childishly ridiculous cries and metaphors, she couldn't help but connect it to the previous impression of him as a high-level corporate executive with a grasp of power, only to find the two images entirely incongruent.

Lucy wasn't sure why Tang Yu would be at the embankment at this time, doing something so devoid of logic and reason.

But as she watched him turn to leave, still holding a gun while running, she couldn't help but let out a little laugh, her defenses momentarily broken.

"Are you Mr. Tang from Arasaka, or are you just being yourself?"

Lucy snuffed out the cigarette in her hand, extinguishing the last trace of light around her and blending entirely into the night, but her neon blue eyes still tracked the direction he left in.