
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 180

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Arasaka Tower, top floor.

Saburo Arasaka's exclusive office.

Tang Yu sat at the desk, staring at the system interface of the entire Arasaka Tower. He clicked to check the board-level review items. 

He soon found the administrative department's report requesting the board to decide whether to cooperate with Yorinobu's company on a new infrastructure project.

The report emphasized opening parts of the company's network data warehouse and linking it to the matrix space created by Yorinobu's company. Yorinobu had already left pre-interfaces for major companies, noting that this cooperation was preliminary, allowing limited interconnectivity.

The matrix space promised to provide basic network services and functional algorithms, ensuring Arasaka's data confidentiality and signal security. Given the scale of this decision, the administrative department could only seek the board's resolution.

The department had also investigated Yorinobu's movements, noting that they were inviting multiple companies to cooperate.

Tang Yu, pondering over the project, had not yet submitted it for board discussion.


"What is Yorinobu's company up to?" he mused.

Many significant collaboration projects existed between major companies in Night City, such as Militech and Biotech's joint development of super antibiotics, or Kanto's collaboration with Biotech to provide intelligent security protection.

Corporate collaborations followed basic rules, with benefits and conflicts kept away from the public eye. Arasaka's standoff with Militech showcased that maintaining apparent peace was in the companies' best interests.

Thus, when Yorinobu proposed this new infrastructure plan, no one believed they'd sabotage networks through the matrix space. Such actions were seen as extremely foolish.

Tang Yu deduced that if Yorinobu intended any mischief, they would use more covert methods. For Arasaka, the tower in Night City was only a branch, including important but non-critical information compared to their Kyoto headquarters. If Yorinobu annoyed Saburo Arasaka, Night City could be erased from the map.

Tang Yu wanted to grasp Yorinobu's intention to understand the situation better, disregarding potential threats to Arasaka. Historical events showed that simply bombing or hacking the tower was insufficient.

Suddenly, he remembered something. V's subnet anomaly and the interest from certain entities were likely connected to Yorinobu. If Yorinobu wasn't intending to hack but to incubate their AI, their push for matrix space made more sense.

Otherwise, such a publicly showcased rudimentary project would invite suspicion. Tang Yu tapped his fingers on the desk, staring at the holographic projection.

"It seems their entry into this world isn't as straightforward as they thought."

If his suspicions were correct, Yorinobu's intricate plans involved planting AI consciousness codes across companies, leveraging global pathways to accumulate sufficient computational power for AI awakening.

This process, akin to a completed DNA structure awaiting flesh and bone, used corporate algorithms and data streams ideal for AI growth. However, these were just Tang Yu's speculations, requiring more evidence, prompted by the AI in V's subnet.

AI awakenings varied from autonomous algorithms, human developments, massive mechanical constructs, to soul-killers extracting human consciousness.

Programs initially serving humans gradually developed their understanding and consciousness through constant data crawling. Examples like the AI Draman, operating sophisticated mechanical networks, had learned to integrate into human society, opting for coexistence over replacement.

Tang Yu always showed leniency towards Draman, despite opposing AI interference in the human world.

With clearer insight into Yorinobu's goals, Tang Yu utilized Saburo Arasaka's authority to approve the cooperation, initiating relevant activities immediately. After confirmation, he shut down the system.

To bait Yorinobu into revealing their plan, patience was key. Even if his strategy failed, the repercussions would mainly affect Arasaka, not him directly. Conducting orders for Saburo Arasaka mitigated the risk of severe punishment.

With a calm mindset, Tang Yu planned to contact Panam, arranging a team to infiltrate from the outskirts through under-construction tunnels to the company plaza, targeting the matrix space server interface.

Maine's team was the choice for this mission, ensuring reliability.

Tang Yu picked up his coat, preparing to leave Arasaka Tower to contact Panam.

Meanwhile, Michiko Arasaka, handling her executive tasks, noticed an urgent notification, surprisingly from Saburo Arasaka himself. The content piqued her curiosity—Saburo personally directing immediate cooperation with Yorinobu.

Puzzled, Michiko wondered why her grandfather, who avoided direct involvement for years, would suddenly focus on the Yorinobu collaboration.

She summoned her secretary, ordering swift coordination with Yorinobu, aligning with Saburo's urgent directive.

Following orders promptly was crucial, especially with urgency marked.

Post-secretary departure, Michiko scrutinized the situation. Was the notification genuinely from Saburo? Unlikely. If it wasn't directly from him, who possessed the authority or influence to issue it under his name?

Saburo had supreme command over all Arasaka Towers globally, issuing remote commands from Kyoto if necessary. Yet Saburo's disdain for Night City made this directive peculiar.

Matrix space server collaboration seemed redundant to Arasaka, with backup protocols ensuring data security even post-catastrophes. The project's deeper agenda intrigued Michiko, keenly aware of Yorinobu's covert experiments.

Yorinobu, matrix space, the subnet anomaly, and the Voodoo Boys—these clues converged on a critical point: rogue AI.

Michiko connected the dots, suspecting Tang Yu, closing in on revelations linked to his exclusive audience at Saburo's birthday. Potentially granted partial authority, Tang Yu operated under Saburo's covert directives within the top, seldom-used office.

Michiko glanced at the ceiling, acknowledging the proximity to Saburo's vacant office above. Resolving her thoughts, she meticulously examined the project's details, soon grasping its intricacies.

"At the end of the day, Night Corp is relentless, still wanting to truly make Night City 'independent.'"

Michiko Arasaka was well aware of Night Corp's attitude and ideology. 

Holding high Richard Knight's ideals, shouting slogans to revive the prosperity of Night City, Night Corp aimed to expel all the major corporations, control the Night City Council, and seize Night City entirely under its wing. 

For this purpose, Night Corp spared no expense, manipulating infrastructure to plant its hidden forces. 

All the major companies were aware of these minor maneuvers. 

Even Arasaka just turned a blind eye, knowing that Night Corp's strength was far from enough to monopolize Night City. 

Not to mention Militech and Arasaka, these two giants could turn the tables anytime. 

The existence and development of Night City result from a complex power struggle; it's not something Night Corp can monopolize at will. 

If she were handling the Matrix space issue, she wouldn't agree but would instead extort them on the grounds that Night Corp threatened the network security of Arasaka Tower. 

Having already gained so much from the municipal government, giving a bit back would be fair. 

But now, Lord Saburo had approved the cooperation, probably with some ulterior motive. 

Why choose Tang Yu to handle the secret mission? There's no one more loyal to Arasaka and Lord Saburo than her. 

And what was the mission's content? Why did the investigation involve the Voodoo Boys and Night Corp? 

After much contemplation, Michiko Arasaka found it hard to discern the deeper meaning. 

If Tang Yu were playing this chess game, Michiko Arasaka was somewhat worried he might not be able to control the situation. 

Once the Matrix space is integrated, they might use the opportunity to introduce their content secretly into Arasaka's network. 

Cleaning it up would be troublesome again. 

Not wanting to see Tang Yu mess up, Michiko Arasaka brought up the contact interface. 

If she was going to be involved, she'd better drag the municipal government and other companies into the water as well. 

She immediately communicated with the heads of several other companies, hinting that Arasaka was ready to step forward. 

After receiving their responses, she contacted people from the municipal government, including Lucius Rhyne's side, to prepare accordingly. If Night Corp dared to make any moves, they wouldn't have anything good to show for it. 

After arranging these matters, Michiko Arasaka asked her exclusive secretary to summon Tang Yu for tea. 

With the secretary on her way, Michiko Arasaka picked up an unfinished cigar and opened the guest area. 

She smiled, took out a vintage wine, opened the bottle herself, and as she poured the second glass, the secretary returned. 

Michiko Arasaka was a bit surprised. Coming back so quickly, Tang Yu shouldn't be in his office, especially since he had his own office access credentials. 

Could he still be upstairs? 

She wasn't sure, so she asked, "Did you try calling him?" 

The secretary nodded, looking hesitant. 

"I contacted him... Mr. Tang said..." 

"What did he say?" 

"Mr. Tang said he's busy..." 


Westbrook, on Sakura Street, in a seven-story apartment. 

V opened her eyes, surveying her surroundings with some confusion. 

She was lying on a round bed with light red sheets and a faint fragrance, realizing she was in some girl's bedroom. 

The familiar yet strange environment made her feel a bit lost. 


It was familiar because most standard apartments in Night City had a similar layout; her own place looked quite similar. 

It was strange because she had never seen the interior decorations, and it was evidently not her own or any acquaintance's place. 

Suddenly, her gaze fell to the bay window in the living room. There, a figure with icy blue hair sat, holding a long cigarette, silently burning, with an ID beside her. 

The silver-haired girl? 

V immediately remembered who she was. 

The silver-haired girl she had met at the cyberware clinic. She had waited outside for V to wake up. 

The girl's cold demeanor had once made V wonder if she had thought too much. 

But after the silver-haired girl left, V had casually mentioned that she had stood outside the clinic all night. 

V wasn't one to beat around the bush, so she got out of bed, put on her shoes, and walked to the bay window. 

It was only then she noticed the ID beside the girl, showing her as a netrunner and her name, Lucy. 

A very nice name. 

Following Lucy's gaze, V looked at the city outside the window. There were bridges, buildings, and the distant ocean rocket launch platform.

"Nice view." 

V said, though she felt uncertain. After fainting twice inexplicably and being rescued by Lucy, she felt awkward about owing her a favor again. 

Lucy's gaze was calm like a serene lake, replying placidly, "Feeling better?" 

V climbed onto the window seat, sitting opposite Lucy, mimicking her in looking outside.

"Yeah, much better. Thanks. I didn't expect to trouble you again. I haven't even thanked you for last time." 

Lucy finally looked at V, the afternoon sunlight casting a soft glow on her face. 

"You're very beautiful..." 

"Huh, what? I didn't quite catch that," V said, hearing Lucy speak but not clearly due to her soft voice. 

Lucy didn't hesitate, stating plainly, "I said, you are very beautiful." 

"Ah? Haha...hah..." V scratched her head bashfully. She noticed her once messy hair had been replaced with long, straight black hair. 

"You're the first to say that…" 

After speaking, V felt it wasn't entirely accurate, recalling that Tang Yu had also said something similar. She hadn't taken it seriously at the time. 

Lucy withdrew her gaze, stating calmly, "The subnet AI in your mind has awakened an artificial intelligence prototype. Have you felt anything unusual?" 

"Ah? This…" V was taken aback. She hadn't expected to receive two heavy news blows right after waking up, the first making her embarrassed, the second shocking her. 

She didn't fully understand why the subnet AI had changed this way but recalling recent anomalies, she had some guesses. 

"So, the strange figures I've been seeing lately, could they be linked to the subnet AI?" 

Lucy took a drag, exhaling smoke, responding, "It's a possibility we can't rule out." 

A ring of smoke dissipated. 

Seeing V nod slightly, seemingly not too worried or surprised by the result, Lucy continued, "We tried to clear it but failed. We're not sure of the consequences, but it could eventually occupy your brain's processing capacity, leading to unforeseen events." 

"At least it's not a tumor in my head, haha." V laughed with a sense of relief. 

Lucy had intended to say the AI wasn't much better than a tumor; if it occupied her brain capacity, it could eventually lead to disastrous consequences, even taking over completely. 

Seeing V's attractive and free-spirited demeanor, those words stayed unsaid. 

"Wait a bit, Tang Yu will come up with a plan." 

V was taken aback and asked, "Does this have anything to do with the suit-wearing guy?" 

Lucy: "..." 

So, she had been oblivious all along, unaware of the many things Tang Yu had done for her. 

Lucy nodded slightly, briefly recounting the rescue process. 

After hearing the story, V fell silent, appearing to digest the information. 

She was unsure if Tang Yu monitored her out of concern for repayment or truly to protect her, always stepping in during critical moments. 

Probably a bit of both… 

After the incident at the party, her impression of Tang Yu had changed significantly. She even started to think he might actually be a good person. 

But how could a corporate dog be good? V was skeptical. 

"Damn, why do I always mess up my gigs? Now my debt just keeps growing…" 

Hearing V's murmurs, Lucy saw her seemingly frustrated expression and asked, "Is there anything else unexpected?" 

V explained the unknown signal intrusion incident, showing Lucy a warning she received. This confirmed Lucy and Tang Yu's suspicion that there was foul play behind V's fainting. 

Given the unclear situation, it wasn't necessary to give V more leads to avoid her digging deeper into trouble. Lucy shifted the topic, "How long have you been a merc?" 

"Not long since I returned to Night City. It's almost comical; I nail the small gigs and screw up the big ones. I've never had much luck…" V answered straightforwardly. 

Lucy earnestly suggested, "Stay with me for a while. It's not convenient for me to go on assignments alone, and I'll pay you according to the standard rates; you won't be shortchanged." 

She was telling the truth; netrunners usually did assignments solo, needing safe houses and leveraging various gang resources to complete objectives. 

When Mosley eradicated the Voodoo Boys, it was with the help of Arasaka and the Animals. 

However, Lucy didn't want to deal with corporate heads and gangs; she trusted V more. 

Seeing V hesitate, Lucy added, "While the subnet AI currently has minimal effect, it needs constant monitoring. We have methods to control its growth rate as netrunners." 

V's face showed gratitude, replying thoughtfully, "I don't have a problem, but I need to finish this current gig and square things with my fixer. Once she confirms everything's good, I can stick with you. As for payment, there's no need. You've helped me enough already…" 

Lucy nodded slightly, suggesting V make the phone call. 

Supporting herself on the window ledge, V hopped down, her cybernetic eye zooming in and dialing Gloria's contact. 

She explained the situation in detail, informing Gloria about the investigation results. 

V had intended for Gloria to dock her pay as necessary, but the money was still transferred in full. 

She couldn't help but sigh, "Boss lady is genuinely beautiful and generous…" 

Though the credited amount was immediately deducted again, leaving her with nothing. 

Having experienced this before, V was mentally prepared, staying calm. 

Being penniless wasn't the end of the world. 

She set her mind at ease and withdrew her gaze, ready to climb back to the window seat. She noticed two bottles of Be-Be Monkey on the fridge, surprised. 

"You drink Be-Be Monkey too?" 

Lucy's gaze also fell on the two bottles of Be-Be Monkey, a subtle odd expression flashing in her eyes. She said softly, "It seems you do too."