
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 172

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Heywood Valley District.

A sleek blue sports car cruised steadily down the street. Whenever it approached more congested areas, the blue sports car would slow down, even coming to a full stop when pedestrians crossed the road.

V clutched the steering wheel tightly, her eyes laser-focused on the surroundings, driving the sports car with extreme caution. Her nerves were on edge, terrified of even a minor scratch on the expensive car that could cost her dearly, considering she was already buried in debt.

Finally, they arrived at their next destination: the Jingu-ji store.

V smoothly parked the car in a designated spot. Lights instantly surrounded the vehicle, warning people and other vehicles to keep their distance. After turning off the engine, she sighed in relief, tucking a few strands of her newly straightened black hair behind her ear, still getting used to the feel of it.

V had traded her old colorful, spiky hairstyle for long, straight hair with cute, wispy bangs that added a touch of innocence and purity. Her fair, spotless face, large, beautiful eyes, and seductive lips made her look both pure and desirable. Her top-tier beauty potential had never been more fully realized.

The sports car's scissor doors lifted automatically, and both of them stepped out. After locking the car, V followed closely behind Tang Yu, remaining silent, her mood seemingly low. She fiddled with her black hair, feeling its texture between her fingers repeatedly, finding it odd.

V couldn't help but lament, missing her old vibrant and unique hairstyle. The change to the black, long, straight look was entirely due to Tang Yu. He had insisted on taking her to a salon, hired several stylists to consult on the design, and without asking for her opinion, made the final decision on her new look.

Originally, V didn't want to change her hairstyle, having grown accustomed to it over the years. But she couldn't resist Tang Yu's financial power and reluctantly got her hair done. She couldn't bear to watch the process and kept her eyes closed the entire time.

As they walked past a luxury store, V caught sight of her reflection in an electronic mirror and was suddenly startled. "Damn... Is that still me?" She couldn't believe the image in the mirror, so different from her former self, that it sent a chill down her spine.

Inside the store, a beautiful saleswoman noticed V staring blankly at her reflection. Despite V's street-style outfit, the saleswoman beamed at her, "Miss, you look absolutely stunning! I've never seen such a beautiful face before."

Shocked out of her thoughts, V looked at the saleswoman, unsure whether to thank her or curse her. She awkwardly laughed and muttered, "Beautiful? That's a stretch."

Lowering her head, she hurried to catch up with Tang Yu, wondering what he intended to do. Just as she started to walk again, V accidentally bumped into someone, her forehead hitting their chest. Already in a foul mood, she was about to swear when a familiar voice cut her off.

"We've arrived."

Realizing she had bumped into Tang Yu, she stepped back, noticing the uniform of the saleswoman who had been talking to her. It bore the logo of Jingu-ji, a high-end custom clothing store frequented by the wealthy and powerful.

"We welcome you to browse," the saleswoman said warmly as V looked back at Tang Yu, who was already inside the store. She reluctantly followed him in. If Tang Yu was shopping, then hanging around was fine.

The saleswoman stayed by V's side, patiently explaining the various styles of women's clothing available at Jingu-ji. "Is this your first time shopping with us? We can take your measurements and keep a customer profile to help you find or custom-make suitable clothing..."

Feeling out of place in her current attire and without any money, V quietly declined. "No, thank you. He's the one shopping. I'm just tagging along." She pointed at Tang Yu, dressed in a vintage suit that screamed wealth.

The saleswoman didn't leave, merely smiled knowingly, "Rest assured, as our esteemed guest, you will receive first-class service and find something perfect for you."

V chuckled awkwardly, "Honestly, I can't afford anything here. I'm broke." She even reached into her pockets, intending to show her last few eurodollars as proof. Inadvertently, she dropped two small eurodollar bills.

The saleswoman gracefully bent down to pick them up, smoothing them out before handing them back to V with an unwavering smile. 

V awkwardly thanked her. 

Unable to refuse further, V let the saleswoman accompany her as she aimlessly browsed the store. She watched as Tang Yu, led by another tailor, went inside for measurements. Bored, V became curious about the high-priced clothing, wondering why these skimpy dresses that barely covered anything cost so much and who would buy them. 

The saleswoman detailed the exclusive clientele of Jingu-ji, emphasizing their focus on high-end, affluent customers. Essentially, Jingu-ji only targeted the elite few. 

V thought cynically, 'Only fools would buy these clothes.' She asked, "Can I touch these clothes to feel the fabric?"

The saleswoman nodded, even offering to let her try them on. V quickly explained she was merely curious about the material, then touched a few pieces, finding them delicate, almost paper-thin. She couldn't imagine wearing them and trying to move freely.

After wandering around, V stood by the front counter, waiting for Tang Yu. Soon, he came out and asked, "Did you find any styles you like?"

V was stunned. Was Tang Yu planning to buy her clothes? "No, really, I'm not interested. These clothes don't suit me..." She was cut off by Tang Yu, who commanded, "Everything she looked at, asked about, and touched—pack them all."

V: "???"

The saleswoman's eyes gleamed, as she had anticipated this result. Having worked in luxury sales for years, she knew that a wealthy executive bringing in a poorly dressed girl usually meant splurging. However, the girl seemed oblivious to his intentions.

The saleswoman admired V's luck, meeting such a generous benefactor with her stunning looks. 

Completely confused by Tang Yu's lavish act, V could do nothing but stare. She didn't want these clothes, feeling it was all a game to him. 

Approaching him seriously, she said, "Tang Yu, stealing your car was wrong. I'm paying my debts, and I won't shirk my obligations. But what's the point of this? There's no need to mock me."

"If you have something to say, just say it. Stop playing these games. Return the clothes."

She turned to leave, leaving Tang Yu calmly sipping tea on the couch and the bewildered saleswoman holding the packed clothes. She'd had enough; everything had gone downhill—debts, losing an arm during a job, and even a recent cyber-attack. 

The initial patience she'd extended toward Tang Yu had worn thin, and now she was genuinely pissed. She didn't need this.

As she neared the exit, she suddenly noticed a figure sauntering into the store, whistling nonchalantly, yet appearing scruffy and wielding Mantis Blades. Clearly not here to shop, the person moved swiftly, slicing a customer in half with ease.

The cyberpsycho continued to hum a tune, moving toward another victim. 

V's heart raced. A cyberpsycho?

This kind of indiscriminate killing meant only one thing.

As panic erupted among the other customers, cries of "Cyberpsycho!" filled the air, and chaos ensued.

V didn't even have time to react before the store's gates sealed shut, trapping everyone inside. Red lights flashed, alarms blared, and she saw a service employee hiding, activating the lockdown and calling the NCPD.

V cursed under her breath. Stuck with a cyberpsycho, their lives were in imminent danger until the NCPD arrived—especially Tang Yu, who couldn't defend himself.

As V was caught in her thoughts, the cyberpsycho had already killed four people, his bloodlust seeming to grow with each kill. His target was now Tang Yu, focusing on people in suits, seemingly harboring a deep hatred for them.

The cyberpsycho ignored V and lunged toward Tang Yu. Without hesitation, V clenched her left fist, timing a punch as the cyberpsycho passed her. 

Her iron fist connected, sending the cyberpsycho flying across the store.

After the cyberpsycho fell, showing no reaction to the wound on his face, he struggled to get up and continued to move towards Tang Yu, muttering incessantly.

"There's no good in the company... no good in the company... kill them all..."

V rushed forward without hesitation, stepping on him to the ground and throwing a flurry of heavy iron punches at his face.

One punch, two punches, three punches...

After who knows how many punches, the cyberpsycho on the ground was already unrecognizable and had completely died. 

But V didn't stop, continuing to punch madly.

When she raised her fist again, a hand stopped her.

"V," Tang Yu said firmly, gripping her wrist.

V turned around, with blood splatters on her cheeks and unrest still in her eyes, looking intently at Tang Yu.

She breathed heavily, staring at Tang Yu and not moving an inch.

After a moment, V released her tightened fist and removed her foot from the cyberpsycho.

Perhaps it was the intense emotions and the violent exertion earlier; her chest still heaved slightly, and a fierce aura emanated from her.

What felt strange to her was a phrase repeating in her mind, echoing with the cyberpsycho's last words: "There's no good in the company..." It left her with a sense of unease.

V took a deep breath and tried to calm herself, closing her eyes.

Just as she was trying to gather her thoughts, the electronic gates of the Shinguji Temple automatically opened.

A squad dressed in black tactical uniforms, wearing multifunctional helmets and holding heavy machine guns, entered.

Seeing them, the temple servant immediately rushed to greet them, exclaiming, "Just in time! There's a cyberpsycho here."

Tang Yu looked up and recognized the group—they were the Anti-Terror Task Force, renowned in Night City for handling cyberpsycho incidents.

The task force quickly secured the area. The lead officer approached and gathered information from the servant.

Noticing the dead cyberpsycho, she looked at V with interest, impressed by her ability to kill a cyberpsycho barehanded.

The officer approached V and said coldly, "According to procedure, I need to ask you about this incident."

V opened her eyes and looked at the officer.

After a brief silence, she recounted the events that led to her killing the cyberpsycho.

The officer took notes and added, "This cyberpsycho seemed to have a specific habit, targeting people in suits. The four victims were all in business attire."

She then glanced at Tang Yu, her expression hidden behind her protective goggles.

V remembered the cyberpsycho's words but didn't share them with the officer.

The officer continued taking notes and remarked, almost to herself, "You did well; Shinguji Temple quickly sealed the area, and you neutralized the threat without further casualties."

V showed no reaction, uninterested in those details. She was more intrigued by why the cyberpsycho targeted company employees.

She looked at Tang Yu, her gaze filled with concern.

The officer finished her notes, called her team to wrap up, and addressed V before leaving.

"If you liked this, you can contact me, Melissa Rory, Senior Operative of the Anti-Terror Task Force."

With that, Melissa Rory and her team left, leaving behind a mess and bodies.

After the cyberpsycho incident, the Shinguji Temple customers had all fled.

The temple hostess, now recovered from her fright, apologetically approached Tang Yu and V, assuring them that compensation would be provided.

Tang Yu wasn't interested in the temple's compensation, mainly discount vouchers, and asked the hostess to pack their clothes.

Seeing that V had calmed down, Tang Yu finally asked, "Are you mad?"

The cyberpsycho who attacked them wasn't too strong; he was more effective in a sneak attack but not in a direct confrontation.

Tang Yu had noticed something odd in V's anger and intense reaction.

V shook her head reluctantly. "No, it was my fault earlier, don't take it to heart..."

She realized her irritation wasn't really about Tang Yu.

Although Tang Yu often teased her, he had never deceived her and had even saved her life, a debt she couldn't forget.

But V felt something was affecting her—a peculiar feeling she couldn't quite place.

So, she continued, "Do you have any plans later? I'm free today; we can hang out."

The cyberpsycho incident had left V somewhat shaken.

If Tang Yu had been the one at the door, he could have been the one lying on the ground now.

She never disliked Tang Yu, just found his playful, nonchalant attitude hard to accept.

Everything he did was for her benefit, but his corporate demeanor made it hard to deal with him, leaving her frustrated.

But now, seeing Tang Yu alive and well was the best outcome.

Tang Yu, noticing her change in tone, teased, "Found a new sweetheart, so you're willing to spend time with me?"

"To be honest, the Anti-Terror Task Force suits you. When you're not in a good mood, killing a few people can really help."

He referred to Melissa Rory's invitation to V, thinking it would benefit her.

The Anti-Terror Task Force, while technically part of the NCPD, operated independently and was crucial to the city's stability.

They handled cyberpsychos and large-scale violent incidents, equipped with the finest gear and combat implants.

Joining them would greatly enhance V's capabilities.

V, catching his playful tone, retorted, "I'm not as twisted as you, needing to kill people to vent."

As they chatted, the servant returned with their packed clothes.

Tang Yu signaled V to take the bags and prepare to leave.

V, carrying the packages, asked, "Why are you buying clothes and accessories? What's your plan?"

"If you have too much money, why not donate it to charity? At least you'd be doing something good instead of creating problems."

Tang Yu replied, "You little smarty, how'd you guess we're doing charity? Those clothes are for tonight's charity gala."

"Now get in the car; we'll head out just in time."

V was stunned. Charity gala?

"I can't go to any gala; I've never been to one in my life," she protested.

"I can't sing or dance, and I'll just embarrass you. You, a company executive, bringing me along, would be laughed at."

Standing next to the Rayfield, Tang Yu chuckled. "You may not excel in many areas, but you have the looks for it."

V was speechless. He seemed to imply she was just a pretty face, and she thought to herself,

'Hmph, with no decent implants you're the pitiful one. If I weren't kind-hearted, you wouldn't last the night...'

Despite her thoughts, she said, "No way, I haven't even changed into a dress. I can't go like this; it's embarrassing."

Tang Yu sat in the driver's seat, waiting for V to get in with the bags, and said, "You can change in the car."

Seeing V's face freeze, Tang Yu added, "Don't worry, I've seen it all..."

V grabbed his hand and bit it hard, gritting her teeth, "Don't ever mention that again!"


North Oak.

Stone Ridge, Wood Estate.

A line of luxury cars slowly entered the neatly arranged driveway, while aerial vehicles landed in the spacious and elegant estate.

A blue supercar roared into the courtyard, overtaking several luxury sedans.

It screeched to a halt at a red carpet, marking the destination.

The gala was not only Night Corporation's annual event but also a charity gala—a gathering of Night City's elite.

Night Corporation, founded by Miriam Knight, the widow of the city's founder Richard Night, played a crucial role in the city's prosperity.

Miriam Knight continued her late husband's vision, leading the corporation in developing Night City, striving to create their ideal city.

Thus, Night Corporation held a special place in Night City, with Miriam Knight enjoying high esteem and extensive connections.

This gala, with the announced attendance of the reclusive Miriam Knight, had caused a stir, and city dignitaries flocked to attend, feeling honored by the invitation.

Tang Yu exited the supercar, walked over, and opened the passenger door.

He offered his hand in a gentlemanly manner to his companion.

V, sitting in the passenger seat, blushed and swatted his hand away.

"I can manage..."

She carefully stepped out, holding her dress and the car roof to maintain balance, but in her first high heels, she almost stumbled.

"You might want to hold on to me if you don't want to end up on crutches," Tang Yu said.

V reluctantly complied, holding Tang Yu's arm as they stepped onto the red carpet.

They both wore sleek black outfits, with V donning a thin black veil and crystal shoes, her slender waist accentuating her mystery and allure.

V, while clinging to Tang Yu, muttered, "I told you this wouldn't work, but you insisted."

Tang Yu smiled and said, "It's fine, I can pay for it."

V could only sigh silently.

As they walked, Tang Yu spotted an old acquaintance, his former boss Arthur Jenkins, approaching.

Jenkins, holding a drink, laughed heartily.

"Tang, you're late as usual."

"I have someone special you must meet. He's eager to finally meet you."

Pointing to a bald, pot-bellied man waving at them, Jenkins said,

"The current mayor of Night City, Lucius Rhyne."

Tang Yu nodded, escorted the unsteady V, and proceeded to greet them.