
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

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193 Chs

Chapter 168

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"Her injuries are indeed severe, but her vitality is quite strong."

"The wounds have mostly been treated, fortunately, none were fatal. Once the wounds are stitched up, there should be no significant issues."

"However, it looks like she'll need a new 'eating tool.'"

V retrieved a new mechanical prosthetic arm from a storage locker, sat back down in front of the surgery table, and prepared to start the implant surgery.

V was lying on the surgery table chair, unconscious, occasionally opening her eyes but unable to speak. After V's treatment, her injuries were cleaned and bandaged with anti-inflammatory dressings.

"Her name is V. We were on a mission in Pacifica, and Adam Smasher appeared out of nowhere. She probably got unintentionally caught in the crossfire."

"When she wakes up, the medical expenses will be on my tab."

Tang Yu glanced at V lying on the surgery table and briefly explained the situation to V.

V hadn't grown strong enough yet to face Adam Smasher falling from the sky, almost getting knocked out on the spot. This time, V was in such a dangerous situation, running to the Batty Hotel to steal server data, mainly due to a task arranged by him. Nobody could have predicted that something that seemed so simple would become so complicated because of Adam Smasher.

This indicated that Yorinobu Arasaka valued the matters concerning his father, Saburo Arasaka, highly enough to send his personal bodyguard.

Tang Yu was willing to give Adam Smasher the subnet data of Poseidon not only to prepare himself with reasons to deal with Saburo Arasaka but also to shift the blame to Yorinobu Arasaka. Otherwise, screwing up the first task given by Saburo Arasaka would mean it wouldn't be easy to continue working within Arasaka.

A damaged subnet Poseidon data wasn't highly significant to Tang Yu; the focus was on the shady dealings of the Voodoo Boys in cyberspace.

V, wearing black-framed glasses, meticulously operated the surgical auxiliary sleeve, connecting the prosthetic arm to V's left hand. Upon hearing Tang Yu cover the cost for this girl too, V couldn't help but say, "Hmm... it seems she's also a good friend of yours."

"What about the one smoking at the door, why didn't she come in?" V was referring to Lucy, smoking alone outside the clinic.

Tang Yu glanced at the time and said, "I'll explain later. I'm in a hurry now; something came up at the company."

V nodded, still focused on the surgery, carefully connecting V's arm's biological nerves to the prosthesis.

Tang Yu watched for a moment and then left the clinic confidently, trusting V's assurance that V would be fine after the surgery.

At the clinic's entrance, Lucy leaned against the wall, holding a half-lit cigarette. Tang Yu approached and leaned against the wall beside her. Seeing Tang Yu come out, Lucy took the cigarette from her lips with two fingers, exhaling a puff of white smoke from her mouth and nose.

She handed the cigarette to Tang Yu, calmly asking, "How is she?"

Tang Yu took the cigarette, flicked off the ash, and took a puff. The familiar yet strange pungent taste filled his lungs. Familiar because of the cigarette's taste, strange because it was his 'first' time smoking.

Not as urgently as before, he exhaled the smoke through his nose, explaining, "V's wounds are treated, and she's out of immediate danger. Once the prosthetic arm is implanted, she'll be back to full health."

Lucy replied, "Seems she's lucky."

Though Lucy didn't know V, it was clear from Tang Yu's actions and attitude that the two were close. The scene had been a wreck: nearly all the Animals' King and Voodoo Boys were wiped out. V almost didn't make it out. If not for the fact that Adam Smasher landed some distance from the Poseidon server, V might have lost more than just an arm.

In Night City, some luck is always needed.

Lucy also guessed that Adam Smasher came for the subnet Poseidon data rather than randomly destroying server locations.

"Her memory chip still holds the subnet Poseidon data. What are you going to do with it?"

Tang Yu extinguished the cigarette, exhaling the last puff, murmuring, "Let's wait. I'll see the situation at Arasaka Tower first."

Lucy nodded, understanding Tang Yu had a plan. With the Voodoo Boys decimated, the subnet Poseidon data became a coveted gem. Any ambitious person could rebuild an independent subnet, replicating Poseidon's miracles.

Having an independent and hidden subnet like Poseidon is like finding an oasis in the desert. Moreover, Poseidon also held channels for crossing the Black Wall and a trove of secrets from beyond. Each byte of data is a treasure for a cyber hacker.

"I'll keep an eye on her," Lucy said seriously.

Tang Yu nodded slightly. After this incident, Lucy had regained some freedom. Though forced to join NetWatch, it's better than being constantly hunted by Arasaka.

"When the NetWatch employment notice arrives, I'll take you there if I have time. You're not familiar with inter-corporate affairs."

"Plus, there are some loose ends I need to tie up. I must return to the company."

Lucy listened silently. Tang Yu was offering her protection. As long as Tang Yu worked at Arasaka, NetWatch wouldn't risk sending her on life-threatening deep dive missions.

In a way, her work at NetWatch depended entirely on Tang Yu's presence. Despite the apparent freedom she now had, Lucy felt a sense of irony. From being hunted by Arasaka to being shielded by its higher-ups, her life had never truly been her own. But now, at least, she could walk the streets of Night City without fearing the name 'Arasaka.'

Tang Yu had kept his promises—whether guiding her in cyberspace or persuading Mosley to let her join NetWatch. Each step, Tang Yu had steadfastly supported her.

Lucy had more to say but hesitated. Tang Yu stood and ascended the steps, leaving a final remark.

"I'm off. See you later."

Lucy watched his back as he climbed the steps, disappearing from view.


Arasaka Tower

Michiko Arasaka stood before the panoramic windows, observing the view outside as usual. She looked down at the circular company plaza below, where the traffic flowed like tides and people moved back and forth.

She had seen this scene countless times since her first day in this office.

At that moment, the secretary outside the office requested an audience. Shortly after, the secretary walked in, respectfully reporting to Michiko.

"Director Michiko, the board members are all here. The meeting is ready to start at any time."

Without turning from the window, Michiko asked, "How's Tang Yu's situation?"

The secretary, having already contacted the Counterintelligence Division and communicated with Tang Yu, had gathered the related intel.

"Mr. Tang, in cooperation with NetWatch, successfully located the server of the Voodoo Boys' subnet Poseidon."

"But Adam Smasher appeared suddenly, destroying the Voodoo Boys' base and severely injuring the Animals and the Voodoo Boys' leaders."

"It's believed Adam Smasher was cooperating with Deputy Director Kato of the Counterintelligence Division."

"Kato has resigned and was killed by Adam Smasher."

Surprised by these outcomes, Michiko hadn't expected Yorinobu to act. Even facing Saburo Arasaka himself, Yorinobu acted boldly and refused to show respect. Despite her dislike for Yorinobu, Michiko retained some admiration for his audacity.

Though Saburo Arasaka rarely criticized Yorinobu's rebellious actions, he once again accepted Yorinobu back into Arasaka without any punishment, even allowing him to continue in Kyoto.

To Yorinobu, this seemed like a form of soft imprisonment. But outsiders saw it as Saburo Arasaka's trust and nurturing, believing only blood relatives in the Kyoto estate could inherit the Arasaka legacy promptly.

As an overseas Arasaka family member, Michiko knew she wasn't favored within the family. However, her surname alone held immense value. Tang Yu, being assigned by Saburo Arasaka to deal with matters in Night City, likely gained Yorinobu's attention.

The crux of the matter lay not in NetWatch, the Animals versus Voodoo Boys conflict, or Adam Smasher's involvement but in how Tang Yu reported to Saburo Arasaka. This would affect Michiko's standing within Arasaka Tower.

If Tang Yu reported truthfully, it positioned him against Yorinobu. Saburo Arasaka might not punish Yorinobu but would likely lower his chances of controlling Arasaka Tower in Night City. If Tang Yu downplayed Yorinobu's role, it would arouse Saburo Arasaka's suspicion, and Tang Yu's good days would be numbered.

Michiko believed Saburo's discerning ability made it easy to detect Tang Yu's true intent. Yorinobu, safeguarding his status without penalty, had a precious surname. However, Tang Yu, dabbling in the power struggles of the mighty, faced potential ruin. Regardless of the outcome, Michiko, as an outsider, viewed it as a favorable situation.

Michiko asked the secretary, "Is he back yet?"

"Mr. Tang is currently on his way back to Arasaka Tower…" the secretary answered promptly, respecting the timeline, as the board meeting was due. Uncertain whether Michiko planned to attend, the secretary asked for confirmation again.

Michiko replied slowly, "No rush. Let them wait a little longer."

She continued to gaze down at the circular plaza, still waiting.


A Delamain taxi stopped at Arasaka Tower's base, the car door opening automatically. Tang Yu stepped out. Entering through the main entrance, he passed the security scan. Two Arasaka security personnel approached, bowing and respectfully reporting.

"Mr. Tang, greetings."

"The board meeting is about to begin. Director Michiko requests your attendance. Please proceed to the conference room immediately."

Tang Yu ignored the two security assistants, heading straight for the secure elevator. His suit jacket still bore dried bloodstains. "I'll join the meeting later; I have more pressing matters now."

Startled by Tang Yu's refusal, the security assistants had heard the counterintelligence deputy director was notoriously difficult. Today, they witnessed it firsthand. Unable to question further, knowing Tang Yu postponed even the board meeting, they stepped aside.

The secure elevator, limited to top-level personnel, served as Arasaka Tower's core access, inaccessible to unauthorized individuals. Tang Yu, uninterested in attending the board meeting, aimed to promptly clarify the day's events to Saburo Arasaka.

Years of corporate experience had ingrained a crucial principle in Tang Yu:

Performing well isn't as crucial as reporting well; reporting well isn't as crucial as reporting early.

Often, the first to inform superiors claims the credit, as information's value lies in being first. Reporting early demonstrates loyalty and provides vital intel. Although Tang Yu needn't constantly seek Saburo's approval, Jackie had once remarked, Arasaka's success lay in being supported by corporate workers like them.

To maintain his position within Arasaka, Tang Yu knew he had to placate Saburo, at least ostensibly. The elevator ascended to Arasaka Tower's top floor, reaching Saburo Arasaka's office.

Traversing security scans and barriers, Tang Yu entered the private office and seated himself, activating the office system. Via a secure comms channel, Tang Yu sent a direct message to Kyoto.

Choosing this method avoided seeing Saburo's face or feigning attentiveness. Preparing his thoughts, Tang Yu meticulously documented the key points. Taking a careful ten minutes, he reviewed and sent the report.

Tang Yu's report emphasized several points:

One, during his cyberspace and Black Wall investigation, he discovered the Voodoo Boys' attempt to dismantle the wall and their collusion with rogue AIs.

Two, in collaboration with NetWatch, he had neutralized the Voodoo Boys' threat.

Three, the subnet Poseidon data was handed to Adam Smasher due to his sudden dominance.

Four, Tang Yu independently used Saburo's authority to dismiss Kato and confirmed Kato's termination by Smasher.

The conclusion pointed out Black Wall's fragile state, with long-term breaches creating numerous vulnerabilities. The risk of collapse was imminent, especially with unknown AIs infiltrating Night City.

After sending the secure message, he awaited Saburo's decision, unconcerned about the outcome. His primary concern lay in the unauthorized dismissal of Kato, a move not pre-cleared with Saburo. Though top leaders disliked taking matters into one's own hands, Tang Yu believed Saburo wasn't one to fuss over surface details if sufficient utility remained.

Yorinobu's defiance had been overlooked due to his potential within Arasaka. Similarly, as long as Tang Yu held value, he wouldn't be dismissed lightly. Saburo, pragmatic in deciding whether Tang Yu remained useful, wouldn't be swayed by nonessential formalities.

Tang Yu, experienced in navigating corporate dynamics, knew securing his role relied not on dramatic gestures but on consistently aligning actions with organizational goals.

Despite no immediate response to his message, Tang Yu remained undisturbed, awaiting further instructions as his report traveled securely to Kyoto.

Tang Yu leaned back in his chair and glanced at the time. Realizing that the board meeting had already started some time ago, he decided there was no point in waiting or attending it. He left the troublesome board matters to Michiko Arasaka, focusing instead on Saburo Arasaka, ensuring his position in the Arasaka Tower remained unaffected.

Closing his office system, he noticed some bloodstains on his clothes, likely from when V collapsed and leaned on him. It seemed he wouldn't be able to see V for a while until she recovered. Standing up, Tang Yu decided to change into clean clothes and rest for a bit, maybe drop by Lizzie's Bar later.


Arasaka Tower. Executive Conference Room.

Nine board members were seated, waiting for Michiko Arasaka to preside over the meeting. One board member with a Kyoto face grew impatient, checking the time, and questioned the meeting secretary.

"What's going on today? The meeting was supposed to start by now. Where is Director Michiko?"

The secretary, standing by, quickly responded, "Director Yamamoto, Director Michiko had an emergency to handle. She'll be here shortly."

Director Yamamoto frowned at the secretary's explanation, scoffed, and said, "I think Director Michiko, since returning from Kyoto, values our opinions less and less. If she can remove high-ranking officers without any discussion, what's the point of these meetings?"

Yamamoto had recently learned about Kate's dismissal, and when Kate had asked him for help with retrieving some permissions, he couldn't access them from his board-level position. Only Michiko, the de facto head of Arasaka Tower, could have pulled that off.

Tang Yu was known as Michiko's man. His status soared after returning from Saburo Arasaka's birthday party in his private float car, becoming one of the hottest figures in the Night City Arasaka Tower.

"Her monopolizing influence is something we cannot allow," said another board member with a samurai bun and round sunglasses, supporting Yamamoto.

"I agree with Yamamoto. If Michiko can do everything on her own, we might as well disband the Night City Arasaka board altogether, as it would save her the trouble."

"Disbanding the board is a bit much, but I support Takahashi's sentiment," Yamamoto replied, seeing support from the usually opposing faction.

Among the nine board members, six had Kyoto faces, each aligned with different factions within the Arasaka Family. Only two really supported Michiko, emboldening Yamamoto.

Yamamoto, having secured intel faster than others, coldly stated, "In just six months, Deputy Director Tang Yu has managed to lose two vice ministers in two actions. He seems more competent than Jenkins, but eliminating a former Arasaka minister at the scene without inquiry? Shouldn't that warrant some scrutiny?"

He aimed to shift the blame to Tang Yu, thereby targeting Michiko indirectly, noting Tang Yu's conspicuous actions drawing negative attention.

A black-skinned female director countered him, "Director Yamamoto, you should be careful with your words. My intelligence reports that it was Adam Smasher who killed Kate."

"Fortunately, this isn't an official board meeting. I'll treat it as casual talk."

Yamamoto retorted, "Director Conti, care to think? If Kate wasn't fired and Tang Yu didn't intend to eliminate her, why would Adam Smasher kill her randomly? Don't forget, they were cooperating on a mission, and Kate assigned Adam Smasher there."

As a member of Arasaka's faction under Raizo, he knew Adam Smasher was acting on Raizo's orders. Despite his madness, Smasher wasn't recklessly insane; he wouldn't lose control – only those in Night City could go cyber-psycho.

Director Conti, loyal to Michiko, asked, "Tell me, Director Yamamoto, which of Tang Yu's actions hasn't been successful?"

"If not for Tang Yu's preparations, Arasaka would have lost three special units and the military-grade Sandevistan data as well. Can you definitively say whether his recent action was a success or a failure?"

Confident in Tang Yu's track record, Conti argued back, knowing his impeccable mission execution left no room for doubt, standing firm in support of Michiko.

Yamamoto, struggling to find any fault, mused silently, Tang Yu is as solid as a rock, blocking my path without showing any cracks.

Takahashi interjected, "I believe there's no need to dwell on merits or demerits. The intelligence is clear—Adam Smasher eliminated the Voodoo Boys and Animals and secured the Neptune data. Tang Yu's situation depends on higher-ups, not just your say."

Conti shot back, "Takahashi, you claim Adam Smasher deserves the credit, and I don't disagree. But wasn't it Tang Yu who discovered the Voodoo Boys' base? Without that intel, how could Adam Smasher act so precisely?"

"You should be unbiased when judging mission merits."

Takahashi sneered, "It seems you know nothing, trying to grab credit for your side. The Voodoo Boys' base was found via signal detection from the network surveillance, not Tang Yu. If you doubt it, we can connect Douglas for clarification."

"It seems pointless to discuss further since Michiko makes all decisions in Night City anyway."

The other board members chuckled in agreement.

"You!" Conti, momentarily lost for words, glared.

Yamamoto chimed in, "Let's adjourn. I'll only attend via remote next time. Maybe Director Takahashi can cover for me, I'll vote yes on everything."

Takahashi added with a laugh, "It seems we're just being kept waiting today. The tyranny grows."

Just then, a commanding voice came from the hallway, "Do you not respect the Arasaka Family's authority?"

Michiko strode in briskly, her expression notably stern. The board members quickly masked their unease, knowing better than to provoke the Arasaka Family directly. Though Michiko might be the least favored, even these powerful figures knew not to cross the family.

"If anyone's impatient, feel free to leave. We're not short on candidates for these seats," Michiko declared coldly.

Yamamoto rubbed his nose, falling silent. Takahashi followed suit, pretending nothing had happened.

Michiko explained, "The meeting delay was due to receiving directives from Lord Saburo Arasaka."

Directives from Saburo Arasaka?

Realizing Tang Yu was indeed on a mission for Saburo, the board members reassessed their positions. Believing Tang Yu was solely Michiko's man, they now realized his ascent might be due to Saburo's favor.

Smelling something wrong, Yamamoto subtly glanced at Takahashi, sensing his agreement.

Michiko directly addressed Yamamoto, "Director Yamamoto, you had many opinions earlier. Care to speak now?"

Unable to meet her gaze, Yamamoto replied, "No, I have no comments."

Michiko scoffed at their opportunistic silence. Knowing full well these individuals couldn't be swayed, her goal was to intimidate them into compliance.

"Since there are no objections, listen carefully," Michiko continued. "I will now announce Lord Saburo's decisions and requirements for Night City's Arasaka Tower..."

The board members sat bolt upright, knowing Saburo's authority would deeply influence their actions.

Michiko methodically outlined decisions, including Kate's dismissal, rewards for Adam Smasher, and commendations for Tang Yu, demanding the entire company to study his operation as a model for all departments.

Yamamoto realized with growing concern that Kate's firing came directly from Saburo, acknowledging Tang Yu's close working relationship with Saburo, rather than merely aligning with Michiko.

Understanding the ramifications, Yamamoto felt relieved the matter wouldn't implicate him, though knowing Tang Yu's ascendency was a force to reckon with.

As Michiko continued detailing Tang Yu's strategic involvement in pinpointing the Voodoo Boys' base and orchestrating the action, leveraging the internal factions, the full scope of his competence became evident.

The board unanimously approved Tang Yu's commendations without dissent, underscoring his rising influence within Arasaka Tower.

Standing before the board, Michiko felt immense satisfaction as they grudgingly voted in favor. Without Tang Yu, she might not have attained such a gratifying stance. A deserving reward for her diligent executor was imminent.