
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 160

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Dark clouds cover the night sky. 

In the foggy evening sea, a layer of mist emerges, shrouding the neon-lit city coastline and enveloping each street lamp on the shore in a silvery gray haze. 

Above the tranquil sea, the ocean breeze gently stirs the ripples, caressing wave after wave, softly lapping against the shore with nature's rhythm and cadence. 

Beneath the foggy lights, a figure bathed in icy blue slowly becomes visible, its childlike color revealing a sense of chill amidst the shadows. 

She arrives alone at Pier No. 4, hiding in the shadows, hesitating as she looks towards the luxury yacht docked by the shore. 

There are numerous yachts parked along the bay, but only one, steadfast at the dock, is lit. 

Her cybernetic eyes scan the surroundings, and after confirming there's nothing unusual, her cool gaze softens, and she clenches her fist, as if making up her mind. She steps slowly out of the shadows and heads toward the yacht. 

As the silver-haired girl approaches the dock, the rhythm of the tides washes over her, the sea breeze carrying with it the vague sound of music. 

On the deck of the white yacht, though no figures can be seen, the sounds of someone singing and playing an instrument are unmistakable, the voice gentle and the melody soft. 

"Fly me to the moon."

"A me play amoars."


"Fill my life with song."

"A me sing forever more."


The breeze passes through, playing with strands of her silvery hair, interweaving the silver-white with the icy blue. 

She stands still, gently tucking her tousled hair behind her ears, silently listening to this strange yet familiar tune.

After a long moment, the song ends.

The silver-haired girl feels moved and finally steps up the ladder to the yacht's deck.

The musician, comfortably seated on a leather couch at the bow, is tuning an electric guitar axe, focused, immersed in his music.

"You sing well; I didn't expect you to have a musical talent," she greets, watching his every move.

Tang Yu looks up to see Lucy, as expected, standing on the deck, curiously surveying him; her surprise at the company executive's musical hobby is apparent.

"Have a seat," he says, continuing to fine-tune his instrument.

Lucy settles at the other end of the couch, looking up at the inky sky, reflecting in her cybernetic eyes, feeling a twinge of regret.

"It's a shame about the thick clouds."

Perhaps the previous melody was related to the moon; looking up and seeing it obscured by heavy clouds fills her with slight disappointment. 

Tang Yu strums the guitar after tuning, confirming the perfect pitch, and then casually plays as the yacht starts moving.

"Where would you like to go?" he inquires, strumming the strings.

Lucy turns, amused, and teases, "Huh? Isn't this your boat? Shouldn't you be the one deciding?"

She looks at the man playing the guitar before her, different from any image she had before.

At this moment, she feels as though they might be in the same world, under the same roof.

Lucy knows Tang Yu, as a high-ranking company official, has risen above the ranks of Night City, far from her world.

Yet, appearances can be deceiving.

"Where to go isn't important; what matters is where the heart finds peace," Tang Yu states somberly.

Lucy smiles lightly, her demeanor relaxed, "I don't know where I want to go, but leaving here would ease my mind a bit."

"Before we leave, I don't want to talk about that," he continues.

As the yacht departs, heading into the open sea, the coastline grows distant behind them.

Silently, the only sound is the electric guitar echoing in the wind, gradually dispersing.

It's been a while since they last saw each other, and Lucy, seeking either courtesy or conversation, asks with a smile, "How have things been lately?"

Tang Yu raises an eyebrow, languidly replying, "Same as always—endless work, meetings, and favors."

Her eyes twinkle with humor as she quips, "With how busy you are, it's impressive your guitar skills are still this sharp."

She knows Tang Yu's determined nature; whatever decision he makes, he pursues it wholeheartedly, no matter how superfluous it might seem to others. His nonconformity sets him apart.

"I learned from an old friend, who plays better than me," Tang Yu admits.

"I envy him for his impressive skill."

Lucy seeks confirmation for her internal guess, smilingly asking, "This old friend, is it the same one who asked for a smoke?"

Tang Yu with a knowing look, confirms, "Yes, you're right."

Lucy, turning towards Tang Yu, can hardly believe that such a high-ranking executive could have such friends.

"You certainly have a wide circle of friends."

"But honestly, you seem born for corporation work."

Laughter underlies Tang Yu's retort, "So you're saying I look like a corporate drone."

"I didn't say that," Lucy laughs.

Tang Yu laments, "Sometimes being suitable doesn't mean it's desired. If you've dealt with them, you'd know they can harm you and then cast you aside."

Lucy's gaze freezes as childhood memories resurface.

"It's hard to believe you would say that."

"Your return to Night City was marred by an attack from the Animal Gang; was that the company's doing?"

She had heard rumors about Tang Yu from Maine; that attack had led to a subsequent accident and the intersection of Maine's and Tang Yu's paths.

Tang Yu nods slightly, "That's very Night City, isn't it?"

"You seem to take it in stride," Lucy observes, finding no disturbance in his gaze, as though accustomed to such a life.

Tang Yu looks up at her, calmly stating, "Like you said before, faster is always better; danger is always one step behind."

Lucy, touched by a hint of unspoken compassion, murmurs, "But Arasaka won't let go of any..." She stops mid-sentence, sighing with a forced smile, "Whatever, I hope for the best."

She's been running hard, fleeing the shadow of Arasaka.

Yet fate plays a cruel joke, pulling her back into the Maelstrom she wishes to escape.

Life is often like that: unable to grasp what's desired, and unable to elude what is inevitably drawn to you.

Like a bird fluttering in a cage, watching Arasaka's trap draw tighter, she feels powerless.

Against a titan like Arasaka, an individual's strength seems too faint and helpless.

"Have you decided where to go?" Tang Yu asks again.

Lucy looks at him, her eyes faltering, but she gives up, merely replying with a resigned smile.

"You can never hide anything from me."

"Actually... I have nowhere else to go."

They lie on the couch inside the yacht's lounge with Braindance headsets, the flickering lights before their eyes.

A plastic square packet with a Braindance chip falls beside the couch.

After a piercing brightness, Tang Yu's vision returns, finding himself in a barren expanse.

In the near-depths of space, the azure planet that can be observed seemed to be flanked by astronauts in space suits and mining vehicles...

The Moon?

Tang Yu has experienced many deep sleep dreams, but this was his first one set on the lunar surface.

From the rays of sunlight to the fine dust beneath his feet, everything almost perfectly recreated the moon's environment, making it feel as if he were truly standing on the moon's surface.

"How does it feel?" Lucy asked with a smile, her hand on her hip.

Before Tang Yu could respond, he felt a pair of hands firmly grip his lower back, followed by a forceful push that sent him into the air.

He floated upwards in a peculiar pose, as though trying to grab something to stabilize himself, but flailing to no avail.


His wrist was caught by a firm hand, steadying him in mid-air before he could descend upright onto the ground.

With a light tap on the ground, Lucy pulled Tang Yu back down to a graceful landing, her movements skilled as if she frequented the moon.

Seeing Tang Yu's somewhat clumsy appearance caused Lucy to laugh uncontrollably.

"Hmm, first time?" she teased.

The shift in lunar gravity can be quite challenging for first-timers.

Tang Yu had indeed been caught off guard by Lucy's 'sneak attack.'

He vaguely remembered the last time he was this disheveled—when she had tucked him into a shopping cart.


Lucy decided to teach him how to walk and jump on the lunar surface, the two of them strolling casually on the dusty path.

"Follow me, just relax, take it slow, no rush," Lucy guided gently as she walked ahead at an even pace.

Tang Yu stepped in her footprints, learning her stride, and almost stumbled, nearly falling forward, but Lucy quickly caught his wrist.

She turned around to steady him and said with a playful laugh, "This isn't like night running; moving too fast makes it easier to fall."

"It really takes some getting used to this feeling of having strength but being unable to apply it properly..." Tang Yu admitted with a sense of helplessness.

"Right, maybe you're better suited to hop. Follow me!" Lucy turned around, beckoning with a small hand and then, with a grasp, leaped forward with him in tow.

Tang Yu felt as if he was being flown through the air, a weightless sensation like in a dream.

Their two dancing silhouettes appeared like sprites flying above the lunar soil, ascending quickly but descending languidly.

Tang Yu looked at Lucy beside him, her laughter seemed joyful, as if all worries had been left behind in her very own amusement park.

Her fingers gripped Tang Yu's wrist tightly, and with occasional light taps on the ground, she propelled them both forward with leaps and bounds.

In mid-air.

Lucy tucked her hair behind her ear and asked with intrigue, "How do you feel now?"

By this point, Tang Yu could keep up with Lucy's hopping pace with far more ease than before.

"It's simpler than walking, actually."

"Ha! You're quite the character," Lucy exclaimed with glee, seemingly enjoying the rare sight of the usually reserved Tang Yu in disarray.

Half an hour later.

The activity ended, and the two sat beside a deep crater, gazing at the blue planet in deep space.

Lucy swung her legs while sitting at the edge of the crater.

"This is my first time bringing someone here."

"I've never experienced what it's like on the moon before," Tang Yu replied softly.

"Ah," Lucy smiled, "but you learn quickly. I had a tough time adjusting on my first trip, but I fell in love with it at first sight."

"So, when you said you wanted to soar away, did you mean the moon?" Tang Yu inquired, recalling the old lunar commercial poster in Lucy's room and her fondness for moon-themed tunes.

Lucy nodded in affirmation upon hearing this.

"Yeah... I hope one day I might be able to rocket to the actual moon."

"Did you save up enough money?" Tang Yu asked seriously.

Lucy paused, then chuckled dismissively, her tone a tad annoyed, "You sure know how to kill the mood."

Tang Yu suspected she hadn't saved enough money; her theft of Arasaka chips on the subway, for intelligence and extra cash, was not without risks, so it wasn't a reliable source of income.

She had limited opportunities in Maine's team, especially with Kiwi around.

Kiwi, a veteran hacker with solid skills, fearlessly undertook deep dives and invasions.

Lucy, hiding from Arasaka's pursuit, acted more cautiously to avoid involving others.

Her activities with Maine had been sparse lately, and the cost of maintaining hacker software and hardware wasn't cheap.


Tang Yu concluded that she hadn't really earned much, and by herself, achieving the moon trip would be quite challenging.

Lucy wanted to avoid the subject and turned to ask Tang Yu, "What about you? Where do you want to go the most? Do you plan to work at the company for life?"

She knew the question seemed redundant, considering Tang Yu's high ranking in Arasaka.

The identity of a corporate executive was an enviable position, and for Tang Yu, it was inextricably tied to his future.

Losing his executive status was a chilling thought, and Lucy shuddered at the potential fallout for him.

Caught off guard by Lucy's inquiry, Tang Yu hadn't given it much thought.

Should he clash again with Arasaka and other companies, or keep the vestige of warmth in this harsh, cold world?

He couldn't help but remember the tarot card symbolizing the future.

The Moon in an upright position.

Tang Yu humorously suggested, "It sounds like a nice idea to buy a place on the moon."

Imagining bringing V and the others, leaving behind complications on the blue planet.

Lucy, surprised by Tang Yu's answer unrelated to Arasaka, asked, "Are you serious?"

Nodding affirmatively, Tang Yu added, "Of course, I'll keep a room for you."

Lucy's eyes flickered with emotion as she spoke with resignation, "Well, thank you. It seems that buying property on the moon is a feat only someone in your position could achieve."

"I'll thank you in advance. I'd like to stay for a while, if you don't mind."

"Then you better start earning, and have the rent ready in advance," Tang Yu half-joked.

"Go on with you," Lucy laughed, not expecting him to consider charging her rent.

Tang Yu also laughed.

Watching him laugh so freely and lightly, Lucy began to understand something.

She knew Tang Yu's world was never as open as it appeared, and with his ties to Arasaka, anyone close would be affected.

Yet, Tang Yu had a way of narrowly averting disasters, ensuring things fell into place without too much of a scare.

Be it the cooperation with Maine or the reckless burning of the corporate plaza, the burden invariably fell on him.

Lucy thought it was time for change, moving away from Night City to a place further afield, possibly easing some of the load on him and giving her peace of mind.

With these thoughts.

Lucy's gaze deepened, she wanted to say more but held back, leaving only a simple thank you.

Tang Yu turned to see Lucy, her head bowed, staring at the abyss of the crater below.

"Time to go?" he asked.

With a calm look, Lucy nodded and smiled slightly at Tang Yu, "I'll visit Night City again when I have the chance."

As she spoke, the dim gray frame of Lucy's life simulation lit up brightly.

[Lucy] (Simulate yes/no?)

A point of destiny's turn?

Unexpectedly, a pivotal moment in the silver-haired girl's life descended.

Tang Yu realized that letting her go now would be a crucial choice affecting her future.

Their gazes locked, the silver-haired girl beamed.


The world in Lucy's eyes became hazy, even Tang Yu's figure turned ethereal.

She reached out, faintly sensing Tang Yu grabbing her wrist, pulling hard as if to pull her very soul along.

Lucy felt herself dissociate from her body, weightless, as if entering another layer of deep sleep.

Time flitted, the whirling cosmos transformed into a streak of light, engulfing her completely.

When her eyes opened again.

Unbeknownst to her when.

Lucy sat alone on an empty seat, in a cold mechanical room, peering through the electronic screen outside.

Still, there was that same blue planet...