
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

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191 Chs

Chapter 158

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Arasaka Tower.

Thirty-third floor, Counter-Intelligence Department.

Tang Yu rated a B on the electronic screen, set aside his electronic tablet, and forwarded the results to the Arasaka Academy Council.

He had just fulfilled his duty as a social practice mentor for the Arasaka Academy, grading each three-month practical report.

His ratings would be a reference for this year's graduates seeking employment, and would be entered into their future employer's personnel records.

Of course.

If they don't join a company, the social practice score becomes useless.

Another scenario is that if the family background is sufficiently strong, the scores wouldn't make any difference either.

Tang Yu upheld fairness in these assessments, showing no favoritism or suppression.

Based solely on the content of the practical reports, and to discern any fabricated internships, he had even specifically asked the receptionist to contact several companies to gather their HR perspectives, ensuring impartiality.

Tang Yu's approach was primarily to avoid trouble.

Up to now.

He had received various forms of sugar-coated bullets from different students' parents, including greetings, invitations, gifts, and money transfers.

The parents of these children at the Arasaka Academy, with their considerable status and power, were very concerned about their children's education.

They used all means to secure Tang Yu's office address, work relationships, and even his contact information.

Just recently, the mother of a female student took the initiative to visit the office, claiming to be the sister of his old boss, Arthur Jenkins, making it awkward for Tang Yu not to meet her.

It wasn't just Tang Yu who was bothered; Arthur Jenkins, who had been out of town on a big project and hadn't returned, had received numerous favors asking him to speak to Tang Yu on behalf of others.

Knowing Tang Yu was difficult to persuade, they turned their attention to Jenkins, and some well-connected parents, like a director of a major company, went straight to Michiko Arasaka to seek her influence.

Tang Yu then realized the extraordinary impact these noble parents had.

Faced with this, he could either grade everyone highly to avoid conflict or choose to evaluate fairly.

Even though Tang Yu didn't care about the troubles, it was preferable to avoid unnecessary hassles.

However, he also appreciated that these children of corporate elites were indeed gifted in both conduct and learning ability.

Following the established grading criteria, he found it hard to find anyone performing poorly.

Even considering their family backgrounds added some weight, the overall assessments and company evaluations proved they were an excellent batch of candidates.

It was no wonder that graduating from the Arasaka Academy qualified them to apply to big corporations, as their individual capabilities and academic achievements stood out.

The highest score of this company internship went to Tanaka Katsuo.

Tang Yu had meticulously reviewed Tanaka Katsuo's practical report, which detailed his participation in Arasaka's high-end cyberware research project, covering the entire process.

The report was detailed, with matching experimental parameters, timelines, and progress, leaving no room for fraudulent records. Moreover, the developed product was in the final trial phase and close to launch.

High-quality reports like Tanaka Katsuo's were unique.

Although his involvement in such core project development was likely due to the influence of the Tanaka family, it was also inseparable from Tanaka Katsuo's own efforts and abilities.

Therefore, Tang Yu graded him A+, and with this achievement, plus his father in the research department's senior position, joining Arasaka Tower was almost a certainty.

As for David Martinez, Tang Yu had also carefully examined his practical report.

To be honest.

It could only be considered average. While the report was detailed over the three months and he worked on many tasks, his contributions couldn't compare to Tanaka Katsuo's, mainly routine tasks, with some involvement in intelligence projects but not independently achieved.

Had David not been involved in some significant projects, an A- would have been generous.

In contrast to the research department, which allows for repeated failure and trials until success, the Counter-Intelligence Department cannot entrust a rookie with crucial projects as it might cost lives, with typically only one chance at success.

David's lack of advantage in his counter-intelligence internship and mostly trailing behind team leads or colleagues suggested he might be better suited for the Special Operations Department.

Tang Yu had acquired the 'Indomitable' talent from David's life simulation, indicating his exceptional physical condition. It seemed a waste for him not to have combat implants.

Still, with an A-, David had a chance at joining Arasaka, assuming Tang Yu could work some connections for him.

More importantly, what David himself desired mattered.

After studying at the Arasaka Academy and interning there, he might reconsider his path.

Tang Yu planned to chat with him later to understand his truest intentions.

After completing the Arasaka company practice evaluations, there was still some time before the next major meeting at the Arasaka Academy.

Tang Yu lightly tapped his index finger on the desk, then contacted the receptionist to call in Kate for an update on recent department activities.

During his visit to the Kyoto Arasaka estate, there had been significant movements within his department under Kate's command, resulting in frequent special service team operations.

Soon after.

Kate, with a stern face, entered the minister's office after a security check.

She glanced around the deputy office area without seeing Tang Yu's assistant, then approached the main office position.

Despite her reluctance, she greeted him, following workplace etiquette.

"Mr. Tang, what do you need?" she asked.

Tang Yu got straight to the point, "You've been overseeing the department's work lately; report on the recent developments."

Suppressing her displeasure, Kate began reporting according to Tang Yu's request.

She started with everyday work, dealing with routine matters without incidents.

Then she reported on several ongoing cases the Counter-Intelligence Department was tracking, with little progress made; field agents were mostly well-concealed, except for Militech operatives sustaining losses, with other corporate espionage lines still stable.

The losses in Militech were agents Kate had recently sent to acquire base substances for the military-grade Sandevistan, who were all cleansed by Aunt May.

Meanwhile, the undercover assets Tang Yu had placed earlier, remained unexposed and inactive.

He noticed that Kate seemed to have stopped investigating the transaction with the Maelstrom gang recently, raising his awareness, as a person like Kate wouldn't easily overlook any opportunity to bring down an enemy.

In the battlefield of the workplace, different factions mean separate battles, and eliminating competitors secures more territory.

Seeing Kate's evasiveness and her omission of the Counter-Intelligence Department's special service team deployments, he calmly inquired.

"The department's special service team has been quite active recently; are there any special tasks?"

Kate, still expressionless, seemed prepared, and subtly replied, "There have indeed been field operations in the department, mainly directed by high-level Arasaka meetings."

"Arasaka is currently cooperating with NetWatch in a clean-up operation, capturing hackers who have breached the Blackwall and infiltrated cyberspace, which I have been tasked to lead."

No wonder Kate hadn't been forthcoming; it seemed she was handling private tasks assigned by the board.

In collaboration with NetWatch, they targeted hackers attempting illegal breaches into cyberspace, following a protocol necessary to maintain the residual stability of the network.

This allowed companies to build their subnets with NetWatch's authorization, provided they don't disturb the public network.

The public network in Night City, managed by NetWatch, oversees all network activities.

Any acts of illegally breaching the Blackwall without permission are treated as criminal.

To acquire benefits beyond the Blackwall, companies align with NetWatch, allowing them to venture into the old net's cyberspace without causing significant damage, seeking desired information.

NetWatch counters any hackers bold enough to cross the Blackwall.

This invisible cyberwarfare constantly rages within cyberspace.

Kate's explanation was faultless.

Yet, she utilized Counter-Intelligence operatives, so Tang Yu was obliged to inquire about risks and outcomes.

She explained herself against the questions, sharing the arrest roster on Tang Yu's holographic desk projection.

Tang Yu casually browsed the list and discovered that one of the captured hackers was a member of the Voodoo Boys—a gang infamous in Night City. Perhaps others did not fully understand the Voodoo Boys, a group of dishonest, manipulative, and ruthless hackers plotting their next move. But Tang Yu was all too familiar with them; these zealots once almost caused a major incident that allowed rogue AIs from beyond the Blackwall to infiltrate the human network. Fortunately, Tang Yu took timely action, eliminating these puppets and preventing Alt Cunningham's arrival.

After scrutinizing the list without finding any issue, Tang Yu asked, "Have all these hackers been sent to the NetWatch for processing?"

Kate's expression tensed, revealing hesitation, but she answered honestly, "No, the captured hackers have been sent to the R&D department."

The R&D department? Tang Yu sensed something odd. Typically, captured hackers that survived were supposed to be sent to NetWatch according to protocol. Being sent to R&D instead signified that they had projects or plans that required the expertise of these deep-diving cyberhackers.

Without pressing further—he assumed Kate would plead ignorance anyway, since she was acting on the high-level directives from the board and wouldn't divulge deeper secrets—Tang Yu guessed the reason. During a meeting in Arasaka's Kyoto manor library, Saburo Arasaka had mentioned rebooting the cyberspace project. To continue their work in cyberspace, experienced deep-diving hackers were needed to fetch profits for Arasaka. By capturing these seasoned hackers, Arasaka could either control their bodies or offer them certain promises to ensure their compliance.

The technology most welcomed by these rogue deep-diving hackers was Arasaka's core tech, the Soulkiller—an enabler of their dreams to upload their digital consciousness to cyberspace for immortality. What they didn't know was that being converted to a digital engram by the Soulkiller doesn't lead to cyberspace but traps them within the engram, continuing to serve and bring residual value to Arasaka. The Relic chip requires both a large number of living specimens and digital engrams for individual trials and matches. A mature deep-diving hacker fits almost every criterion for Arasaka's research.

Cultivating an experienced hacker involves large investments. Capturing one is significantly easier. Night City, with the most extensive and technologically advanced cyberspace hacker pool globally, is just the resource Arasaka needs.

Does Saburo Arasaka's grand scheme for cyberspace only aim to guard against the rogue AIs from beyond the Blackwall or is there more? Perhaps the Blackwall is really on the brink of failing. Over the years, corporations have continuously sent droves of hackers into cyberspace to infiltrate the old net, breeding vulnerabilities and nourishment for rogue AIs. With the Voodoo Boys stirring trouble from behind, NetWatch is overwhelmed. The war between humanity and rogue AIs looms close.

Tang Yu concluded that Saburo Arasaka's focus on cyberspace was because his true obstruction to everlasting life was not his treacherous son, Michiko, but a 'deity' beyond the Blackwall. No wonder Saburo Arasaka stole the Relic chip loaded with "Johnny Silverhand" and insisted on leaving Kyoto to travel far to Night City. Despite his disdain for Night City, it's telling of Saburo Arasaka's fear of the 'deity' beyond the Blackwall. A nuclear blast could flatten Night City, but not quell the intangible war in cyber space.

It seems that Tang Yu should start his mission with the Voodoo Boys, at least to show Saburo Arasaka some progress. After Kate finished reporting, she kept standing, waiting for Tang Yu's instructions. Her respectful attitude was totally because on the New Year's Day, Tang Yu arrived at the Arasaka Tower in Saburo Arasaka's exclusive aerodyne, causing a stir throughout the tower. Even without Saburo's directions, it was clear Tang Yu had met with the highest leader and was held in high regard.

So when asked about the counter-intelligence department, Kate dared not hide anything, putting everything on record. In matters involving other departments, she could honestly report she was unaware. It was reported that Susan Abernathy's secretary from Special Operations had come. Why was her secretary reporting now? Considering that Susan Abernathy's suspension had ended, and she hadn't stirred up any trouble since returning to Arasaka Tower, he instructed Kate to step out before meeting the secretary from Special Operations.

After being scanned for security at the entrance, the female secretary walked into the minister's office, respectfully addressing Tang Yu, "Mr. Tang, how do you do? Director Abernathy is preparing to call an annual department meeting for Special Operations. Are you available to attend now?" Tang Yu, as the deputy head of Special Operations, would naturally be expected to attend, but he rejected it, saying he had another important meeting to attend at Arasaka Academy as a member of the jury. The secretary accepted this without pushing further and left the office.

Tang Yu, glancing at the time and preparing for the academy assembly, shut down his office system and headed to Arasaka Academy. Just then, he received a transaction notification for 1,300 Eurodollars. The money came from V, causing him a slight chuckle at her swift acquisition of her first sum of money. He previously imposed a purchasing agreement when transferring vehicle ownership to Rafael, effective immediately. With every credit V earned, a direct transfer to Tang Yu's account was made to repay the debt. It almost seemed like a jest when Tang Yu messaged V after the polite gratitude, stating the need to work even harder to clear the 1,300 Eurodollars.

V, after leaving the Afterlife Bar and reading the messages, felt a wave of speechlessness. She had just completed a contract, received her payment, only for her balance to immediately drop again to zero. She gave in to the frustration, kicking a can on the street and pondering a violent urge to gun down everyone in a suit—a stark reminder of the city's ruthless nature. V considered taking her chances at Lizzie's Bar suggested by the cyberpriest. Despite her skepticism about Tang Yu's recommendations, she was out of good fixers to turn to and had to seek out lucrative jobs.

Taking a decision, V headed towards the public transport station to make her way to Lizzie's Bar.