
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

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191 Chs

Chapter 156

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At the banquet.

Hanako Arasaka openly mentioned Saburo Arasaka's invitation in front of everyone.

As she spoke, Michiko and everyone in the inner hall turned their attention to them, staring at the two in surprise.

Their astonishment was no less than witnessing something incredible.

Being personally invited by Saburo Arasaka was a testament to Tang Yu's importance.

Among the many elites present from Arasaka Corporation around the world, even those working at the Kyoto headquarters of Arasaka, few had received an individual audience with Saburo Arasaka.

At that moment.

Envy and jealousy filled the countless gazes that fell upon Tang Yu.

Except for Tang Yu, everyone else seemed eager for such an opportunity—a chance to meet with Saburo that could propel one's career skyward.

Having a personal summoning by Lord Saburo, even if not fortunate enough to enter the inner circle of the Arasaka Family, this honor would still make one regarded differently by Arasaka's personnel, often meaning a smoother career path ahead.

Knowing about the meeting with Saburo Arasaka felt somewhat odd to Tang Yu, but he remained composed and respectful.

He did not show the joy those around him might have expected to see.

He was mentally prepared for this outcome.

Even if unaware of why Saburo Arasaka wanted to meet him, Tang Yu was ready for anything.

The topic of discussion was likely to revolve around Night City.

Tang Yu's identity was nothing special. Despite exemplary performance, he wasn't considered outstanding within the entire company.

His position as a mere middle-level manager was not much different from a regular employee.

What truly distinguished him from the surrounding Arasaka executives was solely the fact that he came from Night City.

Thus, he guessed that whatever Saburo Arasaka wanted to discuss would be related to Night City.

Tang Yu stood up and followed Hanako Arasaka. Before leaving, he turned back to take a glance at Michiko, noticing the surprise in her eyes—apparently unaware of Saburo Arasaka's sudden summons.

Michiko hesitated, but due to the occasion, she remained silent, her gaze filled with a subtle concern, perhaps worried about how Tang Yu would handle himself before Saburo Arasaka.

Tang Yu walked with Hanako Arasaka to a back hall behind the great chamber, winding through a covered hallway.

After making several turns, they arrived at a door.

Stepping forward, Hanako Arasaka bowed her head outside the door and said, "Father, Mr. Tang is here."

As soon as she finished speaking, the wooden door slowly slid open to reveal two kneeling maids, their hands touching the door frames.

Tang Yu noticed that Saburo Arasaka's residence was almost entirely made of wood, with few signs of steel or electronics, even the security scans were discrete.

Passing through the corridor, Tang Yu had sensitively noticed he was being scanned for security.

With the door open, Hanako Arasaka stood aside and gestured for Tang Yu to enter.

Collecting his thoughts, Tang Yu stepped over the wooden threshold and walked into the room.

Quickly he grasped the layout of the room, which was simply structured with ink, paper, brushes, and an inkstone set on the table, and a few scrolls hanging on the walls—it was Saburo Arasaka's study.

The real helm of Arasaka Corporation, Saburo Arasaka, stood with his back to Tang Yu, hands behind him, solidly facing a portrait.

The cane he was using before was placed beside the table.

Tang Yu didn't speak first but looked at the portrait, a traditional fine-brush painting of a military general, which he identified as Tokugawa Ieyasu by the name at the top of the portrait.

Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun who unified Japan, had a revered standing to Saburo Arasaka, reflected by his inclusion in the study.

Tang Yu thought, in some way, Tokugawa Ieyasu indeed suited Saburo Arasaka's taste.

Though later dubbed a "cautious turtle," Tokugawa's longevity had enabled him to outlast several contemporaries—a victory in its own right.

Saburo Arasaka, over 150 years old, not yet willing to relinquish life, likely shared the same aspirations as Tokugawa Ieyasu.

The former unified Japan, while the latter aspired to dominate the world and fulfill an uncompleted imperial dream.

Saburo Arasaka remained silent before the portrait as if in a spiritual conversation with the figure in the painting.

After a while, Saburo Arasaka slowly spoke in a voice aged yet authoritative.

"Have you heard something?"

"There is a force in Night City that resists Arasaka."

Resist Arasaka.

Tang Yu's expression shifted slightly. This was a phrase he was all too familiar with. Evelyn Parker mentioned it at Lizzie's bar during the Braindance experience at the Crystal Palace—now, Saburo Arasaka himself had mentioned it, and its meaning deserved careful consideration.

Without hesitation, Tang Yu firmly replied, "Indeed, such a saying does exist in Night City."

In the presence of such a shrewd elder, precision was paramount; a truthful response was the best approach without full understanding.

He suspected Saburo Arasaka was aware of Arasaka's plans, and his apparent tolerance was due to the numerous cards in his hand—the stored digital souls, the loyal Michiko Arasaka, and the terrifying influence he held over the company.

Even as a digital soul, Saburo Arasaka could still command fear and obedience.

His presence, the "God of Arasaka," was deeply ingrained in the company's marrow.

Still facing away, Saburo Arasaka continued in a steady tone, devoid of emotion.

"Speaking of the port city across the Pacific."

"I've thought of paying tribute to those who've fallen afar, to comfort their souls."

"But many innocent people live in that port city."

"The merciful should aid all those suffering in this world."

"Perhaps one or two nuclear bombs could spare them from undeserved pain."

"What do you think?"

Nuclear decimation of Night City?

Hearing Saburo Arasaka speak these words calmly, Tang Yu did not doubt that he had genuinely contemplated the idea and might even be considering implementing it.

Although Arasaka Corporation had been severely damaged in the Fourth Corporate War.

Under the strong rule of Saburo Arasaka, the Arasaka Corporation swiftly regained its former strength over the decades and even surpassed it, maintaining unparalleled global dominance.

Around the world, the Arasaka Towers stand tall, unmatched by any competitor.

Night City harbors the genes and potential for rebellion against Arasaka and corporations.

The city is a cradle of legends, the birthplace of a wave against corporate rule, filled with endless possibilities.

It's a complex web of power, not only possessing Militech to match Arasaka's strength but also hosting a range of internationally renowned corporations.

Home to top-tier cyber-hackers and mercenaries like Johnny Silverhand, the man who dealt Saburo Arasaka a significant defeat, Night City defies Arasaka's influence.

Despite its strength, Arasaka cannot call the shots here in Night City.


leveling Night City with a nuke is a trivial matter for Saburo Arasaka, serving as a potential solution to the hidden threats against Arasaka's rule.

Tang Yu then calmly responded, "Wiping Night City off the map wouldn't be difficult; its fate still lies in Arasaka's hands."

"But the places beyond the reach of nuclear destruction, where Arasaka's control falters, are of greater concern."

Saburo Arasaka showed some interest, "Go on."

Tang Yu stated plainly, "Cyberspace."

Saburo Arasaka murmured to himself upon hearing this.

"You're right, it reminds me of an old acquaintance."

"The real threat to Arasaka isn't any city or corporation."

"The advancement of cyber technology has transcended the traditional notion of strength."

"Arasaka Towers can be erected on any land around the world, but they can't penetrate deeper into cyberspace."

"Even though Arasaka has restarted certain programs in an attempt to explore cyberspace further, the gains are minimal."

"Now, forces beyond the Black Wall of cyberspace have infiltrated the physical world."

"Your insight proves I was correct in choosing you."

Tang Yu knew that Saburo Arasaka's old 'acquaintance' was Alt Cunningham.

The true fatal threat to Arasaka, or to the entire human world, is the wild growth of AI beyond the Black Wall of cyberspace.

Represented by the digital soul, Alt Cunningham, with infinite knowledge and human-like personality, pervades digital networks, electronic bodies, and city infrastructure.

Endless lifespan, limitless learning capability, and robust AI algorithms have made Alt Cunningham almost godlike.

That's why Tang Yu chose to collaborate with Yorinobu Arasaka to instigate the Fifth Corporate War, aiming to dismantle corporate rule, rather than dealing with Alt Cunningham and breaking down the Black Wall to let her freely infiltrate the human world.

If AI like Alt Cunningham is left unchecked, the entire world could succumb to mechanical order.

This war between humans and AI is inherently unfair from the start, predominantly one-sided infiltration.

Humanity cannot breach the Black Wall to control cyberspace, yet AI can opportunistically infiltrate the human world to execute their designs and algorithms.


Saburo Arasaka holds the relic biochip technology, something AI yearns for.

Honestly, Tang Yu would rather see the true soul of Saburo Arasaka bound to his withering body than transformed into a digital spirit.

Saburo Arasaka continued solemnly.

"The reason I summoned you is that you have retained your original body."

"In other words, your thoughts and actions are driven by your will."

"Humanity acts from the heart."

"In this grim world, everyone must undergo cyberware enhancements to prolong their lives."

"You are the right person to handle a matter for me in Night City."

"Once the job is done, there will be no need for the messy business of using a nuclear bomb."

The widespread necessity for cyberware enhancements is rooted not only in the numerous casualties from frequent wars.

But also in the environmental destruction caused by warfare, industrial pollution, and the commonplace use of genetically modified foods, all of which have begun to affect the human genetic structure. By the age of 40, unexplained mutations in organs and limbs force people to turn to cyber enhancements.

After the nuclear leveling of the Arasaka Tower in Night City, the plaza was soon rebuilt on the same spot, with no regard for radiation—failing livers replaced with artificial ones, damaged hearts and lungs substituted with synthetic versions.

People like Tang Yu who maintain their original bodies are rare and often short-lived.

Tang Yu figured Saburo Arasaka's task might involve AI, as his unaltered state makes him less susceptible to AI influence. Therefore, he expressed willingness to attempt the assignment.

Saburo Arasaka then shared his thoughts, instructing Tang Yu to investigate the forces lurking behind Night City after his return, along with the clandestine means by which they penetrate the human world and their relationship to Militech and network surveillance.

Finally, to facilitate Tang Yu's mission, Saburo left access to his office in the Arasaka Tower.

Having received his commission and understanding Saburo Arasaka's intentions, Tang Yu took his leave without delay.

Upon exit, he discovered Hanako Arasaka waiting by the door.

She gestured for him to follow, leading him elsewhere.

Led by Michiko, Tang Yu arrived at a spacious courtyard with a helipad on a lush green lawn and a black luxury AV with the Arasaka crest parked there.

Hanako said with gravity, "This is Father's exclusive vehicle, now entrusted to Mr. Tang for use."

After transferring the rights to the AV to Tang Yu with a flicker of her cybernetic eye, she understood Saburo's intention for him to immediately return to Night City for the investigation. Without another word, Tang Yu approached the AV.

The AV's door opened slowly, and the landing platform extended to the ground.

Tang Yu stepped inside, closed the door, and the engines lifted the vehicle into the sky.

Watching the AV disappear into the distance, Hanako returned to the study where Saburo still stood contemplating a portrait.

Inquiring with a bow, Hanako said, "Father, though this man retains his original body and has capable skills, he isn't loyal to Arasaka and may conspire with others."

Saburo finally turned around, leaning on his cane, and intoned,

"It doesn't matter."

"Because what he cares about is in my hands."