
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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185 Chs

Chapter 145

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Night City, the entire city was immersed in the world of icy rain and cold night.

Dense droplets fell from the sky, threading through the vibrant neon lights as if they were dreamy fireflies.

Tang Yu stood in front of the panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows on the 33rd floor of the Arasaka Tower, his deep eyes reflecting the night colors of the luminous rain.

He held a half-cup of warm water in his hand, with steam rising from the rim of the cup.


For the Mox gang, it was crunch time.

Whether they could continue to secure a place for themselves in Night City or become a thing of the past would be determined tonight.

After so many years, the Mox gang had not expanded significantly due to the constraints of Suzy Q, resulting in their official membership remaining at around two hundred.

The Mox gang fundamentally differed from other gangs; they were more like a group of girls who banded together for self-protection, seeking safety in Night City.

In the dog-eat-dog world of Night City, these girls appeared to other gang members and powerful elites more like prey, resources, or commodities.

The larger the Mox gang grew, the fewer the prey benefits for others.

That's why the Tyger Claws gang was determined to curb the rise of the Mox—they wouldn't allow the girls to gain independence without their permission, without the approval of customers and those high-society elites.

They could tolerate the existence of the Mox gang but couldn't watch them grow in power.

If the Mox gang wanted to win independence and survival, they had to rely on themselves in the end.


For Gloria, tonight was also critical.

Tang Yu had cleared the final obstacle for her, making way for her stage performance.

The top spot in the Lizzie's bar might have been vacated, but the ability to command respect and deliver results was needed to secure it.

The outcome of tonight's battle was crucial for Gloria.

If the Mox win, Gloria would undoubtedly become the greatest hero and be fully qualified to take over Lizzie's.

But winning this fight against the Tyger Claws was no easy task.

The Tyger Claws surpass the Mox in numbers and combat effectiveness.

If the Mox truly wanted to win, there was only one way.

To unite all possible forces and adopt a war of attrition strategy against the Tyger Claws.

Only with more and more girls joining the Mox could they truly grow strong enough to confront the Tyger Claws.

Tang Yu wanted a Mox gang that was strong and dared to resist.

He didn't reveal the whole plan to Gloria; this was not only trust but also a test.

A test of whether she could stir the blood of the Mox, lead them in a fiery clash against the Tyger Claws, and enable the Mox to truly undergo a rebirth through bloodshed.

After managing Lizzie's for many years, Suzy Q had dulled the Mox's vigor, even Judy who had always been firm in resisting the Tyger Claws started to hesitate, indicating the attitude of the other girls in Lizzie's.

They chose to suffer in silence for better business and more money, not realizing they were drinking poison to quench thirst.

True peace is never attained by begging the enemy; it has to be earned through force.

Only by winning this battle could the Mox have real leverage at the negotiation table against the Tyger Claws.

At this moment.

Outside the minister's office, the security system signaled a request for a meeting report from an employee.

Computer Forensics Chief Harry was waiting outside, undergoing a blue light scanning check, and after confirmation entered the minister's office.

He walked straight to the desk, where Tang Yu was standing in front of the panoramic window, his back to him, looking out at the rain curtain.

The Computer Forensics Chief Harry respectfully reported.

"Mr. Tang, the Tyger Claws have mobilized."

"They're using the pretext of seeking justice for 'Masao Norimoto', carrying a coffin as hundreds form a funeral procession, braving the rainy night, now heading for Lizzie's bar."

"To avoid triggering a backlash like last time, the procession of hundreds has not brought firearms."

Tang Yu remained unmoved: "They still have some brains. What about other aspects?"

Computer Forensics Chief Harry continued: "Arasaka and other company media have received the news and are dispatching live broadcast teams to the scene."

"NCPD has been informed but currently has no plans to stop the chaos."

Tang Yu sipped his tea, remarking indifferently: "Everyone wants to watch a good show; everyone likes girls but does not want them to become strong."

Computer Forensics Chief Harry added: "The Mox have also made a move, issuing a missive to all of Night City."

"The letter calls for the city's girls to unite against the Tyger Claws and promises that any girl who participates will be accepted into the Mox gang."

Tang Yu thought the letter was good, likely Gloria's doing.

The two hundred girls previously in the Mox were mostly brought up by Suzy Q.

By expanding and recruiting new members, they could not only rapidly increase their strength but also dilute Suzy Q's residual influence.

Joining the Mox meant receiving gang protection, which would surely tempt many street-working girls.

Seeing Tang Yu silent, Computer Forensics Chief Harry continued with his detailed report.

"Moreover, the letter thoroughly exposes Masao Norimoto's deeds, including the production of black braindances, kidnapping innocent street girls, and using dirty means to oppress the Mox, acting arbitrarily with the backing of the Tyger Claws."

"In the end, the Mox officially declare they will no longer compromise with the Tyger Claws and call on all oppressed girls to unite against them."

Tang Yu nodded slightly, and after Computer Forensics Chief Harry finished his report, asked him to leave the letter and exit the office.

The damning evidence against Masao Norimoto's heinous crimes was unearthed by Mox hackers from his brain.

Masao Norimoto liked to activate cyberware to record black braindances, resulting in a plethora of visual records on storage chips.

He even produced a series called "Torture Highlights: Behind the Scenes", for the enjoyment of certain high-profile clientele with special tastes.

In the letter.

Not only the black braindance recording process but also Masao Norimoto's bloody deeds on the second floor of the Phoenix Club were revealed.

He first subjected the kidnapped girls to cruel black braindance recordings.

After electric shocks, burning, violence, and sexual abuse, even connecting two people's pain neurons, forcing them to inflict pain on each other.

After a brutal black braindance recording session, people no longer able to move were dragged to the operating table for dismemberment, with usable organs and cyberware sold off to scavengers.

Listed atrocities too horrific to watch.

Most chilling, throughout the recording process, Masao Norimoto didn't even blink, capturing the real first-person view without interruption.

The Mox's letter did not receive any overt broadcast support or endorsement.

The high-ranking people involved in Masao Norimoto's black braindance profit chain were too numerous to count, and an investigation would implicate many.

Tang Yu affirmed one aspect of the letter; it focused solely on Masao Norimoto and the Tyger Claws behind him, without implicating the more extensive forces involved.

As a result.

Anyone reading the letter would direct their anger purely towards Masao Norimoto and the Tyger Claws.

The letter would become a spark, igniting the rage of Night City's girls, completely shattering the Tyger Claws' scheme.

Tang Yu knew it was time for him to act.

He immediately ordered the Counterintelligence and Special Activities Division's tactical teams to prepare for deployment.

At that time.

In Watson, Kabuki, during a rainy night on the streets.

A blue-haired street dancer finished her last cigarette, flicking the butt into the rain curtain.

She lamented the dismal day, failing to attract a single client.

Just days before, a girl who worked alongside her vanished entirely for days.

She witnessed the girl following a man into a pitch-black alley where streetlights couldn't reach, never to re-emerge.

This made her extra cautious during work, especially on such rainy nights, with barely any silhouettes visible on the streets, unnervingly so.

She crossed her arms to fend off the cold rain, preparing to leave when suddenly she received a forwarded message from a friend, who was also a street worker.

"The Mox notice?"

She skimmed through the contents, discovering the Mox had resolved to fight the Tyger Claws to the death, calling for all the girls to unite.

She had long despised the Tyger Claws, those crude brutes who never treated them like humans.

"Did the Tyger Claws cause that girl's disappearance?"

"Participate in retaliation against the Tyger Claws and join the Mox?"

One explosive piece of news after another captured her heart and sparked her interest.

She promptly broadcast the message to other colleagues.

"Sisters! Explosive news! The Mox are really rising up!"

"Is that so? Oh my god, really! Can we join the Mox now?"

"Damn it, I've been pissed off by those Tyger Claws dogs for so long. No more talk; grab your gear. We're going to support the Mox, support Lizzie's!"

"Count me in!"


The notice spread like wildfire through the alleys and streets of Night City.

At a certain intersection in Kabuki.

An NCPD patrol car with flashing lights abruptly came to a screeching halt, parked carelessly in the middle of the road.

A portly cop emerged, hastily running towards a convenience store he almost missed.

Shortly after.

He exited the convenience store with two bags of late-night snacks, braving the cold rain as he hurried back to the patrol car.

Reaching the car, he yanked open the door, got into the driver's seat, closed it, and kept the rain out.

His partner on the passenger side took the late-night snacks and joked with a grin, "Lucky you were quick. Otherwise, we wouldn't have snacks. But the higher-ups just gave us a task—are we going to run that first?"

The portly cop, wiping rainwater off his shoulders while cursing irritably, said, "It's so late, can't we have peace? What can happen in this cold, wet weather? Let's eat while it's warm."

Handing over a bag of snacks to his partner, the portly cop continued, "We're told to check on Lizzie's, not far from here, and we might pick someone up if there's a chance."

The portly cop tore into the snack packaging and devoured his food, mumbling with his mouth full, "Aren't the Tyger Claws demanding justice at Lizzie's tonight? With such a huge turn-out, how can the two of us handle it?"

The co-pilot security officer joined in snacking on the late-night bites, sighing helplessly and saying, "Doesn't matter, we're just out to pick someone up. The Tiger Claw gang has to show some respect, right?"

The portly sheriff insisted, "No, no, the Tiger Claws are crazy. They only acknowledge the Arasakas. Plus, I heard they went to Lizzie's tonight to settle some scores without guns, wanting to play it cool."

The co-pilot security officer stopped chewing and curiously asked, "With their swords and sticks, can they match the Moxes?"

"Over the years, the Tiger Claws got cocky with Arasaka's smart weapons. They might not match the Moxes in a cold weapon fight. Back in the day, Lizzie took down three of their punks with a pair of hatchets."

The portly sheriff shook his head, "You know too little about the Tiger Claws. They've still got some tough fighters, like that wooden statue from Clouds – he used to be a real tough character."

"And their bald, tattooed boss is not to be underestimated."

As they enjoyed their snacks and chatted away, the scenery outside the car's window caught their attention.

Quickly, he set aside his food and rubbed the misty window to get a clearer view. Outside, a colorful group of girls, confident in their step, slowly approached from a distant street.

They braved the chilly wind and night rain, their hair wet, slipping down their necks into their curves, soaking their hot pants and short tops.

Some carried baseball bats, others held hatchets and short blades, their edges glinting coldly in the dark.

The Moxes?

What are they planning to do?

The portly sheriff hadn't expected to encounter the Moxes' troop mobilization here, with a situation suggesting a showdown with the Tiger Claws.

He was filled with questions.

What could the Moxes bring to a fight against the Tiger Claws?

Their lives?

As he gaped, he was abruptly yanked twice, urged to "Look here, this way!"

He turned to view outside the co-pilot's window, spotting another group. Heads wrapped in white strips, bare-chested and looking fierce – unmistakably the Tiger Claws.

Both security officers were utterly baffled. Was a fight about to break out right there and then?

At the crossroads.

Centered on the NCPD car, Tiger Claws were lined up on one side with their funeral procession, and the Moxes girls on the other.

Soon enough.

Both groups noticed each other's presence.

The bald brawler leading the Tiger Claws raised his hand, causing his procession to halt.

And the Moxes girls stopped too, weapon-wielding, scornfully eyeing the Tiger Claws across the street.

They faced off at the intersection, silent amidst the pouring rain.

The Tiger Claws, noting that the Moxes had turned up in force with clubs and blades, made their intentions clear.

A showdown to the death with the Moxes.

The Tiger Claws set down their coffin and pushed it open, revealing the samurai swords hidden inside.

No point in hiding now that the Moxes had laid their cards on the table.

The Tiger Claws drew swords from the coffin, lining up ready to charge.

One of the Mox girls, looking at Sasha in her cat mask, teased, "Beautiful, how many are you planning to take down this time?"

Sasha, after a moment of thought, seriously responded, "As long as it's satisfying."

Judy, concerned for Gloria beside her, spoke, "This kind of scrum isn't for you. Remember to protect yourself later."

She noticed Gloria lacked significant combat implants or chips, making her an easy target in this outnumbered scenario.

But Gloria, with determined eyes, firmly replied, "I may not be good at fighting, but I understand it's not just about strength but also morale. I won't back down."

Judy's eyes flashed with a fierce agreement, "Well said. We've got no way back."

Sasha earnestly added, "Don't worry, I've got your backs."

She had received instructions from Tang Yu to ensure the safety of Gloria and Judy.

Sasha understood why protecting Gloria made sense, but wasn't sure why Judy as well. Still, she didn't let confusion hinder her execution of Tang Yu's orders.

Not just Gloria, but every Mox girl there was resolved to fight to the death.

Rather than being oppressed by the Tiger Claws, they'd rather go down fighting boldly, payback for one, profit for two.

Seeing the brewing conflict, the NCPD security officers hurriedly tried to fire up the engine and flee the dangerous Maelstrom, in the chaos accidentally honking the horn.

The loud sound instantly filled the night sky.

The Mox girls realized this was the signal to charge.

Gloria steadied her surging emotions, facing her first foray into a battle of fire and blood, nervous and excited for unfamiliarity.

She had made a bold decision for all the Lizzie's sisters: to face the Tiger Claws using only cold weapons.

This was a calculated decision based on intel that the Tiger Claws would be wielding melee weapons.

To prevent the Moxes from falling behind, they too would wield hatchets to rise to the occasion.

Moreover, firearms were the Tiger Claws' strength. Had the Moxes started with firearms and then faced a counterattack from the Tiger Claws, they'd surely lose.

And having the fight witnessed by the thousands of onlookers in Night City, the Moxes initiating firearms would diminish their chances of gaining public support.

No retreat from the Tiger Claws now.

Hatchets versus katanas.

This was the fight fitting for the Moxes.

The four stood at the forefront of their groups, sharing glances filled with encouragement and indignation.

Judy gave nods to Gloria, the little sister, and Sasha, her resolve unwavering.

The little sister, catching the cue, raised her baseball bat towards the Tiger Claws, her voice spirited.


"For the Moxes!"

"For Lizzie's!"

"For tomorrow!"


Her words fell.

And the Mox girls let out a thunderous roar, following the four in a charge against the Tiger Claws.

"For Lizzie's!"

They gripped their hatchets tight, undaunted by the rain slapping their faces, their eyes ablaze with rage.

Heels, boots, and sneakers splashed through puddles on the ground.

The air was tense.


The Tiger Claws' bald bruiser took a step back and raised his hand again.

His procession uniformly lifted their katanas, coldly observing the charging Moxes.

He swung his arm, and the Tiger Claws charged with a piercing howl.

The four girls felt unprecedented exhilaration as they ran, fearless even against the Tiger Claws.

This was the sensation of true freedom.

Fearless and unyielding.

As the Moxes charged, Gloria spotted more forces arriving at the crossroads.

They, too, were fired up, echoing the Moxes' cries, calling for Lizzie's sisters.

Gloria felt moved – it seemed the alert worked, bringing countless sisters to their aid.

Just as battle loomed, they arrived in time!

Judy, noticing the reinforcements, felt a surge of warmth.

This unity in adversity affirmed her past choices.

Without further support, the Mox's two hundred would struggle against the Tiger Claws' hundreds.

Even with Gloria and Sasha, not every Mox girl was guaranteed survival.

Judy abhorred harm and death but knew that to ensure a better tomorrow, she had to learn to fight back.

With more girls joining the fray, the Tiger Claws' numerical advantage was vanishing. Yet, they still underestimated their adversaries.

To the bald brute, these girls were just business-women; once faced with real fists, they'd see what real ferocity was.

At the crossroads.

The fighting was imminent.

Sasha knew that with combat starting, she had to protect those around her, so she leapt ahead to meddle with the Tiger Claws' charge formation.

With her retractable claws out and combat implants prepped, she bounded into the Tiger Claw ranks, becoming an unseen flash in the rain, first to engage.

Leaping with grace, she descended, her claws flashing, cleaving heads and taking lives in fluid motions.

Dodging incoming bayonets, she continued her deadly dance, effortlessly claiming lives.

She moved like a ballet dancer in the rain, gracefully claiming each life her claws crossed.

The Mox's little sister, not to be outdone by Sasha's lead, charged in swinging her baseball bat.

Spotting a Tiger Claw coming her way, she dodged the blade and swung her bat sideways, caving in his face and sending him flying.

The little sister gripped her bat tightly, wreaking havoc in the crowd, crushing heads like smashing watermelons, with blood mixing in the rain everywhere.

The two forces clashed fiercely at the crossroads.

Gloria, joining the fray, barely touched the enemy.

The Mox girls, ferocious in battle compared to their day job personas, left her lagging behind the charging forefront.

Outpaced, she felt stranded, with no chance to strike in the packed intersection.

The blood-filled battle she expected was nowhere to be seen.

At that moment.

Gloria thought that if only the Moxes could endure this battle, earn visibility, plus the impact of the alert, support would gradually come.

But now, the support had arrived overwhelmingly fast.

With the Moxes' fierce reputation and thousands of supporting girls, the Tiger Claws' hundreds hardly stood a chance.

Especially with Sasha and the little sister as vanguards, decimating the backlines.

In a situation without firearms, the Tiger Claws were likely to lose.

Seeing the tide turn, Gloria wanted more.