
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 113

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Late at night, outside the city, a phantom train convoy was speeding across the wasteland, its neon lights dazzlingly modified.

In one of the pickup truck's cargo boxes, three body bags were jostling around. Rebecca secretly unzipped one of the bags, revealing a zombie-like face and surveyed her surroundings.

"We haven't been discovered yet," she thought. Nevertheless, she decided to continue playing dead, waiting for Maine and the others to signal the attack so they could coordinate an ambush on this group of grave robbers.

To observe the convoy's situation, Rebecca quietly sat up and noticed that the nearby vehicle was loaded with various military-tech equipment. She listened in as the Wraiths loudly discussed how to deal with the three body bags.

"The boss was right; we only snagged three corpses today, hardly worth much," one of them complained.

"They've become cautious, hardly leaving their homes to scavenge or hunt nowadays, making it difficult for us," another added.

"Exactly, boss. If it goes on like this, we might not have any corpses by tomorrow, cutting off our money flow," one lamented.

The Wraiths' leader coldly snorted, "Those corporate dogs are so hypocritical, wanting results without getting their hands dirty. If they won't contaminate their water sources as I suggested, then we'll up our prices. A corpse for ten thousand eurodollars, or we dump them at the doorstep of their fancy skyscrapers to see if they come to their senses!"

The others laughed and agreed with the leader's plan.

Rebecca barely caught their conversation but realized the lucrative nature of their business. No wonder there had been so many poisonings in the tribe; it was these scum causing trouble.

Though enraged and wanting to shoot them down, she restrained herself, remembering Maine's words about the deeper forces behind these thugs - the corporate hands.

Shooting them now would ruin their plans and lose the trail to these hidden enemies, understood to be the corporations.

Suppressing her anger, Rebecca tried to calm down and wait for the right moment to strike. She thought of Tang Yu and hoped he wasn't involved in such dirty dealings, given his high position in the corporation. She had a dislike for the corporations, as their dealings were often shady and never seen in a good light.

Feeling a bit cramped, Rebecca moved slightly to avoid the other bodies and lay down, zipping up the body bag once more.

Meanwhile, in the darkness, Maine was driving to follow the Wraiths' convoy. Their bright lights made them easy to track, so there was no need to use Kiwi's tracking system. The only challenge was driving without lights and avoiding obstacles on the way.

Falco and Maine, experienced drivers, managed the difficulties well.

On the other side, Panam, driving Thunderbolt, was also tailing the Wraiths' convoy. Known for her fiery temper, Panam had no goodwill toward the Wraiths, who often attacked legitimate tribes. Despite the payment not covering an attack on the Wraiths, Panam was determined to take them down.

Tang Yu managed to calm her, emphasizing the need to bait out the bigger fish behind the Wraiths.

Tang Yu shared his suspicion that the Wraiths were collecting corpses for some horrific experiments possibly connected to the corporations, involving the development of super viruses and antibiotics.

As Tang Yu continued to explain the corrupt enterprises of the corporations and their destructive research, including biological warfare, the group prepared to confront the Wraiths.

The Wraiths', noticing potential threats through their use of military-grade technology, launched drones to investigate Maine and his team.

Kiwi, monitoring the situation, warned Maine of the incoming drones, which likely detected them through their advanced radar systems.

Maine had to make a quick decision on how to deal with the drones – whether to hide and let them pass or to take them out and confront the Wraiths directly for information.

Choosing action, Maine prepared his team for a confrontation, ready to extract the needed information by force if necessary.Dorio, sitting in the passenger seat, also picked up an assault rifle, turned off the safety, fitted a holographic sight, and activated night vision for shooting.

Dorio leaned out of the window, aiming in the direction of the approaching drone.

Soon enough, she spotted several drones circling in front and decisively took action.

Bang, bang, bang!

A volley of incendiary bullets shot out in a straight line, directly hitting one of the drones, causing it to fall in flames, crash to the ground, and then get crushed under the wheels of the vehicle.

The sound of gunfire echoed over the wasteland, alerting the Night Phantom ahead.

Dorio continued to shoot at the drones, bringing down another one, but her actions obviously attracted the attention of the adversaries.

The remaining drones immediately surrounded the Maine convoy, unleashing a furious barrage of firepower from above.


Sparks of gunfire twinkled continuously in the night, the new car Maine had just bought received its first baptism of bullets, with the doors and windows showing numerous cracks.

Faced with intense firepower, Dorio had no choice but to retract inside the window, rolling it up to block the drone attacks.

In the vehicle behind, Kiwi leaned out of the window to launch a remote hack on the drones, with her RAM processor running at high speed.

First, she scanned and locked onto two drones, quickly breached their systems with a hacking protocol, cracked their operational codes, and inserted new commands to seize control of the enemy drones.

In no time, three drones were under Kiwi's control, turning their firepower against the remaining three drones.

After a chaotic exchange of fire, three drones were brought down.

Upon seeing the aerial threat neutralized, Maine couldn't help but praise, "Kiwi, nicely done!"

Kiwi's cybernetic eye lens rotated, calmly stating, "It's not over yet."

Then, she commanded the three drones to charge toward the Night Phantom' convoy, opening fire frantically. 

To avoid accidentally hitting Rebecca, they specifically avoided the pickup truck carrying body bags.

The three drones rapidly poured gunfire, instantly blowing up an off-road vehicle, igniting a blaze on the wasteland.

The Night Phantom, finding they couldn't control their drones from their tablets, could only watch helplessly as their drones turned on them.

"Damn it, those bastards have hijacked our drones!"

"Damn, shoot down those drones! I'm getting peppered here!"

"What the hell? Take them down now!"

Several Night Phantom immediately began shooting frantically at the drones from their windows.

Under the intense gunfire, the three drones didn't last long before disintegrating in the air and crashing to the ground in flames.

Hearing the commotion outside, Rebecca thought a battle had broken out and hastily checked the situation from her body bag.

Seeing the Night Phantom in disarray under fire from their own drones, she couldn't help but praise, "Nice job, granny."

Suddenly, she saw the Night Phantom' convoy not continuing forward but instead turning around to head back.

She heard the Night Phantom shouting, "Catch those dogs, we're adding to tonight's menu!"

"Damn those bastards, daring to mess with us, we must kill those dogs!"

"Ooh, turn around, we've got action!"

Maine, thinking the enemy would increase their firepower and continue to advance to escape, was surprised to see the Night Phantom turning around and coming back.

His expression grew grave, "Kiwi, be careful, they're coming for us! We can't fight them here; we need to find cover!"

Maine knew all too well that the enemy had a clear advantage in terms of firepower and the number of vehicles.

Being surrounded in an open area would put them in a highly dangerous situation; they had to find favorable terrain now to block their advance!

Kiwi immediately started searching for favorable terrain on her computer.

Seconds later, she communicated to Maine via wireless, "Found a place, turn right, there's a canyon tunnel that could serve as a choke point. At least we won't have to worry about being surrounded from behind."

After receiving the map information and pondering for a moment, Maine agreed with Kiwi's plan. The narrow canyon could indeed block the entrance, preventing the Night Phantom' attack.

He decisively turned right towards the canyon, avoiding getting surrounded by the Night Phantom' convoy.

The situation on the battlefield began to change drastically, from Maine chasing the Night Phantom' convoy, to the Night Phantom surrounding Maine.

Maine, while there was still time, immediately sent the location to their clan, asking for backup.

He also informed Gloria that they were preparing to fight the Night Phantom at the canyon.

The Night Phantom turned on all their headlights, illuminating a large swath of the desert ahead and directly spotting Maine's convoy.

"There! They're not far ahead, charge! Ooh!"

"I'm gonna skin those dogs alive for hijacking our drones!"

"Ha, we can't let them get away!"

The Night Phantom began firing frantically at Maine's convoy from a distance, but being too far away, the bullets barely reached the vehicles.

The Night Phantom' convoy sped up, closing the distance between them and Maine.

Dorio also leaned out of the window, setting up four remote-controlled landmines and tossing them onto the road, waiting for the Night Phantom' convoy to approach.

She watched the rearview mirror, seeing two vehicles pass over the mines and immediately pressed the detonation button.


The four mines exploded simultaneously, flipping two vehicles into the air before they crashed to the ground and exploded, rendering them out of commission.

Vehicles destroyed and lives lost!

The massive explosion didn't deter the Night Phantom; instead, they became even more enraged, shouting out their intent to teach Maine and his group a lesson.

"Let those dogs taste our firepower!"

On a modified pickup truck, two Night Phantom climbed onto the rooftop turret and aimed at Maine, pressing the fire button.


A large cannonball shot out with a long trail of flame, flying towards Falco's van.

Falco noticed something amiss at the rear of the van and immediately swerved, attempting to dodge the projectile.

Boom! The bomb exploded on the desert, creating a large blaze and cloud of smoke, thankfully Falco managed to avoid it, and the van stabilized after a severe shake.

However, the quick maneuver and deceleration allowed the Night Phantom' convoy to close in rapidly, opening fire on the van.

Sparks flew as bullets continuously hit the door, and Kiwi, sitting inside, said without any expression, "Falco, slow down anymore, and get ready to dodge another shell."

Falco, extremely nervous, managed to say amidst the chaos, "These guys are clinging too tightly!"

To cover Falco and the others, Maine had to slow down and, along with Dorio, launched indiscriminate attacks on the Night Phantom behind them, but it was still not enough to stop their pursuit.

Soon after, the Night Phantom loaded another cannonball, aiming it at Falco, who was now perilously close.

The two Night Phantom smirked sinisterly, "Heh heh, get ready to roast..."


A barely audible piercing sound flew past, and before the two Night Phantom could finish their sentences, their heads were penetrated by bullets, causing them to tumble down from the vehicle and get crushed under the wheels of the following cars.

"Nice shooting!"

At that moment, Panam was driving a Tempest, maintaining some distance from the Night Phantom' convoy.

And Tang Yu was sitting in the passenger seat, holding a camouflaged silenced sniper rifle, aiming at the Night Phantom' convoy.

The muzzle of the silenced gun, which had just fired a bullet, was still emitting a faint trace of heat before being swept away by the wind.

"I've always said, it's all about the gun's quality."

Turns out, Tang Yu and his group had noticed Maine and his team being surrounded by the Night Phantom and kept at a distance parallel to the Night Phantom' convoy.

Using Panam's sniper rifle, Tang Yu kept a vigilant eye on the distant Night Phantom, just in time to see them preparing to fire a cannon at Falco's vehicle.

He didn't hesitate to shoot, taking out two gunners with a single bullet.

Panam, having experience with sniper rifles, knew how difficult it was to land a headshot. Factors like wind speed, movement, and lighting could all affect sniping accuracy.

Clearly, Tang Yu's sniping skills were impressive, even terrifying.

Although she didn't say much, she was inwardly impressed by Tang Yu's marksmanship. After all, it was a nighttime vehicle chase; there was no time to ponder the best shooting opportunity. Every chance passed in the blink of an eye.

Had that bullet missed, the situation for Maine and his group could have turned dire.

Sasha, seeing Tang Yu's successful shot, cheerfully complimented, "Awesome! Great shooting!"