
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 107

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On a rainy night, a chill filled the air. Inside Viktor's underground ripperdoc clinic, Tang Yu timely stopped the further examination of Sasha. V, not knowing why but sensing something was amiss, immediately stopped what he was doing on the terminal.

After exchanging looks for a moment, Tang Yu, with a somewhat grave expression, said directly: "V, it's fine as long as you confirm there are no issues."

Viktor didn't ask further but simply nodded and started to exit the system.

Once all the connections were safely disconnected, Tang Yu removed the neural data wires from Sasha's neck and wrists.

"Sasha, wake up."

Hearing Tang Yu's soft call, Sasha's neon eyes fluttered open, blinking as she came to.

"Sasha, the highest authority mode has been confirmed to exit."

Sasha quickly regained consciousness, sat up from the surgery table, and thanked Viktor in a polite tone. 

"Mr. V, thank you!"

Viktor chuckled, unused to being addressed that way, and waved his hand saying: "Just call me V, that's what Tang always calls me. The checkup is done; you're in good health."

Sasha looked at Tang Yu for confirmation with joy in her eyes: "Mr. Tang, is that true?"

Tang Yu nodded affirmatively.

Sasha got off the surgery table, stood by Tang Yu, and cheerfully said: "As long as Sasha is healthy, she can continue to serve Mr. Tang well!"

Viktor simply smiled without saying a word.

Tang Yu then touched her head and said: "Take out the biomimetic cornea crystals. Since we're here at Viktor's, let's implant them in one go."

Sasha immediately took out a small box from her pocket and handed it to V.

Upon opening the box, Viktor saw a pair of biomimetic cornea crystals soaked in sterile liquid, also produced by a high-end optics manufacturer.

However, this pair of biomimetic corneas were to be placed in front of the natural eye's safety zone, allowing for both implantation and removal, specifically designed for natural eyes, and quite expensive, usually custom-made.

Tang Yu explained: "These biomimetic corneas are compatible with Sasha's visual system."

Viktor took the box to the back workbench, preparing the surgical implantation tools, and chuckled.

"With these biomimetic corneas, basic function modules can also be integrated. This way, you can use biomimetic corneas when it's inconvenient to wear glasses."

"The biomimetic corneas are brand new, with no issues. Just sit on the surgery chair, it won't take more than five seconds, a blink of an eye and it'll be done."

Tang Yu took off his glasses and sat on the surgery chair, ready to let Viktor handle everything: "Alright, V, you decide how to proceed."

Quickly, Viktor came over with the biomimetic corneas, adjusted the mechanical arm, and aligned the probe to Tang Yu's eyes.

"Just focus on the image inside the light ring, don't blink, just five seconds."

"It's done."

Before he even finished speaking, the biomimetic corneas were already implanted, a matter of seconds.

Viktor moved away the mechanical arm and asked: "How do you feel?"

Tang Yu blinked, noticing only a slight foreign body sensation, but he quickly adapted.

In his vision, various data prompts and pale blue text explanations began to appear.

[User information confirmed..]

[Tang Yu]

[Employee number: NC770416]


Tang Yu looked towards V.

[Victor Vector]

[Profession: Ripperdoc in Watson district's Little Tang Street Clinic]

[Note: Former professional boxer in the Demon Boxing Club]


He then looked at Sasha.

[Sasha Yakovleva]

[Position: Special Assistant]


Tang Yu felt that the basic functions were fine and said: "Everything is normal, the auxiliary imaging has no issues."

Excited, Sasha added: "Mr. Tang, after recognizing your biomimetic corneas, Sasha can initiate a vision connection with you."

"And you can directly use Sasha's mastered hacking functions through the corneas."

"Sasha can serve you better and more timely!"

Hearing Sasha's proactive introduction, Tang Yu understood that what Michiko said was true.

Sasha's functions and utility could well complement Tang Yu's weaknesses.

Viktor mentioned: "The primary function of these biomimetic corneas is assistance, their operative memory isn't sufficient for advanced hacking functions, and they can only store a small amount of information. You indeed need a good assistant like Sasha."

Tang Yu nodded, understanding Viktor was informing him that the corneas wouldn't record what he saw or said, essentially serving as an assistive device.

With that in mind, he felt at ease using them, though he didn't expect to trouble Viktor again.

Standing up from the surgery chair, Tang Yu jokingly said to Viktor without further ceremony: "V, I owe you again. At this rate, your place might as well become my private clinic."

Viktor tidied up the workbench, shut down the equipment, and turned around to say: "Well, it's not like there are many big deals anyway. Feel free to come by anytime, treat this place like your own home. Besides, keeping this place clean with you around is harder than making money from boxing matches."

Tang Yu laughed helplessly: "True, I don't really get a chance to bring business your way. Anyway, I've got a decent amount of cash lately. Let's make a plan with Jackie sometime to watch a boxing match in Santo Domingo. My treat."

Viktor settled back at his usual spot behind the counter, looking at Tang Yu and Sasha, and smiled: "Sure, let's plan it when you're less busy. I have plenty of free time."

Tang Yu knew why Viktor's clinic wasn't doing too well: he never succumbed to gangs wanting to push low-quality cyberware on him or conduct surgeries against his ethics just for profit.

In essence, Viktor's heart was as peaceful as his person, as sturdy as his skills.

Tang Yu didn't want to disrupt V's daily rhythm of calm and slight monotony.

Everything was good as it stood.

Having accomplished his purpose for the visit, Tang Yu didn't want to bother Viktor further.

"Well then, V, I won't keep you from your boxing matches anymore. Let's plan when we have time."

Viktor waved them off: "Get going, the rain's getting heavier. Don't catch a cold."

With that, Viktor immersed himself back into the world of boxing, as if the storm outside had nothing to do with him.

Following Tang Yu's lead, Sasha also bid farewell to V.

"V, next time I'll arrange with Mr. Tang to watch a boxing match. Goodbye!"

After leaving Viktor's clinic through the back door, Tang Yu and Sasha said goodbye to Misty at her fortune-telling shop.

Sasha, who liked Misty, especially the mysterious and fun tarot cards, voluntarily chatted a bit more with her.

Leaving the shop, they picked up the transparent fluorescent umbrella placed at the corner.

After Tang Yu opened the umbrella, they both stepped back into the rain, Sasha hurrying to follow without lingering.

On the way home, Tang Yu thought things over. Sasha's issues were temporarily deemed safe, earning her acceptance as his special assistant.

Sasha was unblemished. If there were issues, they would be due to Michiko's ulterior motives, not related to Sasha.

Truth be told, it wasn't the first time Tang Yu had brought a girl to his apartment, but the circumstances were somewhat different now.

His past relationships naturally progressed to that point out of mutual affection.

He usually preferred staying over at their places, rarely using his own luxurious apartment.

Now, he had brought a special assistant home, despite Sasha's unparalleled obedience stemming from artificial alterations.

Moreover, Sasha's mind still housed another native consciousness, unfamiliar to Tang Yu.

Tang Yu never claimed to be a saint, but he cherished emotions deeply, especially those truly precious to him.

If standing next to Tang Yu today was an authentic cyberpunk beauty, he wouldn't mind being adventurous under the city's neon lights for a dangerous yet romantic pursuit.

Unfortunately, the timing wasn't right.

Sasha wasn't the same Sasha, just as Tang Yu was no longer the same Tang Yu.

Two peculiar individuals, by a series of coincidences, resided in a neon skyscraper in Night City, maintaining an inexplicable relationship.

Close, yet distant.

Honestly, this was beyond Tang Yu's expectations.

Many recent events were deviating from his past experiences and understanding.

Who would have thought that after rebirth, he'd end up bringing home a cat girl, especially one of the nurturing kind.

Tang Yu slightly turned his head, just as Sasha looked up at him.

Their eyes met.

Sasha's smile was radiant and joyful.

At that moment, the city's countless neon lights transformed into stars in her eyes, brilliantly dazzling.

And in those colorful eyes, there was only room for Tang Yu.

Once again, Tang Yu extended his warm hand, gently caressing her head.

Sasha slightly squinted, her smile turning crescent, quietly savoring the unique scent of Tang Yu's palm, warm and gentle, unlike the coldness of cyberware."Sasha, let's go home."


The night deepened.

In the Development Department of the Arasaka Tower.

Tanaka, the head of the department, had just walked out of the laboratory's main entrance and checked the time. It was almost the hour.

He was currently rushing to a place to meet the famous braindance editor, Jimmy Heisaku, to purchase the experience of the latest braindance. This was one of his few hobbies.

Jimmy Heisaku's status in the world of braindance was absolutely top-notch. The braindances he released were guaranteed to be fresh within twenty-four hours.

His style in making braindances was known for intense gunfights, torture, and bloody battles, especially proficient in creating first-person perspective braindances of cyberpsychos.

Many high-ranking officials and celebrities who enjoyed this particular genre were VIP customers of Jimmy Heisaku, enjoying personalized braindance services.

Tanaka twisted his somewhat stiff neck and headed towards the public elevator area, arriving at the lobby of the Arasaka Tower.

He called for a Delamain cab and started heading towards Jimmy Heisaku's secret braindance base.

Tanaka did not want to be disturbed by anyone now. His hobby of watching braindances wasn't something to be proud of, and he usually went alone.

However, his private car was stolen a few days ago, which made him cautious for a while.

Therefore, he hadn't traveled alone since, missing several new releases of braindances, including the combat braindance of the cyberpsycho James.

Tanaka was familiar with the incident in the company plaza. The counterintelligence department had already recovered the military-grade Sandevistan operational data.

But what truly made Tanaka itch was the last madness of the cyberpsycho James before his death.

Company plaza, bloody slaughter, ruthless coldness, flesh and blood flying, standing against hundreds – almost every keyword hit Tanaka's excitement.

Having worked in the Arasaka Tower for many years, he strictly adhered to the company's rigid hierarchical order, always considering the bigger picture.

It subtly changed his mentality, even fantasizing about standing at the top of the Arasaka Tower, slaughtering everything in a death-defying moment.

In fact, Tanaka had already obtained the braindance chip, capturing the first-person perspective of the cyberpsycho James's death.

But he had never watched it alone because only by going to Jimmy Heisaku's secret base could he enjoy the customized, utmost braindance experience.

The sensory stimulation during the slaughter peaked, as if he was personally on the scene, cutting down everything.

Although Tanaka knew the Militech department was investigating, this was normal for him.

The two companies' mutual investigations and infiltrations were common. As long as it was not too excessive, they wouldn't pursue too deeply.

Moreover, to avoid being ambushed, Tanaka further enhanced his combat implants.

Tanaka faintly guessed the deeper purpose of the Militechnology department's investigation.

"It must be because of that military-grade Sandevistan, drawing the attention of the Militech department."

"After all, just recovering one set of those cyberware and successfully redeveloping the experiments would be a catastrophic disaster for them."

"Unfortunately, the sample data is still insufficient, and it is now very difficult to find a subject comparable to Adam Smasher."

As Tanaka was pondering, he suddenly received a communication request.

Susan Abernathy?

Tanaka slightly frowned, finding it somewhat strange.

"Why is she calling so late? Wasn't she suspended?"

He speculated in his heart, probably related to today's board meeting and aimed at the counterintelligence department.

The conflict between Susan Abernathy and the counterintelligence department, especially Deputy Chief Tang Yu, was well known.

Moreover, the handling of the Militech incident by Tang Yu was indeed a bit reckless, leading to calls for his treatment in the board meeting.

The call connected.

Tanaka: "Susan Abernathy, what's the matter this late?"

Even though she was a director, Tanaka was not at all timid. As a direct descendant of the Arasaka Family, this relation carried much more weight than any official title.

On the other end, Susan Abernathy, without beating around the bush, directly proposed: "Mr. Tanaka, I would like to invite you to cooperate once."

Tanaka showed no interest and spoke in a low tone: "Cooperate on what? Please, clarify."

Susan Abernathy laughed: "Naturally, this is about the company's staffing. As you know, the counterintelligence department still lacks a deputy chief. Their Chief Arthur Jenkins has been out on a business trip and won't be back soon..."

Tanaka: "The matters of the counterintelligence department are not within my responsibility. The upper management will naturally have their considerations."

Despite Tanaka's watertight response, Susan Abernathy was not annoyed but continued to explain.

"Each department managing its own is as it should be, but as the Director of Special Operations, I have the responsibility and obligation to ensure the normal functioning of the counterintelligence department, which currently has only Deputy Chief Tang Yu in charge."

"Tang Yu serves as deputy chief for two departments, and so far, he has only visited the Special Operations Department once, merely to reimburse mission expenses."

"It's clear that Tang Yu is overwhelmed by the affairs of both departments, just the pile of issues in the counterintelligence department alone keeps him busy, not to mention the responsibility of also overseeing the Special Operations Department."

Tanaka understood her intention. Now, with Arthur Jenkins away, Tang Yu being too busy to handle both ends, the counterintelligence department was indeed in desperate need of personnel.

If at this time, a recommendation is made to the senior management to appoint someone as the deputy chief of the counterintelligence department, then the key question is who the candidate should be.

The counterintelligence department in Night City's Arasaka Tower is one of the core departments, holding a vast amount of confidential employee information and special operational privileges, which indeed is what Tanaka currently needs.

But it's not just Tanaka eyeing the position of deputy chief of the counterintelligence department; multiple factions are vying, each wanting to promote their faction.

After pondering for a moment, Tanaka did not immediately show his stance but wanted to hear her plan, asking: "What are your thoughts?"

Susan Abernathy explained: "My intention is to recommend one from your department to serve as the deputy chief of the counterintelligence department, Kate."

Hearing this name, Tanaka fell silent.

Kate indeed worked in the Development Department, but her real patron was actually Rei Arasaka.

Even though Rei Arasaka was far in Kyoto, he also sought opportunities to place his pieces within the Arasaka company, and Saburo Arasaka turned a blind eye to his actions, pretending not to hear.

Moreover, as the nominal proper heir to the Arasaka company, a large number of people within the company supported and followed him.

Before the board meeting today, rumors had been circulating that Rei Arasaka might come to Night City.

But after the board meeting ended, it was likely that this would come to nothing.

Michiko stabilized the situation in Night City, proving her loyalty to the Arasaka Family.

Now, arranging for one of Rei Arasaka's people to serve as the deputy chief of the counterintelligence department was like indirectly strengthening his influence in Night City.

It seems that Tang Yu is likely aligned with Michiko, so the two deputy chiefs would inevitably be at odds, fighting each other fiercely.

Moreover, Kate had been working under Tanaka for many years, being relatively obedient, which was far better than dealing with Tang Yu.

Every time she thought of Tang Yu's words and his unyielding attitude, she felt inexplicably irritated.

Seeing that Tanaka hadn't replied, Susan Abernathy continued to persuade: "Don't you want Tang Yu to eat a little bit of hardship for the son of the noble?"

"Moreover, I can also provide personnel to be transferred to the counterintelligence department to support Kate in securing her position."

"What do you think?"

Tanaka immediately understood Susan Abernathy's intentions, each placing a person in the counterintelligence department.

Kate fits both Rei Arasaka's interests and Tanaka's needs. As long as the board members propose the appointment, with Rei Arasaka exerting some pressure from Kyoto, Michiko is most likely unable to refuse.

After all, Michiko has already ensured Tang Yu remains untouched; preventing a reasonable personnel arrangement to the counterintelligence department would cause even greater controversy.

As a director, Susan Abernathy transferring a person to the counterintelligence department is not a difficult task; it can be done through normal procedures.

After a moment of silence, Tanaka finally said: "Let's not bring up Katsuo's matters anymore. I'm only concerned about the company."

"Recommending Kate for the position of deputy chief of the counterintelligence department, I can cooperate with you on that. As for the person you wish to arrange yourself, do as you please."

After finishing the conversation.

Tanaka hung up the phone.

Looking at the night scene receding on both sides, he coldly ordered: "Delamain, return home."