
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

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191 Chs

Chapter 104

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At the Arasaka Tower.

Tang Yu took the public elevator back to the thirty-third floor.

"It's finally over..."

Having spent the better part of the day in Michiko's office, it was only now that he returned to the department. If it weren't for the lunch he had promised to David, he would have considered going straight home.

The matter of the special assistant, Sasha, had to be clarified as soon as possible. It was best to pay a visit to V soon.

"The thirty-third floor has arrived."

Hearing the elevator prompt, Tang Yu stepped out and entered the Counter-Intelligence Department's lobby.

The receptionist immediately stood up to remind him that there were visitors waiting, but Tang Yu waved his hand to indicate he had no time today.

As he passed the office area, he immediately felt an odd look from his colleagues, which made him turn his head.

He noticed his office mates quickly averted their gazes and went back to pretending to work.

Clearly, after being escorted away by Michiko's bodyguards, these gossip-loving subordinates must have had a lively discussion.

This wasn't the first time Tang Yu was aware of their antics. After all, intelligence was the most crucial element of the Counter-Intelligence Department.

Any movement within the company, as long as the Counter-Intelligence personnel were willing and found it gossip-worthy, even what color and style Susan Abernathy wore that day could be dug up.

The core of the intelligence department was the exchange of information, or in other words, a gathering place for gossip. Here, one could hear many strange and bizarre stories.

The department's atmosphere wasn't something Tang Yu could change alone, and besides, he had accepted his subordinates' gossiping, as the mix of truth and lies made it easier to deceive others.

After scanning them, Tang Yu continued to his office.

Once Tang Yu was gone, the colleagues in the office area looked up again in the direction he had left, confirming that Tang Yu had walked away before they all heaved a sigh of relief and immediately started whispering among themselves.

David, seeing Tang Yu return to the department, thought that he might be able to invite him for lunch if there were no other disturbances.

As the surrounding colleagues started gossiping again, David, no longer feeling hungry, eagerly tuned in to their chit-chat, considering gathering information an essential skill.

"Did you know, the meeting actually ended a while ago, and messages from other departments have already come in, saying that the board meeting was heated."

"Our Mr. Tang was taken upstairs this morning, right? Since the meeting was over, why did it take him so long to come back?"

"Just like the last time, only with two different bodyguards. Could it really be the kind of relationship we suspected?"

"That's impossible. They're both married, utterly incompatible with Mr. Tang."

"Age and relationship are not problems, even work positions can change. What can't change about a husband? Besides, have you ever seen a relationship where the woman is strong but the man is weak last?"

"That makes sense. It's been a while since we've heard about her husband, but honestly, apart from the high status, there's really nothing that matches Mr. Tang..."

"I agree with that; natural-born faces are indeed aristocratic. Otherwise, why would those elites bother with so much maintenance?"

Hearing their conversation, David felt like he had stumbled into a new world.

Is this something they could discuss so freely?

Is this something he, David, could listen to casually?

Amidst the colleagues' bold remarks, David, who had never even held a girl's hand, felt extremely embarrassed, tinged with a bit of shyness.

However, David, trying to suppress his blush, was eager to hear an outcome. Could Mr. Tang really have a connection with higher-ups, or an unspeakable relationship? He became more curious the more he listened.

"But getting too close to her isn't good, after all, that person has really come from Kyoto, who knows how the wind will blow."

"That's true, to be honest, Mr. Tang might be a bit cold, but he's less demanding of us. It's not great, but it's much better compared to other department heads."

"Exactly. Think about it, this is a company. If a boss is genuinely nice to me, I'd probably be scared to death, not knowing what weird tasks they might assign."

"As for the matter with Carter Smith, sigh, it's just his bad luck. After struggling for so many years, just to fall at the last hurdle. Otherwise, there might have been some opportunity."

Upon hearing the mention of Carter Smith, David couldn't help but think of the morning he met Tang Yu at the subway station, where he had asked if David was ready.

David had already heard about Carter Smith's situation. It was a big deal, and everyone in the Counter-Intelligence Department knew about it.

Carter Smith, the deputy head of the Counter-Intelligence Department, was a G4 grade employee of the Arasaka company.

Compared to Harry, the head of the investigation department that David knew, he was only half a grade lower, considered a middle-level backbone of the department.

Carter Smith had only his elderly single mother. On the same day, both he and his mother passed away.

To David, this had a profound impact.

He had thought about it carefully.

If one day, he joined the Arasaka company, spent his youth climbing to a middle-ranking position, and by then, his mother had aged, and he himself was worn out, how would he protect everything he cared for when the storm hits?

It was indeed a dilemma.

David felt even more that joining the company wasn't what he wanted, but he also didn't know which path he should take.

Stepping into society and making a name for himself seemed daunting, and Gloria had put so much effort into getting him to this point, making it impossible for him to back out.

As David was lost in thought, he suddenly received a message from Tang Yu, asking him to come to his office.

Feeling a sense of urgency, David immediately stood up and rushed to Tang Yu's office without bothering to tidy up his workstation.

Katsuo was sitting in the waiting room, feeling utterly bored, resorting to watching some TV shows through his cyber-eye.

He had already received the message from the research department that the board meeting had ended, but he had been waiting for a long time without seeing the main person arrive.

Feeling increasingly frustrated, he turned off the program and prepared to ask the front desk, just as he looked up, he saw Tang Yu walking past.

Katsuo didn't have time to greet him, and it seemed Tang Yu hadn't noticed him at all.

He was about to grumble, but remembering those two slaps and his father's teachings, he held back.

There's an old Eastern saying: "A gentleman's revenge is not too late even after ten years." He, Katsuo, had plenty of patience to wait until his day of rising.

Thinking it over, Katsuo decided to go knock on the office door directly.

His father, Tanaka, was also a high executive of the company. Since he had been surrounded by high-level executives from various major companies since childhood, and being from Kyoto, he didn't think much of Tang Yu's status.

Even though Tang Yu was the deputy head of two departments, he couldn't surpass his father's rank. If he hadn't been blocked from graduating, Katsuo would never have come to apologize.

Katsuo walked up to the reception with his hands in his pockets and inquired about Tang Yu's office.

The receptionist told him Tang Yu was unavailable and suggested he come back another time.

Katsuo instantly flared up. He had clearly seen Tang Yu return. How could he be unavailable when he was still in his office?!

"You just need to tell me which office it is, understand?"

He didn't regard the department receptionists at all. Seeking Tang Yu didn't require the receptionist's approval.

The receptionist looked up at him and then continued to work, ignoring Katsuo.

He was truly enraged. He had never been subjected to such humiliation.

Katsuo even thought that Tang Yu might be his nemesis since every encounter with Tang Yu resulted in him being put in a bad light!

He was about to explode but restrained himself, deciding to look for the office on his own while learning more about the Counter-Intelligence Department.

Guessing the deputy head's office wasn't difficult; if all else failed, asking a familiar person from the research department would naturally reveal Tang Yu's office. He just didn't want too many people to know about his trip to the Counter-Intelligence Department. Coming over to apologize was somewhat embarrassing.

Katsuo wandered into the office area, attracting the curious gazes of many colleagues as if they recognized him.

Katsuo found it peculiar, feeling like an exotic animal on display.

What's going on?

Do the Counter-Intelligence Department colleagues also know about my father, Mr. Tanaka?

Katsuo was puzzled and felt somewhat uneasy as he quickened his pace through the office area.


He noticed David rushing past behind him and quickly thought of an idea.

This intern should know where the deputy head's office is.

So, he tried to stop David, pompously asking, "David Martinez, where is Mr. Tang's office..."

"I don't know!"

David wasn't in the mood to deal with Katsuo, nor did he understand what he was doing in the Counter-Intelligence Department, loitering for so long.

David could tell that the reason the colleagues were giving Katsuo strange looks was because of the incident with the slap, which had spread among the Counter-Intelligence Department colleagues after he introduced himself at the reception.Katsuo himself was still in the dark, not knowing anything.

David darted past him and disappeared at the corner of the hallway.

Enraged, Katsuo felt like the entire counter-intelligence department was playing him for a fool, utterly humiliating him.

He stood there, fists clenched in his pockets, his body's cybernetic blue light swirling in anger.

With a cold face, he walked back to the reception desk, his tone icy as he asked again.

"I'll ask you once more, where is the deputy director's office!"

The receptionist looked up at Katsuo, baffled by his audacity. It wasn't uncommon for company executives to receive visitors, but an intern without even an official employee number daring to behave so arrogantly struck her as absurd. She dismissed him with a comment.

"I told you we're busy. Remember to make an appointment next time, Mr. Tang is very busy."

Upon hearing this, veins nearly burst on Katsuo's forehead. He gritted his teeth, reminding himself to stay calm.

But the taste of being insulted by a subordinate was infuriating.

Although he hadn't officially joined the company yet, his status would undoubtedly surpass these receptionists once he did.

This was outright insubordination!

Just as Katsuo was about to raise his hand, his arm brimming with the glow of his Kou Arms series chips, ready to smack the desk and teach the receptionist a lesson,


The receptionist stood up, nodded towards someone not far away, and greeted, "Good day, Mr. Tang."

Katsuo's heart skipped a beat, and his raised hand froze.

Moments later.

Turning his neck stiffly, he saw Tang Yu standing behind him, watching him calmly, seemingly waiting for his next move.

Somewhat embarrassed, Katsuo lowered his hand, his expression awkward as he forced a smile, forgetting his original intention to apologize, worried instead about getting slapped.

Under Tang Yu's indifferent gaze, Katsuo awkwardly lowered his head, not daring to meet his eyes.

Sweat beads the size of peas formed on Katsuo's forehead, his anger dissipating, leaving only regret.

"How did it come to this..."

Remembering his father's teachings, he dared not cause more trouble, stutteringly speaking.

"I, I was just, trying to slam the desk..."

"Because I felt a bit..."

Nervously, Katsuo realized that Tang Yu, known for not sparing anyone, wouldn't spare him either, especially after Susan Abernathy's incident, where not even senior positions were respected.

Before Katsuo could explain further, he looked up to find no one in front of him.

He hurriedly looked towards the public elevator, seeing Tang Yu already waiting for it.

But what surprised Katsuo even more was David Martinez standing next to Tang Yu!

Apparently, they were waiting for the elevator together.

Katsuo was utterly baffled.

What was going on? He came to apologize, yet Mr. Tang said he was busy, but there was David Martinez by his side?

In his daze, Katsuo thought he heard "let's eat."

They were going to have lunch together?

Thinking he was seeing things, Katsuo blinked his cybernetic eyes and looked again.

Indeed, it was Mr. Tang and David Martinez, who had entered the elevator, leaving the thirty-third floor of the counter-intelligence department.

Katsuo was devastated, a mix of confusion, humiliation, frustration, and indignation swirling in his mind.

He stood there, long after they left, staring blankly.

The public elevator stopped on the first floor of the Arasaka Tower.

Tang Yu walked out briskly, with David following closely behind. The two left the company plaza, heading towards the valley district to find a tea restaurant for lunch.

Curious about Katsuo, David was the first to speak up.

"Mr. Tang, am I delaying your work by inviting you to lunch? It seemed like Katsuo had something important to discuss with you."

Tang Yu glanced at David, finding him somewhat naive, and chuckled, "Katsuo is an intern, just like you. What important matter could he possibly have with me? He just came to apologize, that's all."

David nodded in agreement. Given their academic performance, Katsuo was not superior to him, and it was unlikely he would be working on any core technology in the R&D department. But Katsuo's father was a senior executive, undoubtedly influential to Tang Yu.

"Katsuo holds grudges. After taking two slaps, he would probably bear a grudge, wouldn't he? I used to avoid him."

Tang Yu knew David was telling the truth. In life simulation, even after a car accident, losing Gloria, David just numbly endured everything and never thought of revenge.

David was kind, but that didn't mean he lacked principles or temper. It's just that he cared too much about too many things, and the psychological pressure was indeed overwhelming for someone his age.

Tang Yu then comforted the kind young man beside him.

"You know too little about human nature. After getting slapped twice, Katsuo will understand today I did him a favor."

David looked up at Tang Yu, puzzled and questioning. After losing face today, based on Katsuo's personality, he likely wouldn't let things go easily.

"Why is that? I used to avoid him, and he only became more aggressive."

With a calm explanation, Tang Yu said, "Because I didn't give him the third slap today, so he'll appreciate my kindness."

"Whether in Night City or in the company, as long as you're tough enough, they'll be afraid of you. And when you give them a smile someday, they'll think it's a beautiful day."

David nodded thoughtfully, digesting these words. It was rare for Tang Yu to share such insights with him.

Seeing him deeply engrossed, Tang Yu wanted to keep him from misunderstanding, adding a disclaimer to his previous words.

"I suppose that's generally true, but it varies from person to person. For instance, it doesn't apply to you."

"Katsuo comes from a powerful family, and among your peers, few can surpass him in resources or status."

"Trying to compete with him would not only be futile but would also bring trouble upon yourself."

"In life, you seldom need the advice of others."

"Some live for their beliefs, others for the opinions of people around them. The only thing to follow is your heart."

"No one can guarantee a thrilling or carefree life in Night City, but living true to yourself, at least in this damned city, isn't that enjoyable?"

David gazed at Tang Yu intently, trying to absorb every nuance of meaning in his words.

For the first time in his seventeen years, someone had spoken to him so earnestly.

Engrossed in work, Gloria had little time to care about his thoughts and feelings. Just getting him into the Arasaka Academy exhausted all her efforts.

His classmates and teachers at the academy were distant, none becoming his friend, let alone defending him against bullies like Katsuo.


From the moment David had memories, he walked alone on the path named 'growth.'

He stumbled through an unremarkable childhood and entered an even grayer adolescence.

His heart was tender but scarred, forced to suppress himself, making the surrounding situation seem not so bad.

Just to survive his studies, he had already exhausted all his energy.

So, David loved watching cyberdreams, experiencing those thrilling and exciting lives, falling in love with the adrenalizing battles.

He was just a boy, a seventeen-year-old boy.

In his youth, without the luxury of youthful dreams.

Suddenly, David's vision blurred, as if covered in a layer of mist, obscuring the path ahead.

He couldn't understand the source of this sudden melancholy. It wasn't exactly comforting, yet it was more than that.

Like always enduring silently, trying to get used to walking through thorns, his sensitive and lonely heart slowly sinking into numbness and darkness.

For the first time, light penetrated that darkness.

Walking with tears, David wept silently.

Tang Yu tightly hugged David's shoulders, patting him twice, and said,

"Little bro, come here."

"Forget about Katsuo, forget about this ridiculous Night City, and disregard the looks from others."

"Even if you live for those you care about, don't forget."

"Be yourself."