
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

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191 Chs

Chapter 101

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Arasaka Tower.

Special Assistant?

Tang Yu had just stepped into the spacious office of Miss Michiko when the other party took the initiative to greet him and briefly introduced herself.

He guessed she must be Miss Michiko's personal assistant and didn't pay much attention, only feeling that her behavior was somewhat odd.

Sasha politely placed her hands in front of her, her beautiful pink and blue eyes large and shimmering with a neon quality.

A pure white uniform dress perfectly wrapped her body, coupled with black long-legged boots, outlining her slender waist curve.

Her black short hair framed her face like cat ears, and a black circlet added a playful catgirl flavor.

The reason Tang Yu found it strange was not Sasha's beauty, but her way of talking and body language seemed a bit stiff and uncoordinated.

He didn't think too much of it, perhaps it was another piece of Arasaka's black tech, such as a cyber replicant.

Over the years, Arasaka delved into cloning, replicants, consciousness copying, cyberbodies, and more.

After the great net collapse, much of the high-end research data was lost outside the black wall.

Many Arasaka research projects were forced to stop, rebooting those secret projects meant sending hackers deep into cyberspace to 'mine'.

However, Tang Yu hadn't been involved in related projects, so his knowledge was limited.

Seeing only Miss Michiko's exclusive executive desk in the large office, he walked over, sat down in the office chair, and briefly experienced the Arasaka executive office feel.

"Just average."

The minimalist style of the spacious office floor reflected Miss Michiko's minimalist fashion.

The special assistant followed quietly, standing silently beside, her poised stance as if waiting for orders.

Her slightly mechanical footsteps, somewhat stiff dialogue, and makeup as delicate as a porcelain doll, indeed felt somewhat baffling.

Tang Yu adjusted his black-framed glasses and scanned her, finding no abnormalities. All human vital signs were present.

He asked the special assistant beside him, Miss Michiko.

"Sasha Yakovleva, how has Director Michiko arranged to participate in the meeting remotely?"

Sasha's eyes fluttered as if processing the received message, then politely replied, "Director Michiko asks you to make yourself comfortable. The remote connection program is ready as per your request, and you can start it anytime."

Tang Yu tapped the silver office desk, activating the office's holographic projection, and a clear three-dimensional image floated in the air, connecting in real-time to the jungle meeting room.

Directors at Arasaka Tower were already seated, prepared to start today's high-level board meeting.

Tang Yu was not that interested in the content of the board meeting; he was more curious about what Michiko wanted to discuss with him later.

If there was another tough job lined up, it would be rather annoying since he was the deputy head of counterintelligence, not Michiko's personal assistant. Being treated like a handyman wasn't ideal.

Now, Tang Yu was like doing three jobs at once in Arasaka Corporation.

Arthur Jenkins was on a business trip, leaving a pile of issues in counterintelligence for him.

The real head of Special Operations, Susan Abernathy, had taken a leave of absence, leaving the department without leadership.

And there was another Arasaka director waiting, possibly assigning him some private task.

Even if Tang Yu was skilled at driving, managing three chariots was a challenging task.

Tang Yu massaged his temples, thinking field work was better since it provided both salary and bonuses, and it also offered opportunities to slack off.

Seeing Tang Yu seemed somewhat distressed, Sasha leaned slightly forward, politely asking, "Mr. Tang, Sasha noticed you're in a state of mental fatigue. Would you like to activate Sasha's service mode?"

What service mode?

Tang Yu looked up at Sasha, noticing her face naturally smiling, seeming unaware of any issue with her previous question.


But he had just scanned her, and all her human vital signs seemed normal, her appearance meticulously maintained through special means, not to the extent of missing such details.

Furthermore, he found that Sasha not only possessed hacking skills, but also clear traces of combat cyberware implants.

Yet, how could a living person's behavior resemble that of a newly made cyber replicant?

Tang Yu gazed into Sasha's gem-like eyes, seeking any clue in her gaze.

Her eyes, deep as cat's eyes and shining like jewels, as if hiding her deepest feelings.

Sasha, noticing Tang Yu's intense gaze, gradually showed a puzzled expression, confirming again, "Sasha noticed your gaze is intense and warm. Do you have any needs? Sasha's service mode can be activated."

Tang Yu: "..."

He withdrew his somewhat awkward gaze, wondering how it became intense and warm. Besides, Sasha kept recommending the service mode, making the 'replicant' quite manageable.

Without understanding Sasha's true nature, Tang Yu had to classify her as a 'replicant', having human characteristics but behaving like a newborn AI.

Tang Yu speculated that she might be another terrifying black tech developed by Arasaka Corporation, with countless bloody crimes hidden behind.

However, since she was Miss Michiko's special assistant, it didn't concern him much, so he didn't pay much attention to whether Sasha was a real person or a replicant.

With that in mind.

Tang Yu took up her offer, asking, "What services do you have?"

Asking felt odd, like speaking human language to a non-human, an AI occupying a human body, attempting to live as a human while seeking to understand real human thoughts and needs.

Sasha responded naturally, her eyes twinkling, "You can choose from various Sasha service modes, including but not limited to, intimate service mode, household service mode, work service mode..."

"If you find the above service modes unsatisfactory, you can set a custom mode. Sasha will provide services tailored to your personalized needs, not limited to intimate plus maid service, combat mode plus hacking infiltration..."

Wait a minute.

Tang Yu listened to her rapid explanation, feeling increasingly dizzy. Miss Michiko's special assistant was indeed special, even coming up with intimate maid services.

Such a special assistant should be brought home, not the company. He wondered what Miss Michiko was thinking.

Tang Yu quickly gestured for Sasha to stop, then helplessly said, "Alright, just get me a cup of hot water."

Immediately, Sasha ceased talking, took Tang Yu's instruction seriously, and replied, "Okay, based on your vital signs, Sasha suggests your water intake this time should be 200 milliliters, at a temperature of 54 degrees Celsius."

Tang Yu didn't know what else to say and simply nodded, accepting her advice.

While Sasha went to get water, Tang Yu watched the live broadcast of the board meeting.

Jungle Meeting Room.

As its name suggested, the room's theme was jungle green ecology.

Surrounded by green plants and bushes, the center of the silver platform was a large conference table.

Arasaka's senior bodyguards were stationed around, closely monitoring every movement to ensure the meeting's security.

All members of Arasaka Tower's board in Night City had entered the room, taking their seats at their respective places, making the meeting atmosphere increasingly solemn.

Tang Yu noticed it was similar to the last time he remotely watched the board meeting, but the board members' resplendent cyberware and luxurious attire had changed, becoming even more high-end and exquisite.

Members of the Arasaka board were at the top of Night City's food chain, enjoying the latest and most advanced technology, changing cyberware as easily as dining.

With all board members present, they just awaited Director Michiko's arrival.

Soon enough.

Click, click, click...

With the sound of high heels clicking on the floor, Miss Michiko, accompanied by her private security, slowly entered the jungle meeting room.

She approached the conference table, scanning the room with a commanding gaze. Wearing a blue dress and blue crystal heels, she became the center of attention, like a blue enchantress.

Miss Michiko looked around the board members, and seeing everyone present, she began to preside over the board meeting.

The meeting covered numerous topics and decisions, which were much more than what Tang Yu had handled in his big exposure.But the revelation of the experimental Militechnology prosthetics was definitely the highlight of this board meeting.

Michiko first discussed with board members about various matters concerning the Arasaka Tower, including diplomacy, trade, intelligence, special operations, and even plans for the development and expansion of the Arasaka Waterfront Industrial Park. The meeting was evidently substantial.

These discussion topics bored Tang Yu as they seemed to be the same old, uninspired things.

It was all about undermining others through various means, such as leveraging Arasaka's powerful media matrix, legal teams, financial technology, and armed special operations, including but not limited to assassination, kidnapping, extortion, and bribery.

As long as it benefited the company maximally, it was unanimously supported by the board, considering the performance of the Arasaka Tower in Night City directly linked to their salaries, bonuses, and perks.

Tang Yu's perception of the Arasaka Tower from top to bottom was one of disgust and nausea.

Starting from the core of the company, the Arasaka Family, down to the directors, management team, and even the rank-and-file employees, all became cogs in the giant machine that is Arasaka, continuously providing it with nourishment and blood.

At this moment, Sasha approached with warm water, carefully placed it on the table, and then quietly stood behind Tang Yu, hands folded in front of her, without saying a word.

Tang Yu thanked her after taking a sip of the warm water, finding the temperature just right.

Sasha quietly responded, "Mr. Tang, you're welcome. Are you feeling tired?"

Realizing she might offer some peculiar services, Tang Yu changed the subject and asked, "Sasha, how long have you been working at Arasaka?"

He wasn't interested in the board meeting and wanted to know more about Sasha Yakovleva's background.

Sasha's eyes flickered as if she was pondering or retrieving information, then replied, "Mr. Tang, sorry, I cannot answer your question. Since I opened my eyes, I have been in this office."

Tang Yu nodded slightly, thinking her response was not problematic, considering Sasha, as Michiko's special assistant, must have been serving here for a long time with various peculiar service modes.

It was unclear what Sasha really was, but if she was a cybernetic being, staying and working in this office the size of half a football field wasn't much of an issue; everything was set by mechanical programs.

However, Sasha, with a human body, might not entirely be a cybernetic being. Tang Yu speculated that her nearly perfect body might have been stripped of consciousness by Arasaka and controlled by Artificial Intelligence that might still be learning and growing.

Tang Yu thought Sasha seemed not very bright, suggesting a higher likelihood of this possibility. Having seen Arasaka's dark methods, turning a living person into a cyber-being wasn't new.

Moreover, Tang Yu knew another exception - AI brainwashing, but ruled it out directly.

This was the high level of Arasaka Tower, had it been the high-level of Yaoroshi Company, AI brainwashing would have been his first choice.

Therefore, Tang Yu believed there was something unusual behind Sasha.

Tang Yu posed another question, "Do you still remember being a hacker?"

Sasha paused, then answered, "Sasha can activate combat mode, you can select the hacking function, which includes electronic invasion, overheating of prosthetics..."

Seeing her still so automated in her responses, Tang Yu realized Sasha's AI had much to learn.

Thinking it over.

Tang Yu turned his chair to face Sasha, stood up, and looking down at her neon eyes, said solemnly, "Sasha, forget those services and garbage modes. You need to feel yourself, say what you really want to say, understand?"

Such words were beyond the comprehension of programmed AI; only a learning AI might grasp something. But what Tang Yu really wanted to test was whether there was a glimpse of human consciousness deep inside Sasha.

Following Tang Yu's serious interrogation and penetrating gaze, Sasha seemed to freeze, her natural smile stiffened, and a hint of panic appeared.

Tang Yu, catching this slight expression, felt he got his answer.

Sasha quickly recovered, smiling at Tang Yu with a hint of confusion, softly saying, "Sasha, seems to understand a bit."

This ambiguous response satisfied Tang Yu somewhat.

At least it indicated that Sasha was learning and growing. Otherwise, what difference would there be between her and those intelligent robots manufactured by Kangtao?

Tang Yu absentmindedly stroked Sasha's head.

"Not bad, you're learning fast."

After saying this, he turned back to his desk, picked up his tea cup, continuing to watch today's Arasaka board meeting.

Meanwhile, Sasha, standing behind Tang Yu, had a fleeting moment of joy in her glowing eyes, quickly fading away, still standing quietly behind Tang Yu.

As the meeting progressed, it soon reached its final key agenda item, discussing countermeasures against Militechnology.

Michiko seemed very firm. Having been criticized by the hawkish faction of the board and questioned by her uncle Rei Arasaka in Kyoto last time, she had long wanted to vent her frustration.

However, she still maintained her usual habit of letting board members discuss among themselves first to understand the situation better before she made a final decision.

The debate on countermeasures against Militechnology among board members became increasingly intense, with a strong smell of gunpowder in the meeting.

One of the board members stated, "I believe it's necessary to counter Militechnology, but not in this way. Exposing the secrets of Militechnology experiments will inevitably backfire."

"I think Director Johnny has a point. We all know well that all major companies in Night City have skeletons in their closets. If we expose these now, Arasaka will also be put in a difficult position."

"Indeed, if it leads to an anti-Arasaka wave, it won't be easy to calm things down. It'll make our work with the city councilors even more difficult."

"Mayor Lucius Rhyne has already come asking what this is all about, wanting to know if Arasaka is deliberately stirring trouble, forcing other companies into a corner."

Mayor Lucius Rhyne has a deep relationship with Arasaka Corporation. Six years ago, he proposed that Arasaka re-enter Night City to shield it from the Metal Wars, eventually earning the honorary title of Free Mayor.

Now, Night City has become an internationally independent city, unique in the world.

Hearing these board members' statements, Michiko's expression was cold, showing complete disdain for their words.

It was they who shouted for full resistance against Militechnology at first, and now they also found problems with countering Militechnology.

Unquestionably, this faction of board members belonged to Rei Arasaka's hawkish faction.

Michiko knew the reason for their flip-flopping; through various channels, they heard that her uncle Rei Arasaka was coming to Night City.

If Rei Arasaka came, he would undoubtedly dominate Night City, aiming to embarrass Michiko, hoping she would step down.

However, if Rei Arasaka really came to Night City, she would be unable to contend with him, but for now, Rei Arasaka was still in Kyoto.

The Arasaka Tower in Night City was still under Michiko's control.

She had already calculated that causing trouble for Militechnology and showing her stance to her grandfather Saburo Arasaka would affirm her firm position in the Arasaka Family.

Then, the likelihood of Rei Arasaka coming to Night City would be low. Without Saburo Arasaka's permission, even if Rei Arasaka came on his own, Michiko wouldn't yield power to him.

In Arasaka Corporation, Michiko would always listen to only one person, that being the sole deity of Arasaka.

Lord Saburo Arasaka.