
Cyberpunk 2077: Doom

Victor Von Doom born into the detestable and dystopian world of cyberpunk oc/? AU, (To clarify the protagonist is an oc and an archetype of Doom. Oc has essences for powers.) - This fanfic will be posted under Royalroad, Fanfiction.net, Spacebattles and Scribble Hub under the same username. Any other usernames won't be mine.

TheDarkDark · Video Games
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19 Chs


Relevant as of 26/06/2024


>Essence of the Sorcerer Emperor 

Tier 1 (Unlocked)

Basics - A body above peak human in ability, sculpted to one of your tastes

Tier 2

Flesh crafting via fairy tale archetypes – Orcs, goblins, trolls, etc – note certain requirements must be met

Tier 3

Emperor's will – completely overwhelm all entities around the user

Tier 4

There can only be one – Internal powers cannot be drained, suppressed, weakened, stolen, copied, controlled, or otherwise manipulated against your will. Likewise, your being cannot be altered, manipulated or otherwise perverted against your will. 

Tier 5

Endless endurance, stamina and immunity to pain

>Essence of the Artificer 

Tier 1 (Unlocked)

Recycle random junk into usable components 

Tier 2 (Unlocked)

Able to craft artifacts – able to craft uncommon gear

Tier 3 (Unlocked)

Crafted artifacts can now be Imbued with quirks – able to craft rare gear 

Tier 4 (Unlocked)

Artifacts grow with user – able to craft Epic gear 

Tier 5 (Unlocked)

Able to craft without necessary tools only schematics – able to craft legendary gear 

>Essence of the binder 

Tier 1 (Unlocked)

Able to mark targets with a Sigil of your own design which compels absolute loyalty to you – User can freely manipulate the Sigil. Marked targets are able to telepathically communicate with user or with each other – depending on the will of the user and the other it may be resisted.

Tier 2

Marked targets can now be summoned and dismissed by the user

Tier 3

Even in death a marked lives – Target soul is tied to the user and can be brought back. Note: prior marked targets that have fallen cannot be returned back

Tier 4

Allows marked access to your essence's at your discretion; user can set parameters

Tier 5

Marked targets are now able to mark others and give access to weaker essences bestowed by the user.

>Essence of the Archmage

Tier 1 (Unlocked)

Perfect memory with infinite storage

Tier 2 (Unlocked)

Mana is unlocked

Tier 3

Capacity to learn any magic system of any variation

Tier 4

Can teach any magic system of any variation – allows student access to mana

Tier 5

Can merge, or manipulate pre-existing magic systems – limited only to ones willpower and mana capacity

>Essence of the Inner world/home 

Tier 1 (Unlocked)

Unlocks Inner world

Tier 2 (Unlocked)

Inner world can be manipulated to users whim – Reality warping only within the inner world

Tier 3

Can now transverse without a medium

Tier 4

All necessities are met with those inside never aging – Immortal only within the Inner world

Tier 5

Inner world has the capacity to transverse multiverse – Limited to willpower and mana capacity