
A demon in sheep's clothing (part 3)

Life inside a small village went on as usual. People walked in the streets while the marketplace was busy as usual. Nothing but a disaster could disturb the peace that reigned over it. Suddenly, the village went silent. One second ago, people talked and cars rolled and the next second, every single ounce of sound disappeared.

An aura of darkness infected the peaceful nature surrounding the village as Death flew over the village's sky. Every single creature inside the village was frozen in place like a statue before their eyes rolled backward. Soon, like zombies, everyone started to follow Death as if they were flies around a lamp.

When Death reached the imperial capital in Cheng Du, he was met, not by an army but by a single man. With a single move of his hand, Death ordered his army of slaves to stop. In his army, there were soldiers of all different factions, average citizens of different occupations and even some Cyberknights; All of them under his control.

Upon closer inspection, Death noticed that the man was none other than CR-455, the cowardly emperor of the fallen empire. Death grunted in anger, insulted by CR-455's insolence. To Death, this was an insult.

[Death] - "How dare you challenge me! Where is your army, CR-455? "

[CR-455] - "There is just me. "

[Death] - "You'll pay for this insulting arrogance! You are nothing but an ant in front of me and my army. "

[CR-455] - "You have already lost. I simply need to snap my finger to put you in a checkmate. "

Said CR-455 with a smug expression on his face.

Angered by CR-455's comment, Death reached his hand forward and activated his ability but CR-455 was nowhere to be found. Instead, he felt an intense pain in his chest. When he looked down, he saw that his heart was missing from the giant hole in his chest.

[CR-455] - "You are nothing but a relic of the past. To say the least, you lost your battle against time. The world is not yours, it is mine and mine alone. "

Said CR-455 as he stood behind Death with his still-beating heart in his hand.

The old tyrant was that day, humiliated. Time has won against him. Back in the ancient days, there was no one in the world capable of challenging him but today, not only there are people capable of challenging him, but also surpassing him. Death, at that moment, didn't understand how CR-455, a feeble and cowardly emperor without any significant power, could defeat him so easily.

Time has won against him but was this really the work of time? After all, the cave people were the only ones to know about the crystals and their potential. The cave was sealed behind a hundred metres wall of volcanic rock as Death and his followers entered hibernation but when they woke up, the human world had already learned to surpass their power. A once undefeatable tyrant has become a mere subordinate to Sniper the moment he awakened from his slumber.

Now, even with Sniper's death, the world doesn't lack crystal users capable of defeating him. After this humiliating defeat at the hands of CR-455, Death retreated into obscurity once more, plotting a time to come back for his revenge.

*Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, in Canada, where the fire of war has yet to reach.

The door to an empty room creaked open as Kadyn dragged a huge bag of groceries into the living room. After shutting the door behind her, Kadyn looked at the empty apartment. There was an eerie silence with the only sound being her laboured breathing. But despite everything, Kadyn smiled in relief. She was finally able to escape from it all.

Later that day, Kadyn walked around inside a furniture retailer filled with small pre-decorated rooms. After a short walk, she came across a fully-furbished kitchen with a tidy wood cabin esthetic. Like a shock of electricity, the room struck her heart like Cupid's arrow. After sitting down at the kitchen counter, Kadyn suddenly heard sizzling coming from the stove.

After raising her head, she saw Mike cooking strips of bacon inside a pan. With a surprised look in her eyes, Kadyn jumped out of her seat but fell hard against the floor. Without minding her pain, Kadyn climbed back up only to see that there was no one by the stove. Disappointed, Kadyn moved forward toward the other exhibits but as she strolled across the living room section, she walked past a living room set with Mike in one of the armchairs.

She abruptly came to a screeching stop and accidentally attracted the curious look of some bystanders. With an awkward smile on her face, Kadyn slowly retreated into the living room set but when she turned around, the pair of armchairs were empty. With a sigh, Kadyn sat in one of the armchairs and took a good look at the room's decor.

[Kadyn] - "You know our children will grow up in these rooms right? "

Kadyn turned her head toward the other armchair.

[Kadyn] - "Yeah, children, dear. I'm having twins. "

Said Kadyn with a bittersweet smile on her face.

The fake fire from the fireplace let off a few holographic sparks.

[Kadyn] - "I'm excited too. These room designs aren't bad choices, so how about we settle for these today? We'll decide on the kids' room design another time. "

Later that night, after walking out of checkout with a metre-long receipt, Kadyn noticed the food court with long lines of people waiting to get their orders. As Kadyn walked out of the store with an ice cream in one hand and a hot dog in the other, she turned around to see the big yellow "IKEA" logo displayed above the store entrance.

[Kadyn] - "Ooooh! So that's what's called. IKEA, the house of Swedish homes and 5-dollar hot dogs! "

Said Kadyn with a look of amazement.

Time went on as the renovation crew moved in and out of the apartment complex with materials and pieces of furniture. After gently shutting the door behind her, Kadyn turned around to see the pre-constructed rooms replicated inside her home.

The pan sizzled as Kadyn cooked herself some bacon before arriving at the armchairs with two plates. Gently, Kadyn deposited Mike's coat on one of the armchairs before she herself sat on the other. Like a hungry fox, Kadyn devoured her meal before downing a cup of soda. But upon seeing Mike's portion still steaming hot on the other side, Kadyn giggled before jumping onto Mike's seat and wrapping herself in Mike's coat.

[Kadyn] - "I know you won't mind, right? The babies need nutriment. "

Said Kadyn enthusiastically before she started emptying Mike's plate.

Later that night, Kadyn rolled in a ball inside Mike's coat as she watched a movie on the giant screen in the middle of the living room. Kadyn's face was full of joy for the first time in so long. She was happy as if her dream had come true. Without realizing it, Kadyn fell asleep inside the coat's warm embrace; it was the most peaceful sleep she ever had.

*Back inside the Allied base

[Jagger] - "You have no idea where she went, huh? "

Said Jagger in a sombre tone.

[Dane] - "You sick son of a bitch! If I knew sooner what you did to her... "

Jagger punched Dane in the abdomen and caused him to vomit blood.

[Jagger] - "Now, now, until you can find her, I will break you and everyone I can get my hands on. And if you dare speak of me to anyone, I will kill everyone in the Allied forces including your family. You know I have the power to uphold my promise, so don't be a hero. Hand her to me and everyone will be safe. "

[Dane] - "I told you I don't know where she went, you son of a bitch! "

Said Dane in a defiant voice.

[Jagger] - "Is it really worth protecting her using your life and the life of those dear to you? "

Said Jagger as he used his ability to split a coin into tiny metallic needles.

The needles approached Dane before his fingers were forcefully stretched forward.

[Dane] - "Do your worst, cocksucker! "

The needles slowly drove themselves into Dane's nails as a muffled scream came from the room. By the end of the night, Dane passed out from the pain while Jagger stared intently out of the window. His eyes were fixed on the horizon afar with a clear expression of hatred burning inside them.

[Jagger] - "You have no idea how I'm addicted to you. You can run but your road will inevitably end. Even as I'm walking, I'll catch up to you eventually. "

Jagger angrily smashed his fist into the window while his body trembled with excitement.

[Jagger] - "And by then, I'll enjoy every single moment of your suffering! "

Said Jagger with a psychotic grin on his face.

To be continued...